DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview

DOL Speaks 2009
Benefits Conference
Michael L. Schenk, Esq.
Wells Fargo Insurance Services Confidential. © 2006 Wells Fargo Insurance Services. All rights reserved.
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Phyllis Borzi Comments on EBSA
Legislative Agenda
Fee Disclosure
Form 5500 and EFAST2
DOL Correction – VFCP and DFVC
DOL Investigations
Investment Advice
403(b)s from Title I Perspective
ERISA Litigation
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Phyllis Borzi Comments on EBSA
Michael Davis – JP Morgan – Asst. Secretary – investment background
Wholesale shift to employees bearing investment risks - looking at
reviewing much of the regulatory field
Enforcement (Solis “new sheriff in town”) – Phyllis’ “reminder” – there is a
sheriff in town
Civil and Criminal Penalties
– $1.2 billion in monetary results – 70% of 3500 events EBSA achieving
correction of fiduciary issues. 2008 litigation in 91 cases.
– Criminal – most under US attorney for jurisdiction – 2008 closed 212
investigations – 101 individuals indicted.
– Michael Vick – took 401(k) money to pay some of his legal fees – getting
back $250,000.
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Phyllis Borzi Comments on EBSA – Cont’d
Delinquent employer contributions – national priority in 2010 FY
New priority – contributory plan criminal project – false 5500 forms and
contributions not actually made as represented
MEWA enforcement – either not good in risk management, or crooks
ESOPs – valuation issues, ESOP transactions (ROBS?)
CAP – Consultant/Advisor Project – improper undisclosed compensation by
pension consultants and other investment advisors – using fiduciary status
to increase compensation, to include consultants that advise all types of
plans, including disability and life insurance plans.
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Phyllis Borzi Comments on EBSA – Cont’d
Investment advice – needs to be affordable and unbiased
1/21/09 release criticized as going too far
taking a fresh look and working to put more inline with PPA provisions
11/18/09 delayed effective date
will likely withdraw regs in their entirety and recompose and repropose with
fairly short comment period – hoping before 11/18/09 – takes time
Concerned about reports that DOL Sun America opinion and computer
models being interpreted very broadly – limited to facts and circumstances
and cannot be relied upon – she could not recall specific examples
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Phyllis Borzi Comments on EBSA – Cont’d
Fees and expenses
– Fees need to be transparent
– Proposed fee regulations – are in process of being finalized – 408(b)(2)
and disclosures to participants coming first – moving rapidly
– Go beyond just plans looking to comply with 404(c) - need info to make
intelligent decisions – participants need timely and useful information
– Phyllis likes simplicity and accessibility – need full disclosure too
– “Simple, understandable, accurate and useful”
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Phyllis Borzi Comments on EBSA – Cont’d
Participant contributions safe harbors
– Met if deposited within 7 business days
– Final regs coming
Target date funds
– Different agencies with different jurisdictions
– Improve ability of participants to understand and evaluate what these
options are – big issues: whether participant can understand how the funds
operate (e.g., What is the target date?)
– Perhaps end of year with indication of EBSA’s intentions
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Phyllis Borzi Comments on EBSA – Cont’d
Annuity Income
– Concern with shifts to DC and lump sum distributions
– Longevity concern – participants are not able to manage longevity risk
– Looking at request for info on what’s going on in marketplace and
suggestions on how EBSA might encourage selecting annuities
– Key question: how to educate participants of importance of lifetime income
Health initiatives – GINA proposed regs soon; Mental health parity soon
Expand ERISA Coverage? Voluntary 403(b)s? Severance Plans?
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Phyllis Borzi Comments on EBSA – Cont’d
Self-correction for Title I issues – Phyllis had experience with this – if
problems, fix it, whether using voluntary correction program or not – she
understands desire to have expansion of formal program
Who is covered under top hat plans pursuant to one-time filings – may
consider whether that needs to be looked at
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Legislative Agenda
Not much noteworthy
Health Reform – Major issue is what it costs and how to pay for it – noted
that PPA’s expected cost was $23 billion, which seemed very high at the
– FSAs down to $2,000
Fee Disclosures – High priority for Chairman George Miller (House
Education and Labor Committee)
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Fee Disclosure
To Fiduciaries
– Potential changes leaning towards unbundling so fiduciaries understand
and can negotiate better
– Perhaps some focus on general “per participant” fees
– Holding pattern on regulations and legislation
– Disclosure already perhaps getting better from financial intermediaries –
perhaps due to efforts of fee audit vendors?
To Participants
– Requirements going under 404
– DOL has tools– see
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Form 5500 – EFAST2 Transitions
2009 Short Plan Year Filers – automatic 90-day extension to after EFAST 2
available to file electronically
5500 Amendments Prior Years – must file on EFAST2
DFVC Filings – After EFAST2 is live, must file electronically
PY 2008 Filings for Non-Calendar Years
– file in 2010 under EFAST2 OR
• EFAST through 6/30/10
• Paper through 10/15/10
– If no audit done by 10/15/09 and filing amended return in 2010, paper is still
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Form 5500 – EFAST2
Two Methods
– 3rd Party Vendor
Must keep manually-signed copy on file
Generally not possible to “submit” filing until passes computer “check”
– It appears both IFILE and 3rd Party Vendor systems will do the check
– No longer possible to get the 30 days + 30 days letters from DOL
– Still confusing on whether plan is considered “filed” when submitted without
a plan audit via PDF attachment – GET AUDITS FAST!!!
– Perhaps “game” the system by attaching some PDF, even though not a plan
audit, just so you can get by the system and be deemed to be filed
– There’s still a possible 45-day correction letter – so if this is not OK, it is not
clear when the 45-day correction letter might come into play
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Form 5500 – EFAST2 – Cont’d
– Cannot use if there’s any real estate, even if bank-trusteed
– Not subject to DOL
– Can use SF or paper EZ
– Not clear if SF will go on the Web in this situation (EZ will not)
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Form 5500 – EFAST2 – Cont’d
New Schedule C
– ID service providers who received $5,000+ in comp (direct & indirect)
– Includes new codes describing services & types of compensation
– Report total direct comp paid by plan separately from total indirect comp
received by provider
– Prior rule requiring plan to identify only top “40” highest paid service
providers is eliminated.
– For “Key” service providers, must also identify persons from whom
provider received $1,000 or more in indirect compensation
– Non-monetary compensation (gifts, trips, meals, etc.) included, subject
to de minimis exception
– Alternative Reporting Option for “Eligible Indirect Compensation”
• Only certain types of indirect compensation eligible
• Disclosure requirements
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Form 5500 – EFAST2 – Cont’d
New Compliance and Technical Questions
– Whether plan paid benefits when due
– Whether plan complied with blackout notice regulations
– New feature codes for plans with automatic enrollment or default investment
– Standard supplemental schedule for Schedule H reporting delinquent
participant contributions
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Consultant/Advisor Project
Contributory Plan Criminal Project
– Applied to both retirement and health & welfare plans
Referrals by anonymous complaint – DOL can investigate
Some civil investigations against service providers
Note distinction between a “settlement agreement” (502(l) penalty is
mandatory) vs. “closing letter” (no 502(l) penalty)
Interview – 1 individual at a time (but good idea to have lawyer present)
Fidelity Bonds
– Cannot have a deductible
– Must include a “discovery period” of at least 1 year after termination or
cancellation of the bond
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Consultant/Advisor Project
Contributory Plan Criminal Project
– Applied to both retirement and health & welfare plans
Referrals by anonymous complaint – DOL can investigate
Some civil investigations against service providers
Note distinction between a “settlement agreement” (502(l) penalty is
mandatory) vs. “closing letter” (no 502(l) penalty)
Interview – 1 individual at a time (but good idea to have lawyer present)
Fidelity Bonds
– Cannot have a deductible
– Must include a “discovery period” of at least 1 year after termination or
cancellation of the bond
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Investment Advice
Nothing much worth mentioning – still working through level fee and
computer model rules
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Emphasis on 5500, audits and FAB 2009-02
– Frozen contracts before 2009 are disregarded for 5500 purposes, but not
necessarily other purposes
• E.g., there’s still a plan for 5500 purposes
› File 5500-SF and list “0” participants
• Fiduciary rules still apply for plans otherwise subject to Title I
– FAB 2009-02 principles do apply beyond 2009 reporting year
– Hang-up on FAB requirement that “ All rights . . . legally enforceable against
the insurer by the individual owner . . . without involvement by the employer”
• E.g., no approval of employer for hardships or loans
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
403(b)s – Cont’d
ERISA Safe Harbor
– Employer can limit number of providers who may approach employees –
how many is that?
• 1 is probably too few, but possible OK if vendor approaches the
employer first, not if the employer initiates review of vendors
Plan Termination
– Still uncertain territory on whether failure to be able to terminate for IRS and
reg purposes is fatal to termination for Title I purposes
– DOL waiting for IRS to resolve their plan termination issues first
Title I 403(b) with Non-Title I 403(b)
– Seems to be OK if they are not tied together (e.g., match into Title I plan
based on non-Title I plan deferrals probably not OK)
403(b)s and 404(c)
– Sadly, not addressed
DOL Speaks 2009 Benefits Conference Overview
Definite distinction between point of view of defendants’ attorney vs.
plaintiffs’ attorney and DOL
Defendants winning most cases so far – key problem seems to be that
plaintiffs must overcome argument that providers are just following the
same general practices in the industry
– Need to prove “general practice” is wrong
– Compelling public interest for plans not to pay too much – time value of
– 2 Key Areas DOL is Confident In
• No process at all (didn’t even think about how much paid)
• Self-dealing – fiduciaries setting their own compensation