Tansley review Sensitivity of plants to changing atmospheric CO2 concentration: from the geological past to the next century. Peter J. Franks, Mark A. Adams, Jeffrey S. Amthor, Margaret M. Barbour, Joseph A. Berry, David S. Ellsworth, Graham D. Farquhar; Oula Ghannoum; Jon Lloyd; Nate McDowell, Richard J. Norby, David T. Tissue; Susanne von Caemmerer Supporting Information Table S2 Data for Fig. 6 (drought conditions) Species *CO 2 **A n(rel) Source (ppm) C3 plants Alnus firma (-0.8 MPa) 360 550 1.00 Liang & Maruama, 1995 1.60 Brassica oleraceae (-1.6 to -1.8 MPa) 380 510 1.00 Hamim, 2005 2.00 Deschampsia flexuosa FACE; (July data) 350 700 1.00 Albert et al., 2011 2.64 Hordeum vulgare (-1.3 to -1.7 MPa) 350 700 1.00 Robredo et al., 2007 2.20 Hordeum vulgare (-1.3 MPa) 350 700 1.00 Robredo et al., 2010 2.25 Larrea tridentata (-4 to -8 MPa) 350 700 1.00 Hamerlynck et al., 2000 2.50 Larrea tridentata FACE; (-7.0 MPa) 350 700 1.00 Huxman et al., 1998 2.25 360 550 1.00 Hamim, 2005 2.00 Amaranthus caudatus (-1.2 to -1.3 MPa) 373 566 1.00 Hamim, 2005 1.13 Echinochloa crusgallii 370 1.00 Hamim, 2005 Triticum aestivum (-2.2 to -2.7 MPa) C4 plants 1 (-1.2 to -1.3 MPa) 570 1.23 Saccharum officinarum 360 720 1.00 Vu & Allen Jr, 2009 1.11 Sorghum bicolor (-2.5 MPa) 350 700 1.00 Cousins et al., 2002 1.80 Sorghum bicolor 350 1.00 Wall et al., 2001 (-1.7 to -1.8 MPa) 700 2.25 *CO concentration in which plants were grown and A 2 n(rel) and gw(rel) were measured. **Light saturated net CO assimilation rate under drought, measured at the treatment 2 CO2 concentration in plants grown in the treatment CO2 concentration, relative to the value measured under drought at the ambient CO2 concentration in plants grown in the ambient CO2 concentration. Source references Albert KA, Ro-Poulsen H, Mikkelsen TN, Michelsen A, van der Linden L, Beier C. 2011. Interactive effects of elevated CO2, warming, and drought on photosynthesis of Deschampsia flexuosa in a temperate heath ecosystem. Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 4253-4266. Cousins AB, Adam NR, Wall GW, Kimball BA, Pinter Jr PJ, Ottman MJ, Leavitt SW, Webber AN. 2002. Photosystem II energy use, nonphotochemical quenching and the xanthophyll cycle in Sorghum bicolor grown under drought and free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) conditions. Plant, Cell & Environment 25: 1551-1559. Hamerlynck EP, Huxman TE, Loik ME, Smith SD. 2000. Effects of extreme high temperature, drought and elevated CO2 on photosynthesis of the Mojave Desert evergreen shrub, Larrea tridentata. Plant Ecology 148: 183-193. Hamim. 2005. Photosynthesis of C3 and C4 species in response to increased CO2 concentration and drought stress. Hayati 12: 131-138. Huxman TE, Hamerlynck EP, Moore BD, Smith SD, Jordan DN, Zitzer SF, Nowak RS, Coleman JS, Seemann JR. 1998. Photosynthetic downregulation in Larrea tridentata exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2: interaction with drought under glasshouse and field (FACE) exposure. Plant, Cell & Environment 21: 1153-1161. Liang N, Maruama K. 1995. Interactive effects of CO2 enrichment and drought stress on gas exchange and water-use efficiency in Alnus firma. Environmental & Experimental Botany 35: 353-361. Robredo A, Pérez-López U, Lacuesta M, Mena-Petite A, Munoz-Rueda A. 2010. Influence of water stress on photosynthetic characteristics in barley plants under ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations. Biologia Pantarum 54: 285292. Robredo A, Pérez-López U, Sainz de la Maza H, Gonz´alez-Moro B, Lacuesta M, Mena-Petite A, Munoz-Rueda A. 2007. Elevated CO2 alleviates the impact of drought on barley improving water status by lowering stomatal conductance and delaying its effects on photosynthesis. Environmental & Experimental Botany 59: 252-263. 2 Vu JCV, Allen Jr LH. 2009. Growth at elevated CO2 delays the adverse effects of drought stress on leaf photosynthesis of the C4 sugarcane. Journal of Plant Physiology 166: 107-116. Wall GW, Brooks TJ, Adam NR, Cousins AB, Kimball BA, Pinter Jr PJ, LaMorte RL, Triggs J, Ottmann MJ, Leavitt SW, Matthias AD, Williams DG, Webber AN. 2001. Elevated atmospheric CO2 improved Sorghum plant water status by ameliorating the adverse effects of drought. New Phytologist 152: 231-248. 3