Our board operates on a consensus basis in all matters, employing the group process methodology of Formal Consensus. We do so because we believe that equality of contribution to decisions greatly increases our ability to find the best and most creative outcomes aligned with our mission, vision and values. We also believe it imperative to engage the most committed form of democracy possible to model our core value of Mutual Respect for our students and community. In our deliberations, we recognize and remember that all participants in the process always share responsibility for the quality of our experience. Participants place ultimate reliance on the founding ideas of our school–its vision, mission, and values- rather than any personal agenda. The group’s highest intention is to guide the school toward the most profound and creative realizations of those ideas. Mission The Seven Generations Charter School is an academically rich educational community creating generations of stewards who embrace our world and each other. All members of the Seven Generations Charter School community are committed to a public education alternative that promotes sustainability and citizenship with an interdisciplinary, individualized, project based curriculum. Vision To each Seven Generations student, we pledge: • An experiential, constructivist approach to education that encourages hands-on learning in the community as well as in the classroom • A culturally rich atmosphere that celebrates the expansive world around us • An environment of academic excellence that taps into the creativity and uniqueness of each child and that fosters mutual respect • An integrated learning experience that emphasizes sustainable living practices. Core Values Creativity; Hands-on; Academic Excellence; Cultural Richness; Integrated; Sustainable; Mutual Respect Purpose of agenda item 1 Assign roles Discussion Presenter Process: Facilitator, timekeeper, note taker Open Door - any staff member can come to speak to the board about concerns 2 3 Agenda item Surveys - Final Thoughts Administration Team will look at data and the mission and vision of the school and see what is impeding the school to meeting that mission and vision. Develop a strategic plan based on this. Parent Survey will have final review tonight Parent surveys will be posted online Monday Dec. 14th. Constant contact will go out from the BOT and admin team. Administration team will develop a staff survey Develop a comprehensive planning committee Steve and Brian will work on this. Need 2 staff members and 1 parent, committee will be set be Dec. 15 Min. Time 5 6:00 PM Anyone 10 6:05 PM All 10 6:15 PM 4 Discussion 205 min. 7:00 Middle School Admissions Discussion Concern - students who are enrolling at this time may not be coming to Seven Gen for our mission and vision. Concern- increased number of students will diverse needs that we cannot met with our resources Businessenrollment Meetingwill Agenda Concern- suspending have financial impact on the middle school. All 30 6:25 PM – 10:25 12/8/2015 Purpose of agenda item 1 Assign roles Agenda item Presenter Min. Time Introduction to Meeting Facilitator & others Agenda review (facilitator can allow time for silent reading, then request any changes, then call for consensus on the agenda) Reading of Mission and Vision Reading Check in – give everyone in the room a chance to speak Call to order/Roll call: Brian Anthony, Lori Friebolin, Courtney Kennedy, Ben Loomis, Jim Moreno, Stephen Peters, Al Russell, Christopher Sten Approval of Minutes from previous month and additional meeting (November 17th and December 1st, 2015) Approved by Consensus Public Comment (Facilitator: first give time to any issue on the agenda, then open to comments not specifically about agenda) Question about the climate of the middle school and how the climate is going to improve. Parent expressed concern about student concerns. Response from Mr. Hunter – both he and Mrs. Hersh have been spending time at the MS to help the culture. With the addition of Mrs. Cossman as Assistant Principal she will also be spending time at the middle school Student government is returning to allow student to have more of a voice in the school. Mrs. Micio is also revising her schedule to meet with students at the Middle School. Concern expressed about school buses pulling out of the Middle school parking lot without stopping or not stopping at pedestrian crossing on Minor St. Mr. Hunter will communicate with all bus service providers about this concern. Community Circle Report– high concern about staff turnover, why is the student government not up and running? Are staff funds frozen? If so how are staff getting supplies? Response from Mr. Hunter- due to budget issues teacher budgets are being reviewed and approved based on needs. With school districts holding funds and monies not being received from the state we need to be conservative in our spending. 10 7:00 PM 10 7:10 PM 3 Proposal The Board of Trustees approves the hire of Kelli Wait as a per diem substitute teacher. Approved by consensus Andy Rowan 5 7:20 PM 4 Acknowledgment The Board of Trustees acknowledges the resignation of Ann Hugosson Middle School ELA teacher. The Board of Trustees acknowledges the resignation of Rachael Prosser food prep and recess aides. Andy Rowan Andy Rowan 5 7:25 PM 5 7:30 PM 2 Discussion 5 Acknowledgment 6 Acknowledgment 7 Discussion/ Proposal The Board of Trustees acknowledges the resignation of Erica Sampson food prep and recess aide. The Board of Trustees approves to suspend enrollment of the 6th and 7th grade classes as of December 8, 2015 for the remainder of the school year. As we did last school year at this time. Approved by Consensus Andy Rowan Admin Team 5 7:35 PM 10 7:40 PM 8 Presentation EIC Director's Report Jen Hersh Mrs. Hersh and Mr. Hunter attended a Mom’s group meeting in Bethlehem last week to share information about the school. Great recruitment opportunity. Penn State Lehigh Valley Writing Project will be providing professional development in the area of writing for the remainder of the school year. 20 7:50 PM 9 Discussion Review of parent survey questionnaire. Steve Peters presented the reasoning behind the survey and the type of questions that will be on the survey. Families with more than one student in the school should be able to complete more than one survey. Areas on the survey include demographics; academic curriculum, school work and homework; teachers and academic progress; social standards, behavior and discipline; school administration and communication; board of trustees; parent engagement and community; and open ended questions. Student and staff surveys will also be forthcoming. Constant contact and a one-call notification will go out to ask families to complete the survey The Board of Trustees approves the survey for parents and will proceed to request responses from the community. Approved by Consensus Steve Peters 25 8:10 PM Steve Peters 5 8:35 PM 11 Presentation Principal's Report Paul Hunter MS School Counselor – interviews are taking place this week. 7th and 8th grade ELA interviews are taking place next week Mr. Hunter attended training on Special Education Indicator 13 – transitioning for special education students 14 and beyond. 20 8:40 PM 12 Presentation Committee Reports (3-4 min. each 13 Presentation Finance • Bill list (Proposal to approve, 5 min) Approved by Consensus • Financial reports (5 min report) 10 Proposal 14 Proposal The Board of Trustees approves to acknowledge the following errors (See attachment 2015-12-8 SGCS BOT Agenda attachment) in our process of adopting and posting policies and to acknowledge all the items shows as “THEREFORE”s in these items. All items approved by consensus 15 Proposal The Board of Trustees approves to adopt the new policy 013 (Formal Consensus) as an overarching policy. Approved by Consensus 9:00 PM 20 9:00 PM Lee Merendino Al Russell 10 9:20 PM Al Russell 5 9:30 PM 16 Proposal The Board of Trustees approves the following reformatted policies (See attachment 2015-12-8 SGCS BOT Agenda attachment) Approved by consensus 17 Presentation School Committees Development Food and Wellness Library Property and Facilities - Courtney Kennedy Seven Gen Lends Technology 18 Presentation Staff-led Committees Social Emotional & Academic Culture Committee EIC Sunshine Committee (Staff) Sunshine Committee (Student) 19 Presentation Community Committee Community Circle- see public comment Time allotted for last-minute additions and/or extensions 20 Discussion Al Russell N/A 21 Discussion 22 All present have opportunity to speak Public Comments (on any item relating to the school) Evaluation of meeting General questions to keep in mind; but any evaluative comment is welcome: • What was the overall experience of participating in this meeting like? • Did we meet our goals for this meeting? • Was the process efficient, clear, and fair? Anyone Anyone 23 Adjourn Thank you for your time and participation in the Seven Gen. community! 10 9:35 PM 0 9:45 PM 0 9:45 PM 0 9:45 PM 25 9:45 PM 10 5 10:10 PM 10:20 PM 10:25 PM