CHANGING STRUCTURES IN THE NORTH AMERICAN PLASTICS INDUSTRY - FROM LOCAL TO GLOBAL INFLUENCES - Applied Market Information Ltd. 45-47 Stokes Croft Bristol, BS1 3QP, UK Tel: +44 (0)117 9249442 Fax: +44 (0)117 9892128 Email: Applied Market Information LLC 1210 Broadcasting Road, Suite 103 Wyomissing, PA 19610, USA Tel: +1 (610) 478 0800 Fax: +1 (610) 478 0900 Email: Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 2 The programme About Applied Market Information Where North America fits in the world The position of North American demand Downstream industries and changing structures Global Flexible Packaging markets – the PE example Consumer trends impacting plastics Retailer trends impacting plastics Conclusions Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 3 About AMI Consulting Market Analysis – In-depth multi-client reports The NAFTA market for Thermoplastic Concentrates (March, 2012) The Global Market for BOPP films The Global Market for Grass Yarns Studies by application e.g. Pipes, membranes, cables Studies by polymer e.g. PP, PE – Single client projects and reports Market & Database products – Plastics in India – The Thermoplastic Compouding Industry Report (NAFTA, Europe, Asia, Latin America) – Processor & compounder databases Conferences – – – – – – – Other Digital magazines – Compounding World, Injection World, Film & Sheet, Pipe & Profile E-publishing contract services Technical publications 4 ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Compounding World Forum AMI Plastics Industry Seminar Shrink and Stretch film Thermoplastic Concentrates Polyethylene Films Fire Retardants in Plastics Polymers in Cables AMI Consulting AMI has over 25 years experience in providing insight and information to the global plastics industry. AMI has databases on over 30,000 plastic processors globally AMI has unrivalled knowledge on down stream plastics markets Applied Market Information LLC ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 5 AMI Future Events The international marketing, business and technical conference for the polyethylene film industry 11-13 February 2014 The Shores Resort & Spa, Daytona Beach, FL, USA Organized by Applied Market Information LLC Applied Market Information LLC ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 6 AMI’s Digital magazines Applied Market Information LLC ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 7 WHERE NORTH AMERICA FITS IN THE WORLD Evolving patterns of demand The trends that shape the world Global population growth to 9.2 billion by 2050 – With an increasing share living longer and requiring greater services Urbanization as more of the population moves to cities – By 2050 65% of the world population will be city dwellers Transport needs will mean over 2.5 billion cars are needed by 2050 The fight to access resources: – Raw materials to drive industrial development – The basics of life water and food – Energy and power needs will have grown by 50% from the levels of 2012 Energy efficiency and resource optimisation will be essential drivers in the globally successful economies Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 9 Total polymer demand by type 1983-2017 700,000 600,000 Polyethylene PVC Expanded Polystyrene PET Polypropylene Polystyrene ABS Engineering polymer million lbs 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 1983 Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 1998 2012 2013 2017 Slide 10 The World 1983 and 2012 2012 1983 Africa and the Indian Sub Middle East Continent 4% Asia 1% 17% Europe 38% Africa and the Middle East 9% Indian Sub Continent 5% Europe 20% Asia 15% Greater China 6% NAFTA 17% Latin America 4% NAFTA 30% 98.8 million lbs Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Latin America 5% Greater China 29% 496.9 million lbs Slide 11 Total world demand 1983-2017 700,000 600,000 Europe Latin America Asia Africa and the Middle East NAFTA Greater China Indian Sub Continent million lbs 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 1983 Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 1998 2012 2013 2017 Slide 12 Global polymer demand 2012 Engineering polymer PET 3.8% 8.7% ABS 3.5% Expanded Polystyrene 2.2% Polyethylene 34.6% Polystyrene 6.1% PVC 16.9% Polypropylene 24.2% Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 13 End use applications for all polymers 2012 Sport and Leisure 1% Furniture Toys 1% Housewares 1% 3% Medical 1% Electrical Appliances 5% Automotive 3% Agriculture 2% Building 20% Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Flexible Packaging Industrial 7% Others 11% Flexible Packaging Consumer 17% Rigid Packaging Industrial 6% Rigid Packaging Consumer 22% Slide 14 Total NAFTA demand 1983-2017 120,000 100,000 Million lbs 80,000 Polyethylene Polypropylene PVC Polystyrene Expanded Polystyrene ABS PET Engineering Polymer 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1983 Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 1998 2012 2013 2017 Slide 15 Total NAFTA demand 1983-2017 Units: million lbs 1983 1998 2012 2013 2017 Polyethylene 13,272 30,640 34,673 35,467 40,075 Polypropylene 3,526 13,444 15,626 16,067 18,232 PVC 6,094 13,962 13,427 13,619 14,399 Polystyrene 3,758 6,083 4,728 4,761 4,904 Expanded Polystyrene 496 937 1,358 1,395 1,492 ABS 904 1,631 1,713 1,770 1,940 PET 551 4,188 10,238 10,612 12,100 886 29,487 2,513 73,398 4,033 85,795 4,232 87,922 4,963 98,105 Engineering Polymer Total Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 16 Dynamics of the NAFTA market Highly evolved market dominated by USA economy – Mexico the faster growing area 2012 characterised by: – Acceleration of domestic demand – Profitability maintained Evidence of renewed acquisition activity in processing industry Renewed confidence in domestic manufacturing of both resin and plastics processing; shale gas driven Global investments continuing, driven by the desire to serve brands on a global basis – Importance of retailers in encouraging low cost goods from around the world – Continued global investments by US companies North American resin and additive companies continue to be at the forefront of global development Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 17 Downstream industries and their changing structures The plastics industry in 2013 Plastics processing is successfully established in every region and country of the world The impact of plastics products and goods is felt in every economy and society on the planet The average consumer relies on and uses numerous distinct plastics products every day Plastics drive the global economy – – – – – Building and infrastructure Communications Transport Packaging of all consumer goods (rigid and flexible) Leisure and social activities Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 19 Development of the processing industry Pre 1970’s 1970’s-1980’s 1980’s- 1990’s 2000’s-2010 Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Local production National and regional processors Interregional processors In same time resin producers exit processing and financial groups take larger holdings Global dimension Slide 20 Global distribution of processors 2013 Indian Sub Continent 15.4% Africa and Middle East 5.6% Europe 13.2% NAFTA 7.1% Latin America 5.9% Asia 18.6% Greater China 34.2% Total number 196,255 Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 21 Global processors by activity 2013 Compounders 2.5% Cable Sheet Other 2.1% 0.9% 2.3% Profile 4.7% Pipe 2.6% Film 14.6% Rotational Moulding 0.9% Blow Moulding 7.9% Injection Moulding 61.5% Total Number 196,255 Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 22 Processor industry structure 2013 % of processor numbers % of polymer demand Africa and the Middle East Indian Sub 8.5% Continent 5.2% Europe 20.5% Indian Sub Continent 15.4% Africa and Middle East 5.6% Europe 13.2% NAFTA 7.1% Asia 14.8% Latin America 5.9% NAFTA 17.3% Greater China 28.8% Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Latin America 5.0% Asia 18.6% Greater China 34.2% Slide 23 Global distribution of plastic processors 2013 Injection Blow Rotational Polyolefin Moulding Moulding Moulding Film Pipe Profile Cable Sheet Thermoplastic Other Extrusion Extrusion Producers Extruders Compounders Processors Grand % Total Share Europe 16,525 1,735 321 2,099 778 1,394 477 1,046 762 690 25,827 13.2% NAFTA 9,000 905 220 1,080 230 855 205 505 580 300 13,880 7.1% Latin America 6,294 817 38 2,463 151 659 76 463 271 294 11,527 5.9% Greater China 45,500 4,890 180 10,935 645 2,185 310 625 1,075 745 67,090 34.2% Asia 17,460 4,055 355 6,705 1,165 3,190 530 1,055 995 1,080 36,590 18.6% Indian Sub Continent 20,100 1,975 310 4,015 1,750 145 110 425 962 505 30,297 15.4% Africa and Middle East 5,850 1,185 343 1,323 300 702 156 349 295 541 11,044 5.6% 120,729 15,562 1,767 28,620 5,019 9,130 1,864 4,468 4,940 4,155 196,255 100.0% 61.5% 7.9% 0.9% 14.6% 2.6% 4.7% 0.9% 2.3% 2.5% 2.1% 100.0% Total % share of total Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 24 The plastics industry in NAFTA Industry dispersed in all countries – Strong structure in United States – Developed industry in Canada – Rapidly evolving industry in Mexico Many companies but limited resources – The average company have limited management skills and resources Consolidation in the last ten years – – – – Takeovers and mergers driven by specialisation Consolidation of the customer base Movement of business to Asia and developing world Future of equity owned assets uncertain Specialization increasing Number of truly National players – Few with truly global ties Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 25 Distribution of processors NAFTA 2013 Injection Blow Rotational Polyolefin Moulding Moulding Moulding United States Film Pipe Profile Cable Sheet Plastic Other Extrusion Extrusion Producers Extruders Compound Processors Grand % Total Share 7,150 570 160 545 140 545 145 380 495 200 10,330 74.4 Canada 525 165 30 110 60 160 35 60 50 70 1,265 9.1 Mexico 1,325 170 30 425 30 150 25 65 35 30 2,285 16.5 GRAND TOTAL 9,000 905 220 1,080 230 855 205 505 580 300 13,880 100.0 % share of total 64.8% 6.5% 1.6% 7.8% 1.7% 6.2% 1.5% 3.6% 4.2% 2.2% 100.0% Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 26 The structure of the North American industry Others Sheet Compounders 2% 4% 5% Cable 1% Pipe and Profile 8% Rotational Moulding 2% Polyolefin Film 6% Blow Molding 6% Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Injection Molding 66% Slide 27 Global flexible packaging markets -the Polyethylene example- Packer, Retailer, Consumer – meeting many needs Preservation and protection Range of retailer formats Consumer appeal Product Information Sustainability Supply chain efficiency • Freshness and food value maintained • Pack integrity in supply chain • Clear brand identity • Range of colours & effects Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 • Stored safely with minimal space • Identity and impact on the shelf • Differentiation on the shelf • Easy to carry and transport • Strong and Robust • Light weight • Easy to open & reclose/seal • Easy to carry • Easy to identify for recycling • Meets packaging waste requirements Slide 29 Global size of market Africa & Middle East Indian Sub 8% Continent 5% Europe 23% Asia 15% NAFTA 19% Greater China 23% Total market 115 billion lbs Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Latin America 7% Slide 30 Global distribution of PE extruders 2013 Africa and Middle East Europe Indian Sub 5% 7% NAFTA Continent 4% 14% Latin America 9% Asia 23% Greater China 38% Total number of companies 28,620 Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 31 Average film producer throughput 2012 NAFTA Europe Africa & The Middle East Latin America Greater China Asia Indian Sub Continent 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 Million lbs Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 32 18.00 Base substrate demand – trends and comments PE Film market is a 84 billion lbs. Others market globally accounting for over PET 4% half of world PE demand, future PP film 6% 3% growth globally 4.5% per annum PP Film market is a 19 billion lbs. market global market growing at BOPP over 6% per annum 14% Other films and plastic substrates account for over 11 billion lbs. and are growing at over 7% per annum Strong regional focus to most Polyethylene markets, but with trade increasingly 73% influencing markets Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 33 Increased specialisation and focus Technology Advances Materials - wide range of polymers and copolymers Innovation in additives and modification Extrusion - more sophisticated processing (co-extrusion) Conversion – Improved printing (more colours greater print definition) – Pack making (specialized shapes and structures) – Lamination Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Impact on Extruders Need to understand new materials - training and investment Investments in co-extrusion often necessary to fully exploit palette of materials Co-extrusion often the route to achieve downgauging and superior performance Development of new products essential to justify investment Slide 34 Key drivers of packaging growth Environmental – Recycling – Minimisation Cost savings – line speed/filling speed improvement often related to sealing time – Greater pack integrity – Down gauging Others – Reclosability – Tamper evidence – Excitement! – Barrier properties Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 35 Case study of the opportunity: Labels 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Pressure Sensative Glue Applied Plastic Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 IML Sleeves and Others Paper Slide 36 Case study of the opportunity: Sacks 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Europe NAFTA Asia Polyethylene Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Latin America Polypropylene Japan Rest of the World Paper Slide 37 Consumer trends impacting the plastics industry Profits from forecasting and understanding Future behaviour and attitudes Future needs Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 39 How are our lives changing? Time is money “instant convenience” Healthy lifestyle choices Appealing to the young at heart How are our lives changing? Individual as a market The natural world Communications age Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 40 True value propositions Can I offer elements of uniqueness? Do my products contribute to the uniqueness of the brand? Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 41 Retailers and brands and their influence on market development Retailer brand issues/challenges Shorter product life cycles – More product variants Environmental challenge Rise of private label – Walmart private label $135 billion – Nestle is a $98 billion company Need for brand protection How to sell in an interactive world Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 43 Retailers & Consumers What is a brand? Promise How does it look Experience How does it work Memory What brings you back Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Aesthetic appeal Environmental impact Functionality Slide 44 What drives innovation What’s Needed? Consumer Competition Stakeholders Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 What’s Possible? Innovation Technology Chemistry Materials Processes Business Model Supply Chain Slide 45 Summary and conclusions Observations – Market overview The footprint and influence of plastics products are now global in scope and contribute to all areas of industry and the economy Although we are slowly seeing a global industry emerge in many markets the extent of globalisation is limited: – Few global standards exist – Resin availability and its pricing remains regional The activities of global brands, combined with modern technology, are the major factors reshaping the structure of the upper levels of the processing industry. A limited number of players are adapting to this circumstance The demand for plastics are also developing under the influence of economic, environmental and an increasingly political/legal frameworks. Stronger growth is occurring in the more populous developing economies of India and China. Other countries joining this group are Russia, Brazil and Indonesia. All around the world the opportunity to replace traditional material is strong Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 47 Observations – industry structure The processing industry continues to be extremely fragmented with the faster growing regions of the world seeing the number of processors advance while the more developed world is seeing a decrease in processor numbers. Within each major region and also on a global scale the larger processors are gaining an increasing share of the overall market. This process is most advanced in the NAFTA region where a single market has existed for many years, but similar trends are observable in the other regions. Thus in the future the industry shape will be characterised by: – The big will get bigger, the small entrepreneurial and focused supplier will remain – The medium size processor will be challenged “Disruption” will be the characteristic of markets to an increasing extent As larger groups improve their profitability, access to capital and strong balance sheets, this will drive a further process of company acquisition and restructuring Energy costs are emerging as a longer term driver of processing location Western Plastics Association ©Applied Market Information Ltd 2013 Slide 48 THE END Applied Market Information Ltd. 45-47 Stokes Croft Bristol, BS1 3QP, UK Tel: +44 (0)117 9249442 Fax: +44 (0)117 9892128 Email: Applied Market Information LLC 1210 Broadcasting Road, Suite 103 Wyomissing, PA 19610, USA Tel: +1 (610) 478 0800 Fax: +1 (610) 478 0900 Email: Attendees to this seminar are reminded that the contents are copyrighted and that the copyright belongs to Applied Market Information Ltd. and/or its subsidiaries. Unless otherwise agreed and confirmed by Applied Market Information Ltd. in writing, it is forbidden to distribute the contents to any third parties or transmit it via any electronic medium forum. Applied Market Information Ltd. AMI House, 45-47 Stokes Croft Bristol BS1 3QP, UK Tel: +44(117) 924 9442 Fax: +44(117) 989 2128 E: Applied Market Information LLC 1210 Broadcasting Road, Suite 103 Wyomissing, PA 19610 USA Tel: +1(610) 478 0800 Fax: +1(610) 478 0900 E: Andrew Reynolds: