Singular and Plural Nouns

Lesson Plan
Teacher Candidate: Miss Copeland
Content Area: English Language Arts
Grade Level Expectation (s): Common Core Standards:
SL.2.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
a. Print all upper- and lowercase letters
b. Use common, proper, and possessive nouns.
c. Use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences (e.g., He hops; We
d. Use personal, possessive, and indefinite pronouns (e.g., I, me, my; they, them, their;
anyone, everything).
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Parts of Speech PowerPoint
Lesson Plan
Materials Needed:
Parts of Speech PowerPoint
“If You were A Noun” By Michael Dahl
Time required: 1 day
Lesson Title: “Parts of Speech- Singular and Plural Nouns”
Book Title and Author: “If You Were a Noun” by Michael Dahl
Anticipatory Set:
Begin class by reading the book “If You Were a Noun”
Explain that today we will learn about a Part of Speech (Nouns)
Explain the importance of knowing the Parts of Speech (Nouns)
Allow students to examine the Part of Speech (Nouns)
Allow students to create their own sentences using the Part of Speech (Nouns)
Lesson Plan
• Objectives:
• • The student will learn nouns (Singular and
Plural) with 80% accuracy.
• • The student will be able to recognize the
difference between nouns (Singular and Plural)
• • The student will be able to create their own
sentences using nouns
• • The student will apply their knowledge of
nouns to different activities
• • The student will use class Start Board
Lesson Plan
Modifications/ Accommodations:
I will modify or repeat any directions
Pair with an academically strong peer
Allow additional time to complete activities
Singular and Plural Nouns
Teacher Candidate: Miss Copeland
Singular Nouns
• A singular
noun names
one person,
place, animal
or thing.
• Ex: Tree
• Ex: Owl
An owl sat in the tree.
Plural Nouns
• A plural noun names
more than one.
• Ex: Buses
The buses are in front of the school.
Plural Nouns
• Most nouns you add -s
• Example:
Plural Nouns
• If a noun ends in s, ch,
sh, or x add –es.
• Example:
• Fox
• Rock
• Shell
• *Remember: If a noun ends in s, ch, sh, or x add –
• Students were very well behaved, listened to lesson
and directions, raised their hand.
• They were shy at first but warmed up.
• Classmates were very supportive of one another
• Really enjoyed Southside Elementary!!!