Chapter 12 Parts of Speech Overview Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection 1. The Verb- a word that expresses action or a state of being Example: We celebrated the Chinese New Year yesterday. Types of Verbs Action Linking Helping and Main Transitive and Intransitive Action Verbs- is a verb that expresses either physical or mental activity. Example: The owls hooted all night. (physical) She thought about the problem.(mental) Linking Verbs- is a verb that expresses a state of being. It connects, or links, the subject to a word or word group that identifies or describes the subject. Example: The children remained quiet. (remained links quiet with the subject children) Some Linking Verbs Am Is Are Was Were Appear Look Smell Has been Have been Had been Will be Shall be Become Remain Sound Maybe Might Be Can be Should be Would have been Feel Seem Taste Helping and Main Verbs- helps the main verb express action or a state of being. Example: Kansas state. has been named the sunflower Commonly Used Helping Verbs Forms of Be: am are be is been being was were Forms of Do: do does did Forms of Have: have has had Other Helping Verbs: can might would could most may Transitive Verbs- is a verb that expresses on action directed toward a person, a place, a thing, or an idea. Example: Derrick greeted the visitors. 2. Adverb- is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Example: The sprinter ran swiftly. Hint: Adverbs answer the following questions: Where?, When? How?How often? How long? To what extent? How much? Words often used: away, here, inside, there, up, later, now, soon, then, tomorrow, clearly, easily, quietly, slowly, always, forever, never, almost, so, too, more 3. Preposition- is a word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word. Example: The kite in the tree is mine. The cat walked through the door. Commonly Used Prepositions: aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between beyond, by, for, in front of, into, like, next to, out, over, past,up.. Prepositional Phrase- includes a preposition, a noun or pronoun called the object of the preposition, and any modifiers of that object. Example: Fred Hint: stood in front of us. A preposition has an object, an adverb never does! 4. Conjunction- is a word that joins words or word group. Example: Jill or Anna Alice Walker wrote the book, yet she did not write the movie script. over the river and through the woods (and joins two prepositional phrases) 5. Interjection- is a word that expresses emotion Example: Ouch! That hurts! Commonly used interjections: aha, my, ouch, wow, hey, oh, oops, well, hurray