HyTASP Program Committee Meeting Minutes 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit San Diego Marriott Marquis – Cardiff Room Time 1930 - 2200 Monday, August 1, 2011 San Diego, CA Attendees: Ryan Starkey (Univ of Colorado), Aaron Auslender (AFRL/RZA), Walter O’Brien (Virginia Tech), Marc Kniskern (Sandia), Luca Maddalena (Univ of Texas – Arlington), Ron Springer (JHU/APL), Randy Voland (ACENT Labs), Steve Beckel (ATK), Brad Leland (LM-ADP), Kristen Roberts (LM-Missiles & Fire Control), Doug Garrard (AEDC/ATA), Gillian Bussey (UMD), Mark Lewis (UMD), Joaquin Castro (PWR), Steven Dunn (Jacobs/NASA LaRC), Balu Sekar (AFRL/RZTC), Carl Ehrlich (Retired), Thomas Dittman (SDSU), Marty Bradley (Boeing), David Froning (U. of Adelaide), Peter Montgomery (AEDC), Tim O’Brien (Aerojet) Peter Montgomery called the meeting to order at 1940 Tim O’Brien submitted the minutes from the HyTASP meeting at the Hypersonic Space Planes Conference in April 2011 to the committee for approval. Walter O’Brien recommended approval of the minutes. Randy Voland seconded. The minutes were then approved with unanimous consent of the committee. Peter Montgomery discussed the proposed agenda for the meeting and asked for any recommendations, receiving none. Open action items o Public Policy Subcommittee to draft a white paper in support of continuing X-51 testing to bring to the full committee for review – Kevin Bowcutt to submit status at the JPC meeting – OPEN o Peter Montgomery approved bringing the winning HyTASP logo to a professional artist to touch up – Will provide a status at ASM. o All HyTASP members to think of further ideas to increase HyTASP conference attendance when held in the US – Pending TAC decision on future AIAA conference structure o Peter Montgomery will follow up with Basil Hassan about any formal response to TAC regarding co-location of future HyTASP conferences – Pending TAC decision on future AIAA conference structure o Dan Marren will try to boil down targets of opportunity for countries that are currently not represented on HyTASP – OPEN o All HyTASP members: Consider whether the PC wants to get a newsletter going or coordinate with HSABP TC – OPEN o All HyTASP members: Provide feedback to Peter Montgomery regarding a HyTASP Facebook page – OPEN o All HyTASP members: Provide feedback to Peter Montgomery regarding holding our ASM PC meeting at AEDC, instead of at the conference – feedback provided at the end of the meeting (CLOSED) Ryan Starkey gave a presentation on the DreamChaser effort performed by the University of Colorado Walt O’Brien gave a presentation on work being performed at Virginia Tech Ashwani Gupta came by to discuss the restructuring of the conference schedule. An AIAA proposal has been made to cut down the number of meetings that AIAA hosts every year. The process for consolidation is currently being worked within AIAA and is not set in stone. Subcommittee activities o Steering (Peter Montgomery) – Met in the afternoon. Talked about the conference consolidation changes. Discussed HyTASP logo and shirts to be put together. Chris Goyne has been working with a graphic artist to make a professional looking logo. Estimate was about $300 to make it a professional logo, still looking into putting the logo on a shirt. Should hear more at next meeting. Joaquin said that the integration team got AIAA to help pay for shirts. Talked about Aerospace YIR article. Talked about small adjustments to our meetings: looking to add university research, visit local installation for hypersonics. o 2012 HyTASP Conference Update (Dave Van Wie): Well along in planning for next conference. Looking very likely we will be heading to France, but it is not completely official. Francois Falempin is working with AAAF to obtain support for holding the conference. AAAF would organize the conference location and facilities, AIAA would handle the paper organization. Looking toward the end of September in 2012. Site location: one near French Alps, another a little bit south of Paris. o Liaisons report (Rob Vermeland): Tried to have a meeting, attendance was minimal due to other conflicts. Looking to develop a project to do with several other TCs. This project is still being refined at the moment. o Honors and awards (Balu Sekar): Gave a presentation on the Hypersonics Systems and Technologies Award Carl Ehrlich gave a presentation regarding the HyTASP Aerospace America YIR article. Joaquin Castro asked about public policy. No meeting held this time. Joaquin would like HSABP, HyTASP, and GTTC to work together for CVD for the hypersonics community. He wants to get an issue paper together to use for presentation material. Joaquin then gave a summary of the CVD process. Peter Montgomery gave a series of charts updating conference growth discussions. Mark Lewis asked about when we would try to implement the recommendations. Peter responded that these ideas will target the next US conference in three years. Carl Ehrlich commented that we are odd due to our 18 month schedule, will that change things? Peter responded that there are no plans to change the timing. No concerns were raised to have international conferences every three years. When in the US, the issue would be how are we tied into another conference? The total number of US AIAA conferences has not been decided. Joaquin Castro indicated some confusion that the 4 conference model has been firmly established. He says they are implementing in 2013. Peter believed that will change shortly. Joaquin Castro discussed how HSABP voted that JPC should not be discontinued. Peter Montgomery responded that TAC wanted to get a Tiger Team to whittle down options before putting out to committees. New model should be presented at the Portland conference the week following JPC. Peter acknowledged that this is a difficult situation. Joaquin Castro responded that financial aspects have changed and AIAA will have to conform to the current state of affairs. The next business meeting will be held at ASM in January. Peter would like for the committee to meet on Friday, June 13 at AEDC. He presented a proposed schedule for the day. Status reports All in attendance provided update reports on the activities of their organizations related to hypersonics and high speed airbreathing propulsion. Below is a summary of the information shared with the PC. Most participants chose to be brief with their summaries due to the meeting running late: Mark Lewis (UMD): Still working hypersonics Gillian Bussey (UMD): Working on completing her Ph.D. Carl Ehrlich (Retired): Is interacting with the DreamChaser and Skylon teams Dave Froning (Semi-retired): Lecturer at U of Adelaide. Coordinating with Allan Paull and Russell Boyce. 20 students in design have been working on external burning experiments, including missile launches. Doing study for Asian office of AFOSR looking at light powered scramjet Doug Garrard (AEDC): Completed FACET entry. Ripped out controls of APTU and reconfigured, new runs have been completed with substantial reduction in errors. Kristen Roberts (LM): Joined PC meeting due to interest Brad Leland (LM): Working combined cycle propulsion Steve Beckel (ATK): Working on Robust Scramjet, LSET. HIFIRE payload 2 nearing completion for launch. Randy Voland (ACENT Labs): Hypersonics work and technology development, green technology. Working with X-51 program, HIFIRE, LSET programs. Working Phase 2 SBIR for scramjet cold start system (TEB-based system run in a nonpyrophoric manner) Ron Springer (JHU/APL): Reporting for Dave Van Wie - France is pretty much definite for September 2012. French will staff the conference, but use the AIAA system Marty Bradley (Boeing): Working TBCC flowpaths, NASA NRA, supporting Virginia hypersonics center, green technologies. Luca Maddalena (UTA): Aerodynamic research center, detonation engines, arc jet facility (2MW). Testing SWEAP and TPS for air force. Leading edge heat transfer measurements, mixing and combustion for scramjets, supersonic wind tunnel and hypersonic wind tunnels. Did some work at Stanford in their shock tube with injection systems Walter O’Brien (Va Tech): gave his summary in presentation Aaron Auslender (AFRL/RZA): Sitting in for Tom Jackson. Robust scramjet larger scale testing, HIFIRE 2, X-51 Ryan Starkey (Univ of Colorado): gave his summary in presentation Peter Montgomery (AEDC): Looking to increase test envelope for arc heaters. Recent upgrades to range impact facility and preparing for upcoming testing. The meeting was officially adjourned at 2205. Respectfully submitted, Tim O’Brien Executive Secretary HyTASP Program Committee ACTION ITEM SUMMARY ACTION Public Policy Subcommittee to draft a white paper in support of continuing X-51 testing to bring to the full committee for review - Kevin Bowcutt to submit status at ASM. Peter Montgomery approved bringing the winning HyTASP logo to a professional artist to touch up. Will provide status at ASM. All HyTASP members to think of further ideas to increase HyTASP conference attendance when held in the US Peter Montgomery will follow up with Basil Hassan about any formal response to TAC regarding co-location of future HyTASP conferences. Dan Marren will try to boil down targets of opportunity for countries that are currently not represented on HyTASP. All HyTASP members: Consider whether the PC wants to get a newsletter going or coordinate with the HSABP TC. All HyTASP members: Provide feedback to Peter Montgomery regarding a HyTASP Facebook page.