MAC - Hash

Authenticating Messages
Anita Jones
CS451 Information Security
Copyright(C) Anita Jones
disclosure - prevent release of message contents
traffic analysis - prevent discovery of traffic pattern
between parties
masquerade - prevent insertion of messages by
fraudulent source
content modification - prevent it
sequence modification - prevent it
timing modification -- prevent delay or replay
repudiation - prevent denial of a send or a receive
The Problem: authenticate messages
content is authentic – bits are as sent
sequence of messages is proper
Note: Separate problems
- confidentiality – i.e. encrypt the message
- authenticate that the sender is genuine
Authenticating messages - alternatives
authenticator - a value that authenticates a
message content
message encryption - ciphertext of entire msg
message authentication code, MAC
(cryptographic checksum) - public function &
secret key produce fixed length value
hash - public function maps message (any
length) to fixed-length hash value (hash code
also called a message digest) – no key
Message Authentication Code (MAC)
Objective: assure authentic content
Message is not encrypted
MAC is small fixed-size data block,
appended to message M
A and B share secret key
MACK[M] = F(M, key)
MAC use
message authentication (no confidentiality)
A->B: [M, MACK [M]]
authentication and confidentiality
A->B: EK1[M, MACK [M]]
authentication and confidentiality
A->B: [EK1[M], MACK [EK1[M]]]
Note: MAC function not necessarily reversible
Why use MAC, given encryption?
message may not need to be secret, but
must be authentic
broadcast - only have one site responsible
for monitoring authenticity. Broadcast
plaintext plus MAC
overload - send plaintext messages (ie.
receiver need not decrypt. Authenticate
Hash function
also called a “message digest”
no key
like MAC, small amount of data; hash of
message gives fixed-size value
define hash function so that change of any
one bit of message will result in different
hash value
hash function is not secret
one-way; receiver recomputes hash function
Simple Hash function
parity, or longitudinal redundancy check
process one bit at a time
use XOR ( x )
C = b1 x b2 x b3 x . . . x bn
input – arbitrary length message
size of processed block – one bit
output – one bit
Hash function (H) use
A->B: M, H [M]
can cryptographically protect H
hash provides redundant authentication
A->B: EK[M, H [M]]
only hash code encrypted, i.e. a MAC!
Authentication, but no confidentiality
A->B: M, EK [H[M]]
Attacks on Hash Functions and MACs
Hash functions – strength of hash function
depends solely on length of hash code
Given code h = H[M], try to find Y, H[Y]=h
Brute-force attack on a MAC requires known
some message/MAC pairs
Given MACK[M] = X, try all values for key –
(key attack)
Try different message values, M, trying to get
value X
HMAC – combine MAC and Hash
Cryptographic hash function
Hashing is faster than encryption
No export control on cryptographic
Append key to each (hashed) block of message
Then hash
Remember, a hash function is “one-way”