your spa show flip chart and script

This guide should be partnered with the JE Flip Chart, and will help you with education and verbiage to use
during spa shows. For more information on party bookings, please refer to the learning library. Each time you
present a Jordan Essentials Spa Show you are opening your business and we are here to help you succeed!
The Flip Chart Benefits
Opportunity for Duplication – Each person watching your presentation will think, “With a tool like that, I
can become a Consultant!”
You do not have to be a public speaker to be successful.
Accurate information is always given.
The Show has a set time – Not too long or too short.
The chart takes you through the Hostess Program, Sales Opportunity, and Products.
Visual Aid – They see the products and information.
Easy to follow.
You can see we have designed everything with a system for personal elements and a formula for success that
really works.
Practice and learn the verbiage intended for each page of the Flip Chart at least three times!
Smile and have fun - This will help you be confident and will show confidence in your Show Outline and
products displayed.
Shows are a simple, fun, and productive way for you to build relationships in your business, as well as
spend quality time with your customers.
We want some of your guests at the Spa Show to think, “This looks so easy, I could do that! Simply flip
the pages, share the products, and MAKE MONEY!”
The Spa Show Flip Chart should be used at every Show for groups or individuals – plus, it makes a great
display at booths.
Record yourself to determine if you are speaking too fast or too slow.
Practice in front of a mirror so that you can see your facial expressions and get an idea of the energy you
are showing your guests.
1. Basic Skin Care
2. Facial Skin Care System
3. Mineral Makeup
Holding a successful Show begins with a warm and wonderful attitude. Being fun and upbeat, as well as
professional and personable, no matter how many people are at the Show, will make it a success. We have
three types of shows and many theme party variations for you and your Hostess to choose from.
This training guide will outline the entire Jordan Essentials product line – Body, Face, and Mineral Makeup.
However, ideally you would do a body care show first, and then book facial and mineral make-over parties with
attendees from the body care show.
The script provided in this guide is meant to be a tutorial. Try not to read the content word for word
during your shows.
Each of the three sections has the same beginning and ending. The products featured, educated, and
experiences shared will differ.
Key Points
Practice using your Flip Chart
Use the products
Know the benefits
Have a positive attitude
Share information with enthusiasm and from your heart
Preshow Checklist
Before you leave for your Spa Show, make sure you have everything you need. Check that everything looks
beautiful and is in perfect condition.
 Hostess Packets ready to give to new Hostesses who book a Spa Show including:
o 4 catalogs, 6 order forms for outside orders, Lotion Bar Sample set for fragrances, Hostess’s
flyer for tips, opportunity information, and hostess envelope
 Opportunity Packets for potential new Team Members
 The Master Spa Show Order Form (for use at the end of the night to help the Hostess add up her
 Flip Chart
 Table Cloth/Covering – A solid color works best
 Products to Demonstrate
 Paper Towels
o We recommend Viva because they are cloth like
 A Spoon or Scoop for Salt Scrub
 Table and Items for any Games you will play
o You can ask the Hostess to supply a table for you as well
 Hostess and Small Gift Items
o Product samples are good to use for your games products
 Pens
 A Calculator and a Money Bag With Change for those who pay with cash
o Have at least $10 - $15 in ones and fives as well as some change
 Assorted Samples
 Signs to place around the room about Specials, etc.
o You can find these on training center in the JE University Learning Library
 Catalogs with Order Forms Inserted
 Booking Tools, Booking Bags, Booking Board, Envelopes, etc.
 Shipping Price List
 Foot Tubs – for spa shows only
 Cotton balls, Q-Tips, Mascara Wands, Fan Brushes – for mineral makeup shows only
Arrive at Show
Now you are ready to go to your Hostess’s home. If you are not familiar with where you are going, give yourself
some extra time.
You should arrive approximately one hour before the event begins and park where you can unload your
products and small table easily. Don’t be early or late, but right on time! As a courtesy, be sure to move your
car after you have unloaded so that guests will have the best parking.
If you have logo stickers on your car, it will make a nice impression, makes you look professional, and the guests
will know they are at the right place!
First impressions are the best, so make sure when you arrive at her door you look professional with your dress,
hair, and makeup and are not out of breath. It is also a good idea to have your hands free. You can go back for
your products after you know where she will want you to set up.
Greet Your Hostess Warmly
First, take a minute to greet your hostess and compliment her. Be sincere and honest whether it is about her
home, her outfit, or even a good hair day. Pick something and compliment her.
By arriving early to your Spa Show, you will have ample time to set up your display and some last minute
coaching with your hostess. She is your business partner for the night. Assure her it will be a wonderful evening
for everyone. Go over any specials for the customers and hostesses. Equip her with knowledge.
Encourage her to participate fully in the Spa Show with her friends and comment on her favorite products. Ask
about who is coming that would book a Spa Show and might possibly be interested in joining your Team; you
could even plant a seed in her by saying something like, “Put yourself in my Show tonight”. At this time, also
discuss with the hostess about when you will close the show so she will have a firm answer when her guests ask.
Remember, these are her friends and family. Sometimes guests will rely on her recommendations more than
yours! If you have coached her, she will be confident!
It is important that each Show starts on time and ends on time. Respect your hostess, the guests, and your
Each Show will have an Introduction, a Presentation, and a Closing. Your introduction and closing will almost
always be the same, but you should vary the presentation for repeat hostesses and groups. There are party
theme ideas to add variation and other fun ideas located in the JE University Learning Library.
Spa Party Timeline
Allow 15 minutes to give Hand Spas to the guests at the kitchen sink. If you have a large crowd, it could
take up to 20 to 25 minutes. You may want to have two people go at once to cut down on time and
waiting time.
Allow 45 to 60 minutes for the Spa Party demonstration.
Allow 15 to 20 minutes to take orders and close out the show. This may vary according to how many
guests are attending and ordering, as well as how long they shop and visit.
It is important to keep as close to this schedule as possible. It will help your booking and recruiting, if you are
not at the Hostess’s home too late.
Kitchen Sink Hand Spa Station
Every party should include a hand spa. It is the first treatment they will receive and will make a lasting
Each guest should be greeted by the Hostess as they arrive and then directed to you at the kitchen sink. Have
the Hostess serve refreshments at the beginning, so they have washed their hands, eaten and can sit and visit
BEFORE the show …not during.
Your Sink Set-Up Should Include:
 Shower Gel
Soap Saver - filled with the gel and water to make hand wash
Salt Scrub
Spoon or Scoop
Shea Butter Lotion
Paper Towels
As guests arrive, warmly greet them and introduce yourself
Shake Hands.
Use positive body language – Be confident in what you are doing and truly happy they are there
Call them by name – Use nametags if this is difficult for you
Assure them that their time is well spent
Ask each guest about their day and how they know the Hostess
This relationship building time is a very important part of your Spa Show. You are earning the right to make the
sale to the client later on. Be sincere in what you are asking and saying. Act as if you and that person are the
only people in the room. Give her your full attention and be sure and listen – Do not do all the talking. Make
eye contact and smile.
*All bold text below is part of the script that you may use during your party.
 (Place soap from Soap Saver into the palm of guest’s hand)
My name is (name). I am glad you came to (Hostess)’s show. You are going to
have so much fun tonight!
(After they have rinsed their hands, place Salt Scrub in the palm of their hands)
Do you live near here? Have you ever used salt scrub before?
 (Help her rinse her hands)
Doesn’t that feel great?! We call that the WOW factor. People always say wow
when they rinse. Just imagine an allover body exfoliation or just your feet.
(Have her pat dry her hands and then give her a small dot of shea butter)
Tell me what do you do to relax?
(Guest’s name) what do you do with your time in your day?
 (Have her finish her thought and send her to the area where the gathering will occur)
(Guest’s name), thank you so much for visiting with me. Take this foot tub into the
living room and relax! I will be in shortly to share some other treatments and skin
care tips. Enjoy!
Body Care Premier Show Instructions
 Add approx. ½ lid full of Dead Sea salt to the foot tub; while it is filling with warm water, give
her a hand massage to massage in the Shea Butter
 If you are doing a facial or mineral show do the hands and then the gentle cleanser at the sink.
Have a mirror on hand, and Viva Paper towels to use as a wash cloth.
Begin with enthusiasm and excitement! Your energy and love of the products and company will shine through
more than your nerves.
*The arrows in this script indicate a new page in the flip chart. Begin your presentation as guests soak their feet.
 Get your guests involved at the very beginning of your presentation.
Thank you so much for coming. How do your hands feel?
*Guests Respond*
Great! Just think what your skin will feel like when you are using Jordan
Essentials all the time… This was just one application!
 Be sure to smile and shake your head “yes” while saying this.
Ask: If you had an extra $500 per month, what would you spend it on?
 Go around the room and let everyone participate. Hear their needs! After everyone has spent
their imaginary money, invite them to watch what you do, put themselves in your shoes for the
evening, and if this is something they are interested in, there will be time at the end to ask any
questions they have.
 Congratulations! You have planted the first seed for someone to join your team.
There are three things I would like you to walk away with tonight.
1) I want you to love the products as much as I do
2) I want you to learn something - because knowledge is power
3) I want you to have fun! Sit back, relax, chime in, forget your stress, and
have FUN!
Why We Are Here
We are here to experience a very effective system that will give you healthy and
beautiful skin care for your entire family – and it is only about $1 per day.
Many of us have common skin problems and a little education can go a long
I will also show you how to get FREE Products. How does FREE sound? Who likes
*Raise your hand while saying this*
I want to take a minute to share with you why I joined Jordan Essentials…
 Share your story here briefly.
 Thank your Hostess for inviting everyone and allowing you to share Jordan Essentials products in
her home that evening (day). Ask if everyone knows each other. If they don’t, have them go
around the room and introduce themselves and tell how they know the Hostess.
Let’s get started so we have time to sample all of the fragrances and play a little
at the end of the show too.
Let’s learn a little bit about each other…
 This is a great place for an ice breaker game here. See the JE University Learning Library for
Jordan Essentials
 Establish the company – add personal stories about JECO and Nancy that apply to you and your
Jordan Career.
I want to give a little information about the company that makes and shares
these great products with us.
Our American, woman-owned company has been featured in over 30
publications such as USA Today, Women’s World, and Fortune Magazine, as well
as on national television! Jordan Essentials is nationally recognized as the trusted
name in family skin care.
Jordan Essentials began in the year 2000 by Nancy Bogart, who at the time was a
stay-at-home mom. She needed an income and healthy skin care for her family
much like each of us today.
Nancy’s original vision – which still holds true today – is to help women keep their
values of faith and family first while making a good part-time or lucrative full-time
income with our high quality, family-friendly bath, body, and spa products. This
is truly a real skin care solution company for real families!
I am proud to say today that we are an international success story known for our
amazing products and how we empower women to change their and others’
lives with excellent botanical skin care and an income second to none. Jordan
Essentials also manufactures their products in the heartland Ozark Mountains.
We are proud to say Made in the USA!
Ask: How many of you want healthy, beautiful skin? No one wants old and
unhealthy looking skin right?
To reach our goal, we have to be educated! Let me ask you a question. How
many of you are label readers?
Reading labels is important, not only for you, but the whole family.
There are many unhealthy skin care ingredients on the market today. Jordan
Essentials is a company you can trust for your whole family’s skin care needs.
Our skin is the largest organ of our body and everything we put on enters through
the skin into our blood stream. The unhealthy ingredients and chemicals in other
products really take a toll on our skin. This in turn, makes our skin unhealthy and
makes us look older than we should.
Big 5 No-No’s
Here are what we call the big 5 No- No’s for healthy skin care.
These are ingredients that harm and age us:
Have you ever heard of DEA? Who knows what it is? Do you know what it
 Give time for guests to answer
DEA is Dia – than – olia – mine. It is an ancient code word for “This product is
DEA has been linked to cancer in lab animals. In fact, the FDA is currently
investigating its possible harmful effects on humans. The reason most other
companies use it is because it is a cheap, cheap foaming agent! Fortunately,
Jordan Essentials is committed to not using DEA in any of our products.
Jordan Essentials is DEA free! Everyone say “DEA FREE!”
Mineral Oil is made from petroleum. What is petroleum?
 Give time for guests to answer
Mineral Oil is an industrial by-product. Does this sound safe? Remember, the
skin absorbs everything – which then enters our bloodstream and ultimately our
organs. Mineral Oil can stop our skin from functioning properly and from
absorbing healthy ingredients. It is a product that, if we knew how it hurts us, we
would never use it.
How many of you use other products for chapped lips regularly? What is the
main ingredient of many lip care products?
 If someone has one in their purse, have them take it out and look at the ingredients.
The solution is easy it is Jordan Essentials lip care products made with healthy oils
to soothe your lips. Think about it, you lick your lips all the time and ingest your
lip care products. Women eat 5 pounds of lipstick in their lifetime on average!
 Use the Shea Cherry Lip Butter on a spatula for each person to try.
 Now they are soaking their feet AND have had a little lip treat.
Who is in the medical field or has ever had a shot or blood drawn?
Why do they use alcohol first?
Better known as rubbing alcohol, it is great for disinfecting cuts, scrapes and
wounds because it dries out the infection. Do you want that same effect in your
skin care products? This ingredient dries and strips your skin’s natural moisture
and draws out any good moisture you want to keep on your skin.
Does anyone know what other products some companies put Rubbing Alcohol
in? Some spritzers, facial toner, and perfumes!
This can cause acne… infection… irritation… and worst – our skin will start to age
prematurely. Who wants to smell good, but look old and unhealthy?
With Jordan Essentials you look great, smell great, and feel confident!
More and more people are making the switch to aluminum-free deodorants.
The first thing many breast cancer treatment centers will tell you is to use an
aluminum free deodorant. Why wait?! We want to tell everyone now.
The aluminum found in many name brand deodorants has been linked to an
increased risk for Alzheimer's, brain and respiratory disorders, and even certain
types of cancer. What's more, these deodorants are designed to be absorbed
by the skin… not only are the aluminum compounds in these deodorants being
applied topically, but the harmful aluminum compounds are being absorbed
directly into the body.
We need to be a generation who says, “No more aluminum in our products!”
You can enjoy over 14 fragrances of our highly effective botanically based
deodorant with confidence.
Parabens are preservatives and a questionable ingredient to which Jordan
Essentials responds, “We are paraben free!” We care about our customers and
their families and want to provide the safest bacterial and mold prevention for
 This is your solution page… get excited!
Jordan Essentials uses natural botanical ingredients like: Sea Salts from the Dead
Sea in Israel, Fresh Aloe, Jojoba Oil, Shea Butter from Africa, Soothing Oatmeal,
and Vitamin E (which is known for its healing properties).
You’ll feel much better knowing that our products DO NOT have:
DEA… Say it with me girls “NO DEA”
Isopropyl Alcohol… Say it with me girls “NO ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL”
Mineral Oil… Now say “NO MINERAL OIL”
And ALL of our products are made in the Heartland of America! Many skin care
products are made overseas and are not regulated. It is a government
requirement on every label to show where that product was made. You can
count on USA made at Jordan Essentials for our high quality skin care products
for your entire family.
Our products are safe and affordable for the entire family. You’re going to love
them! I know I do!
The Four Skin Essentials
We have a simple step by step skin care system.
 As you talk about a product pass them around so they can see the label, smell the fragrances
and see the products close up and personal.
Beautiful, healthy skin is a treat! Pamper yourself and care for the skin you are in!
This system will help with stress relief, skin conditions, and overall healthy skin and
beauty – for less than a dollar a day!
It is as simple as cleanse, exfoliate, hydrotherapy, and moisturize.
 Bath Shower Gel
This is not any ordinary shower gel. It is infused with Aloe and is DEA free.
 Hold up a Shower Gel and pass it around.
Pair the shower gel with the soap saver and turn it into a creamy hand wash and
save 75% at every sink in the house!
 Salt Scrub (8 ounce)
Our next step is exfoliation which will prepare and soften your skin. Without
exfoliation you are just going to be putting lotion on dead skin.
How awful does that sound?
Our Salt Scrub is an exclusive blend of salts and oils.
Can you see how it does not have an oily film on the top like some other
You do not have to worry about slipping in the shower from that oily film with
Jordan Essentials salt scrub. It is the WOW factor. We hear people say wow as
soon as they use it!
 Give each person a little scoop of Salt Scrub to rub on their feet or mention how they used it at
the sink. You can ask each guest to describe how the Salt Scrub felt. This gets them involved.
 Dead Sea Salt
The Sea Salts you are soaking your feet in tonight are from the actual Dead Sea
in Israel. We have brought the most amazing, therapeutic body of water in the
world right to your living room. You will use up to a quarter of a cup in your bath
to soak away your worries, aches, and pains.
There are tons of medicinal benefits to soaking in Dead Sea Salts, such as relief
from eczema, psoriasis, and muscle tension! Jordan Essentials infuses the Dead
Sea Salts with a special ingredient to help reduce wrinkles up to 84%! Your feet
feel like silk, don’t they? Imagine the benefit of a whole body soak!
Our name comes from the healing waters of the Jordan River that flows into the
Dead Sea.
 Cucumber Eye Treatment (Optional)
Now sit back and enjoy a Cucumber Eye Treatment.
 Have guests place the eye pillows over eyes
Rejuvenating Cucumber Eye Treatment will soothe and refresh your eyes. As
your eyes rest under cool eye pillows, natural amino acids will help with any
 Relaxing Exercise (Optional)
Let’s relax! Listen to the sound of my voice…
 Relaxing music would be a good enhancement
…See yourself walking in a green meadow. You see a hot air balloon waiting
just for you. You climb inside and it begins to float over the meadow and over the
wild flowers. And gently you float. You feel the sunshine on your face and a little
breeze in your hair. As you look inside next to your feet, you see a bag. It is a
white bag and inside there are all of your worries, cares, and bills. You lift it up
and throw it over the side. Go ahead and really throw it! Your balloon goes
higher and higher. You come back to the meadow and your basket perches
gently on the grass and you leave the basket feeling amazing and happy.
 Now it is time to have them remove the eye pillow and empty the foot tubs. Have everyone
empty the foot tubs and come back to the party.
 You may want to use a quick game here to get their attention back
 Shea Butter Body Lotion
No great soak would be complete without a great lotion to follow up with. Shea
butter heals damaged skin cells. It is made from rich shea nuts from Central
Africa and eliminates ashy, dry skin. The shea nuts come from the Karite tree
which takes 50 years in the wild to grow before they produce fruit. It is very
Dry skin cells look like the letter C. Shea Butter plumps them back up to the letter
O so your skin will say “OH”!
 Lotion Bar
Our last step is the Lotion Bar. It is our signature product, and we have sold over
1 million bars since we began in the year 2000!
It is a solid bar of lotion, which can last over 7 months and contains natural oils to
retain your skins moisture. It works like a sealant so that your skin will retain the
moisture even after washing your hands. Doctors, nurses, and childcare workers
report loving the lotion bar, because it lasts between washes.
If you want your hands to feel this soft later on, then this is what will allow that! It’s
perfect for your desk, purse, car, gifts, and kids.
 Pass around the Lotion Bar for people to use. Explain to them how to use the bar and let them
know that it is good for the hands, feet, elbows, knees and can be used all over the body.
 This is a great time to put in testimonies.
 You can also read the 50 ways to love your lotion bar here too.
So how do you feel? Did I treat, spoil, and pamper you? Jordan Essentials has
made it easy for you to have healthy, botanical skin care solutions.
You can have the Premier System that includes the aluminum free Deodorant for
less than $1.00 per day. Our system is designed to last over 3 months with dozens
of treatments and is a great value. You save $16 when you purchase the Premier
Skin Care System. Remember this is designed so that you can have your own
spa anytime, any day, right in your own home.
Every set system in our catalog is designed to work together for the best results
and each one has a savings built in! Who likes to save money?
How many of you are familiar with Essential Oils?
Nature provides powerful essential oils form the leaves, flowers, roots, fruits and
The Bible is full of examples of oils being used.
Modern day research has confirmed the benefits of essential oils.
The Jordan Essential Oils are 100% pure no fillers with no added fillers, oils or
alcohol. In this pure potent form they are designed to be mixed into our other
body care products.
We have 5 core oils:
 Peppermint Oil
 Tee Tree Oil
 Orange Oil
 Lavender Oil
 Eucalyptus
Some great uses for Essential Oils:
 Peppermint in Lotion for headaches and nausea.
 Tea Tree is excellent for acne, foot fungis and great with shampoo for
scalp issues.
 Orange for mood booster and calming children when added to Lotion on
the bottom of their feet .
 Lavender for stress and sleep aide. You put a couple of drops in the
mixing jar with the Multipurpose oil and rub it on your temples, hands and
feet. You can also add it to our Essential Oil Spray for pillows and linens.
 Eucalyptus for respiration. You can put a few drops on a cotton ball in
front of a vaporizer.
We have a set that includes all of the oils, directions on how to use them, a
mixing Multipurpose Oil, Unscented Lotion, mixing jar and reeds to diffuse the oils
into the air.
We spare no effort to maintain the high quality purity of our essential oils from
sources that are ethically produced and free from harmful pesticides and
You will love how you can help your family right at home with Pure Essential Oils
from Jordan Essentials.
 Pass around gift game with small prize inside a gift bag.
 Wrap the gift if you like or drop it in a small gift bag.
 Hand the gift to the hostess and have her follow the directions that you read from below.
 The last one with the gift in hand wins.
Read Aloud Poem
You thought all the free products were meant for you, but I have other items too.
So hold up this gift and look around, and give it to the one with eyes of brown.
You think you are the lucky one, but let us all share in the fun!
Look around with eyes discreet, and give it to the one with the smallest feet.
Your feet are tiny and very small. Now hand it to someone very tall.
Please, take your time and don’t be harried. Give it to the one who is longest
You must be proud of your married life, now pass this on to the newest wife.
Of this parcel you are bereft, give it to the one on your left.
The largest earring I’m looking for now, if you’re wearing them, step up with a
Now to the person with buttons– big or small, any kind, the most you can find
gets the gift at this time.
Now don’t get cross and please don’t fight, but pass it to the lady third on the
We should stop now, don’t you agree? The gift is yours to open and see.
 See Document Library for other games to play or be creative and make up your own – this is
YOUR business! They love the left, right game. You can use a Dead Sea Salt sample for them to
 If you are not doing the face or mineral shows highlight the next pages and let them know they
can book a show and experience these products.
 If you are doing a facial show you would use all the pages and highlight the body care with less
 Everything in bold is a script for you to use!
Your face is the first place people look when they meet you. It is also the first
place you look in the mirror when you wake up every morning. We have a quick
step-by-step facial that will leave your skin looking healthier and glowing.
Let’s take a little quiz! Listen to the cues and if it sounds like you circle that skin
care in your catalog.
1. Most of the time your skin is just fine, but you may have an occasional break
out. You have no dry patches, but you may have some T-Zone issues from
time to time. However, for the most part, you have good skin.
Does this sound like you?
You have Normal/Combination skin. Circle that basic daily collection. This
collection features PH balancing ingredients that keep your skin in balance
and healthy.
2. You have dry patches and all over tight feeling skin. Your skin needs extra
hydration to retain moisture.
Does this sound like you?
You have dry skin. This system features Shea Butter which goes deep into the
pores to hydrate thirsty skin.
3. Your skin is very sensitive. You may have redness, irritation or inflammation.
You may have fragrance allergies or chemical sensitivities.
Does this sound like you?
You have Sensitive skin. This collection features the ingredient Allantoin
which has been used to soothe burns and calms inflammation. Allantoin is a
natural, active ingredient derived from roots & leaves of the comfrey plant. It
is used as a skin protectant, repairing agent by promoting cell proliferation
which relieves dryness and has a soothing effect.
4. Your skin feels oily when you wake up. The oils return through your day and
you may also have acne and break outs.
Does this sound like you?
You have Oily skin. This collection features Willow Bark which is a natural
Sallsilic Acid that is a deep pore cleanser and toner for larger pores.
Cleansing begins with removing dirt and make-up without harsh ingredients that
strip the healthy, natural oils from your skin. Our cleanser is extremely gentle
and rich in Glycerin, a natural moisturizer. It is DEA free. Everyone say, “NO
Our collections feature either a Gentle Cleanser with Soap Saver OR a Facial Bar
of soap. In either case removing dulling impurities will leave your skin feeling
clean and fresh.
We must remove dead skin or we are just covering the dead skin that can dull
your complexion. Exfoliation prepares your skin for moisturizer and makeup. Fine lines will appear softer and your skin will have a beautiful, healthy
glow. Jordan Essentials has two options for healthy exfoliation to customize your
skin care routine:
1) Our Spa Polish has cosmetic-grade walnut shells for deep exfoliation
for normal and oily skin.
2) For more sensitive skin, our Gentle Exfoliant with Jojoba (pronounced
Ho-Ho-Ba) micro-beads to gently remove dead skin.
If you want fresh, healthy skin, a mask is an intensive treatment that really makes
a big difference in the health of our skin. Treatments once or twice per week will
detoxify and remove impurities our skin has absorbed from the environment that
clog pores. Jordan Essentials has two options for healthy detoxifying to customize
your skin care routine:
1) Clay Mask is rich in detoxifiers – this is also a bestselling product!
The rich Bentonite Clay and silt detoxifies while the Vegetable
Collagen softens and plumps fine lines. Let me tell you about one of
the most unique features of the product line – the Phyto Essential Blend
selected for its beneficial properties.
It has four botanical powerhouses including:
Aloe for anti-inflammation
Chamomile to soothe
Antioxidant Green Tea Extract
Seaweed to promote skin hydration
The silt clay is from Africa and France and can be used as a body
mask as well.
 Lightly covering the face.
If you are dry you will want to use as a veil.
For more T-zone or oily use as a full strength mask, apply thicker.
How many of you have occasional acne problems?
As an added benefit, our Clay Mask is perfect to use as a spot blemish
treatment. Simply dab it on and wait 10 minutes or even overnight.
You can have pretty, fresh, healthy skin!
2) Alpha Hydroxy Anti-Aging Mask.
Great for sun damaged skin or skin that is showing the signs of aging.
This masque is a fabulously renewing treatment. AHAs have exfoliation
and therapeutic properties that help heal photo-damaged skin, a
major contributing factor to aging. Apart from stripping the skin of
unnecessary dead cells, they also have a moisturizing effect on the
skin by increasing the moisture content of the upper skin, hence
smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles, as well as reducing dryness and
combating flakiness. Long-term use of a low concentration of AHA's
can also increase collagen and elastin synthesis, as well as boost
protein regeneration in the skin.
 Directions for usage
o This fabulous masque comes packed with its own set of nutrient-rich properties
that are designed to work with the liquid chosen to activate the masque.
o The masque can be used 2 parts powder to 1 part any liquid suitable for
hydrating the masque. A thinner masque can be made by adding more liquid, and
a thicker masque can be created with less liquid. These masques are designed for
immediate use after hydration. The liquid you use is only limited by your
imagination (within safe guidelines). Try hydrating your masque with yogurt, soy
milk, goat milk, rice milk, any hydrosol or distillate water, most fruit or vegetable
juices, vinegar, water with sea salt or any liquid that is beneficial to the skin. For
color therapy, try using small amounts of pomegranate juice, grape juice or
cranberry juice.
Our Toner Mist is rich in the Phyto Essential Blend we just talked about and
vitamins for the face. Rich amino acids add cell regeneration and silk proteins
gently pull at the surface while lifting cells instantly. Lift and tone, lift and tone!
You can use this Toner Mist as part of your daily routine and throughout the day
over your makeup to freshen and nourish your skin anytime.
It won’t leave your skin dry and unhealthy because there is NO Isopropyl
 Ask your guests to keep them involved…
We know that’s important, don’t we?
 OR
Why is that important?
 Give guests time to answer
Correct that dries the skin and we want to hydrate and tone!
Multi Peptide Serum with Vitamin C
Revolutionary Peptides can reduce deep wrinkles by up to half! Smaller wrinkles
and fine lines could fade completely away!
You will see a notable difference in 2 weeks.
Peptides have powerful cutting edge anti-aging properties.
Increase overall collagen synthesis by 117%
Increase collagen in lab studies by 327%
Increase skin moisturizing synthesis by 267%
Our proprietary Multi Peptides have been known to reduce wrinkles similar to
We power punch the Peptides with Vitamin C.
Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties shown to stimulate collagen,
decrease wrinkle depth, and have lightening effects on pigmentation.
Apply the Multi Peptide Serum to dry skin and allow it to penetrate the cells
before applying any other serum. Use morning and night over face and throat.
Can you see why we are excited about our Multi Peptide formula with Vitamin C?
And it is very affordable. Have you heard how expensive Botox is?
Age-Defying Serum
This serum is the perfect Mineral Make up primer and PH Balance. It is packed
with anti-aging properties.
Our incredible Age-Defying Serum has advanced Silica Elastomers that are
proven to reduce winkles up to 84%.
Grape Seed Oil revitalizes and is very effective to repair skin.
The natural Green Tea Extract is one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants.
It’s a free radical scavenger that protects against skin damage from
environmental stress. You will feel this serum working immediately and will see
visible results in 10 to 14 days. Your skin will be soft and silky smooth while hiding
the effects of aging. This is a great anti-aging product you are never too young
to begin to use!
Time Rewind Eye Cream
When meeting people you look into their eyes first. Your overall health is
reflected in your eyes.
How many of you are really concerned with dark circles, wrinkles, and sagging
around your eyes?
It is an issue many people face. The skin around the eyes is very delicate and
we have a product that is packed with botanicals to help. I know you will love it
and see results after just a short time.
Nature has given us a facelift in a bottle in the form of Squalane. It is naturally
derived from Olives.
Squalane is naturally present in the skin and increases during adolescence to a
peak at about age 25, but then drops rapidly thereafter. From this point some
replenishment is required.
Botanical olive Squalane helps age spots diminish, softens wrinkles, and helps
with UV damage too. To use this wonderful eye cream, lightly pat around eyes.
Do not get too close as the skin around the eyes is thin and the serum will travel
closer to the eyes. Time Rewind is also great for the back of your hands or
anywhere you have age spots.
All Serums can be used in conjunction with other serums.
 If you will be doing a Mineral Make-Over after facials do not use the moisturizers. Instead, use
the Tinted Moisturizer.
Our daily moisturizers are used each night before bed. If you are using one of
our tinted moisturizers you will not need to use the daily moisturizers with it. Only
one or the other.
Who has normal to oily skin?
First is our Enriched Daily Moisturizer that is perfect for normal, oily, or acne-prone
skin. Our Enriched Daily Moisturizer naturally balances skin’s moisture. Your skin
will be hydrated instantly and you will feel softer skin immediately.
Now, how many of you have dry skin?
Our Deep Daily Moisturizer is enriched with Shea Butter for dry skin. The rich shea
butter from Africa penetrates deeply into the skin’s layers to heal and repair
damaged cells. It will hydrate and nourish thirsty skin without any heavy mineral
oil! Doesn’t your skin feel fabulous!
Now that you have tried the Face Care System, we make it easy to use by
putting it all into one great kit. It has everything you need for beautiful, healthy
face care.
At Jordan Essentials we want you to have a very customized, high quality,
botanically based skin care system that is affordable.
All of our Face Systems are put together for the best effects and savings. The
Premier Collection has everything we tried today as well as a FREE cosmetic tote
for easy travel and storage.
Choose your skin care type from our quiz earlier.
Choose a Serum and the first serum is only $25!
Choose an exfoliant.
Choose your mask.
Go ahead and circle your choices in your catalog now.
 If moving into the Mineral Makeup at this time, continue in your Flip Chart and catalog.
Our Minerals are made from pure minerals pigments. The minerals give long
lasting results and lightweight coverage that allow your skin to breath.
There is no talc, fragrance, parabens, or dyes, and all of our products are cruelty
free. Many cosmetics are tested on animals. JE does not test on animals.
Mineral Makeup can create a flawless finish, gives sun protection from harmful
UVA and UVB rays, and comes in a variety of shades just right for you!
Steps to Minerals
We want smooth skin and a natural looking finish.
To remove redness and uneven skin tones, first use the Concealer Stick of
Blue is for red skin
Yellow is for dark circles and dark spots on skin
Use small dabs of the concealer and then use your finger to work it into the skin.
The Concealer Sticks are made from pure minerals so it will balance and work
well with the rest of your mineral make up.
Help your guests choose the right shade for them. The tint is sheer and is not a
foundation. It should match their skin closely but is not necessary to be an exact
match. Tint is double duty daily moisturizer. One thin layer goes on quickly.
A small amount on finger tips over face and throat.
The Tinted Moisturizer is not a foundation. It can be worn alone and has the great
sun protection and antioxidant benefits but works better when paired with the
Mineral Powder. Place a small amount on your wrist if it blends right in this is the
shade for you. Apply to your entire face as you would with a regular moisturizer.
One great tip is to use a sponge or brush so you touch your face as little as
After having a good JE facial, your face is PH balanced and we want to keep it
that way.
 Place a small amount of powder on a plate for the customer to put their brush in
 Mini fan brushes are available on your sales tool center online.
Due to the loose powder texture of mineral make-up, it may be tempting to just
dab it on like you would with loose powder, but don't! Mineral Makeup is much
less translucent than loose powder and is meant to be worn as foundation, so
you need to apply it sparingly and build it in stages to achieve the ideal look.
Here is how to do it:
1. Spill a small amount of product onto the lid. You don't need much and can
always add more later.
2. Take your Kabuki brush –
 You will be using the fan brush
– and dab it into the powder.
Rotate the bristles down into the powder, working the product up into the brush.
You want to get the powder into the bristles rather than sitting on the tips. When
there is no powder visible on the tips of the bristles, you're ready to apply it. The
white bristles help you see how much you have in your brush.
3. Starting at the center of your face –
 your forehead is a good place to start
– buff the brush against your skin in a circular motion, working towards the edges
of your face.
4. Continue to buff until you need to add more product. You should only need to
add more once or twice during the application. Less is more! Layer the minerals
until you feel you have good coverage. One for sheer natural and up to three for
a more made up look.
5. The buffing motion is key to the flawless application. It works the minerals into
your skin so they adhere and blends it out so that it is the same consistency
everywhere on your face.
6. To use the mineral makeup powder as concealer, simply dip your concealer
brush or finger into the powder and apply it to the area you wish to conceal. If it
is under your eyes, be very gentle when applying it. You can use the Kabuki
brush afterwards to smooth out any excess in the area.
Do not use too much. It is a small amount. People tend to overuse and it will
cake. Work out of the lid of the minerals.
A dense kabuki brush is best. Put it in the lid and swirl really well. It forces the
minerals up into the brush. Keep the minerals in the brush not sitting on the top of
the bristles.
Start application at forehead using circular motions to the outer face first and
then into the nose area.
Maximize your coverage. Build a second layer from inside out. Take your time.
Keep going until you are happy.
It will look great because the minerals bind to the skin so it wears well. You can
even sleep in it and it will not clog your pores!
Buff a little minerals over the eye lids for a base.
To brighten under your eyes use the finishing powder later.
 Check how your guests are looking. Be sure you are happy with their coverage and they are
happy. Be confident and be the Consultant. Your role is to teach and empower!
For a contour or bronzing use 1-2 shades darker and swirl into brush and tap off
Brush down the bridge of the nose and across forehead. Defined cheek bones
slims the jaw line.
 Same brush for bronzing as blush (Can clean with Brush Cleaner)
Apply Mineral Blush to the apples of the cheeks first.
Blush is finely milled and you will need very little. Blends really well. Minimizes
pours and is a matte finish.
If you shine in the day this will help control the oils. Special Note! A set of good
brushes will last you for years. Men invest in power tools and these are your
power tools for your face!
If you think about it you use your brushes every day – 365 days a year and they
last about 3 years.
The Eye Guide
Prep the eye area with your mineral tint as a primer. Sweep Minerals over the lid
and around eye gently.
Use a base color all over lid and under brow. Choose a base color that makes
yours eyes look bright and natural.
Shimmering hues of White Sand or Pale Pink deflect the appearance of darkness
around eyes. Brushing a sheer, pastel White Sand, Desert Sand, or Emerald
Green across lids has a similar brightening effect on the eyes.
Use the angle brush in a liner color of choice. Hold edge of eye and with small
strokes apply liner color to edge of lashes.
For Smoky Eyes or Accents
Choose an accent shadow and brush in a C shape on the outer eye lid.
For Deep-Set Eyes
Rely on pale, shimmery shades to enhance your eyes. Sweep a light shade
across lid from the inner corner to a just beyond the outer corner.
For Wide-Set Eyes
Create closeness by applying a deep shadow shade from the inner corner to
mid-lid. Then apply a lighter shade from mid-lid to outer corner. Blend where
shades meet.
For Close-Set Eyes
Help them appear wider by applying a pale shade from the inner corner to midlid. Then apply a slightly deeper shade from mid-lid to outer corner. Blend
where shades meet.
For Glasses Wearers
Forget about adding more color with shadows. Instead play up lashes with
Jordan Essentials inky black Volumizing Mascara.
Tips & Tricks
Water down your minerals for an interesting effect. Dip thin liner brush in water
and a small amount of eye shadow minerals on the tip and apply like a liquid
liner. When it dries it will wear all day – Perfect for smoky eye effect.
Dark eyes look good in grays, blues, and greens.
Light eyes look good in brown, taupe, and bronze shades.
When it comes to creating a smoky eye makeup look that will "wow," the trick is
to blend, blend, blend!
To give the face a warm glow or sun kissed look, apply blush extended on up to
the temple area, then circle the whole face with remaining color left in brush.
Begin with clean exfoliated lips for a great long lasting color and healthy lips.
Exfoliate with JE lip exfoliation and rinse well. Apply an SPF formula of your
choice from our lip tube lines. Allow SPF base to dry.
Apply lipstick in your shade of choice. Once on the lips you can add lip gloss for
extra shine and fun. All through the day you can add lip gloss to refresh your
Choosing the right color can be daunting but with JE you have to choose one of
three colors that look great on everyone!
And who says you have to have just three you can mix and match lip sticks with
a different color gloss for a fun new color all your own.
Lips do have a natural pigment of their own. A Copper Cutie may look different
on a blonde than a red head.
For long lasting lovely lips apply lipstick wait then blot lightly and reapply lipstick
for long staying power.
Here's a tip to keep your lip color looking fresh and applied longer – keep
lipstick from seeping outside of the lip line by tracing a swab dipped in loose,
translucent powder just outside their perimeter before and after applying lip
Every one of our systems saves you money.
1. The Basic system has the Tinted Moisturizer, Mineral Powder, and Volumizing
Mascara. This is a good set to have on auto-ship every 3 months. You save
$3 with this system.
2. Every day has a great set of minerals including: Tinted Moisturizer, Mineral
Blush, Volumizing Mascara, Kabuki Brush, Mineral Powder, 2 Eye Shadows, Lip
Gloss, and great travel tote! You save $18 with this system.
3. The Premier Collection has the Everyday system with a Lip Butter Lip Stick and
the power tool brush set. This is the best value. You save $30 and get it all!
Ask: Is everybody having fun? Did you learn anything? What is the main thing
you learned?
Aren’t you glad you came to _Host Name_ Spa Show?
Our company does Spa gatherings of two or more people all over the country,
and almost always, people want to know if they can have their own Spa
gathering with their friends.
Guess what the answer is? YES!
That’s right you can have your own Spa gathering and even earn free and half
price items while you are treated like a queen. Girlfriends need to get together
and we provide a great night at the Spa! There are so many benefits to being
the hostesses with FREE products and ½ price items to hostess only collections
where you save 50% and even a free bonus buy.
I love giving away FREE products as part of my job! I would love to help you
book yours today!
 Envelope, pass around your open date calendar or play a game found in your business center
Remember the $500 we talked about at the beginning of the show? That can be
yours. If you love the Jordan Essentials bath, body, and spa products and you
think what I did her today looks easy, turn it into a rewarding career! You can
make extra money and who couldn’t use more income right now? We have had
over 11,000 consultants say yes to the Jordan Essentials career.
You can earn a career income including great pay, trips, jewelry and
You get to share Fabulous Products…Did you love the products?
Your income is unlimited…We have women working part – time making
full Time incomes.
You can even self hostess your first show earning hostess benefits,
commissions and bonuses!
Now, who loves to go on vacation?
You can win free trips…Our next Free Trip is to______________________.
You can be a part of a vital growing American company today!
And the best part is…Every time I go to work I end up at the Spa!
We have 5 ways we sell our products. You can pick what works for you or a little
of this and a little of that! It is up to you!
Spa Parties/ Spa at work
Online web store and social media selling
One on one
Please get with me after the show and ask me for more details.
Who loves to go shopping? Here is your catalog…Let’s go shopping!
First, print your name on the cover of your catalog. This is your catalog to keep.
Turn it over and you will see my name on the back.
I am here to treat, spoil, and pamper you as your skin care consultant. To
reorder, you can visit my website, call, or email me. I have a customer e-
newsletter that is sent once per month with our skin care and special as well. The
easiest is calling my cell phone.
Who brought their cell phone tonight? Get it and let’s play a game.
Whoever calls my number first gets a gift. Ready… Set… GO!
 This allows all of them to put your number into their cell phone making reordering a breeze!
Let’s start with our order ticket. Please make sure you fill out the entire contact
information. I send specials via email and I will call you if there is an issue with
your order. Please notice the boxes to indicate if you are interested in hosting
your own spa show or joining my team to earn some extra spending money!
We take cash, check or charge MC, Visa or Discover.
Thank you for allowing me to treat, spoil and pamper you. Did everybody have
great time?
Let’s show ________ (Hostess) how much we appreciate her. (Clap, Clap, Clap)
I would like to personally thank you for coming to the Spa Show and I would be
thrilled to help you enjoy free products like _____ did with your own gathering.
I know you’re going to LOVE the products!
Your products will be delivered ________________
I am also available for questions or to help with your order form.
I am not just an order taker I am your skin care consultant so please browse
through the catalog and remember you save money when you buy in sets,
systems and collection.
 Help the guest by answering question, having a calculator ready to take their payment.