Wholesaling Encompasses the buying and/or handling of good and services and their subsequent resale to organizational users, retailers, and/or other wholesalers- but not the sale of significant volume to final consumers Manufacturer/service provider wholesaling Producer does all wholesaling functions Reasons for use Independent intermediaries unavailable Existing intermediaries unacceptable Control Few customers Personal service Proximity or clustered Computerized ordering Merchant Wholesaling Wholesalers that buy, and take title and possession of products for further resale Full service Limited service Full service merchant wholesalers Perform a full range of distribution tasks, including credit, storage and delivery, merchandising and promotion, a personal sales force, research and planning, and passing information to suppliers and customers, installation and repair Merchant wholesalers: General merchandise wholesalers Carry a wide product assortment, nearly all of the items needed by their customers Full Service Merchant Wholesalers: Specialty Merchandise Wholesalers Concentrate on a narrow product range but have an extensive selection within that range Full Service Merchant wholesalers: Rack Jobbers Furnish the racks or shelves on which the product are displayed Often own the products and sell on a consignment basis Jobbers fill the shelves, mark goods, maintain inventory, and compute amounts due Cosmetics, drugs, stationary Full service merchant wholesalers: Franchise wholesaling Independent retailers affiliate with an existing wholesaler to use a standardized storefront design, business format, name and purchase system Full service merchant wholesalers: Wholesale cooperatives Owned by member firms to economize functions and provide broad support. May be owned by producers and retailers Limited Service Merchant Wholesalers Perform some, but not all, of the functions performed by a full service wholesalers Cash and carry wholesalers Drop shippers Truck/wagon wholesalers Mail order wholesalers Agents and brokers Perform various wholesale tasks, but do not take title to products Work on commission or fees Agents and brokers: Manufacturer’s or Service provider agents Work for several manufacturers or service providers and carry noncompetitive or complementary products in exclusive territories Agents and brokers: Selling agents Responsible for marketing the entire output of a manufacturer/ service provider under a contractual agreement. Other agents and brokers: Commission (factor) Food brokers Commercial stock brokers