Week of Feb. 3-7, 2013 PREBELL TIMEWRITING 2 OR CANVAS PREBELL QUESTION- Describe bold, font and bullets you use. COMPLETE REVIEW CH. 3 PAGES 59-62-MAKE UP WORK CH. 3 TEST FORMATTING WED (SEE CH. 3 POWERPOINT AS STUDY GUIDE0 INTRODUCE BUSINESS LETTER-CH. 4-DO PRE TEST ON TEACHER WEB SITE LOOK UP BUSINESS LETTER TERMS IN GLOSSARY VIEW BUSINESS LETTERS-IN GOOGLE BEGIN MICROTYPE SKILL BUILDER LESSON B-C EXIT TICKET: SEE CANVAS FOR MONDAY HOMEWORK-CREATE SENTENCES DUE THURS Bibliography Modified-block style Block style Open punctuation Body Personal business letter Closing Plagiarism Hyperlink Return address Inside address Salutation Letterhead Sender Margins Homework: Create Mixed punctuation Sentences-Due Thursday BELL WORK ACTIVITY5MINS—PICK A CHOICE TIMEWRITING OR CANVAS QUESTION INTRODUCTIONCLASS PRESENTATION/CLASS DISCUSSION-15 MINS. GUIDED PRACTICE GROUP WORK- WRITE & COLOR CODE BUSINESS LETTER ACTIVITY GROUP RESPONSES DEFFERENTIATED ACTIVITIES ON COMPOSING BUS. LETTER ENRICH/REMEDIAL: www.brainpop user name: elmontufsd password: brainpop EXIT QUESTION: THINK, PAIR & SHARE—GO TO CANVAS –CHOICE TYPE IT OR WRITE ON COLOR INDEX CARD. Students will complete Pre Bell Activity in an online learning Management Program called Canvas. Or Students will complete two (2) 3 minutes Time Writing #2 and save their document. TUESDAY PREBELL QUESTION: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENT BETWEEN TEXTING AND WRITING A LETTER? Inside Address The inside address gives the name and address of the person or company receiving the letter. Formal Greeting The formal greeting is always followed by a colon (:). Dr. Robert Harris, Director Health Care Center P.O. Box 123 Drew, MS 38737 Dear Sir: Dear Madam: Dear Mr. Harris: Closure – 5-10 minutes Complete Closure Assignment (question) on Canvas. and then discuss responses with their shoulder partner. The students have a choice to type/submit their answers in Canvas or write their answer on the color coded index cards and place in the exit ticket container. Closure QUESTIONS: "What did you learned from the business letter writing activity today?" Do you think that business letter writing will be obsolete in the future? Justify your answer. PREBELL TIMEWRITING 2 OR CANVAS PREBELL QUESTION CH. 3 TEST MAKE-UP TEST ON FORMATTING TODAY. CONTINUE BUSINESS LETTER PROJECT FROM TUES. DUE TODAY ENRICH/REMEDIAL: www.brainpop user name: elmontufsd password: brainpop EXIT QUESTION: THINK, PAIR & SHARE—GO TO CANVAS –CHOICE TYPE IT OR WRITE ON COLOR INDEX CARD.