The ultimate future of Artificial Life - Personal Homepages

The ultimate future of Artificial Life:
Towards Artificial Cosmogenesis
Clément Vidal
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Centrum Leo Apostel (CLEA)
Evolution, Complexity and Cognition (ECCO)
Simulating an entire universe
Increase of computational resources
Bridging physical, biological and cultural evolution
Replaying the « tape of the universe »
Simulation or realization?
Cosmic perspective
Heat death problem
Philosophical approach
From Cosmological Natural Selection to Cosmological
Artificial Selection.
Cosmic evolution gave rise to living
organisms capable of reverse engineering
the process that gave rise to them.
What is the future of ALife (and generally
simulations in science) considering a
cosmological time-scale?
Simulating an entire universe
Increase of computational resources
Bridging physical, biological and cultural evolution
Replaying the « tape of the universe »
Simulation or realization?
Increase of computational
Externalization of
Moore’s law
Externalization of
Computing devices
the number of transistors
doubles every 18 months
on a single microprocessor
Increase in processing
speed and memory
Limit : black hole
(Lloyd 2000, Kurzweil
More general trend
Chaisson (2001, 2003) thermodynamically
grounded quantitative metric for complex
Free energy rate density (noted Φm)
rate at which free energy transits in a
complex system of a given mass.
Dimension: energy per time per mass (erg s-1
Bridging physical, biological and
cultural evolution
First challenge for ALife
digital universe simulating this rise of levels of
complexity in the physical, biological, and
cultural realms. (conceptual and
methodological problems here).
In short, this is the challenge of simulating an
entire universe.
Replaying the
« tape of the universe »
“what would remain the same if the tape of the
universe were replayed?”
Paraphrasing (Gould 1990)
Research program for the fine-tuning problem in
if any of a number of parameters, fundamental
constants in physics and also initial conditions in
cosmology were slightly different, no complexity of
any sort would come into existence
Simulation or realization?
"The intent of this work is to synthesize
rather than simulate life."
Thomas (Ray 1992, 372)
Traditional-like simulations
OUR real-world is modelled
Better predictions/understanding
ALife-like simulations
A new digital-world is created and explored
Is it realization? Open debate. (Pattee 1995).
Cosmic perspective
Heat death problem
 Philosophical approach
 From Cosmological Natural Selection to
Cosmological Artificial Selection.
The heat death problem (HD)
Second law of thermodynamics
Application to the universe
the entropy of an isolated system will tend to
increase over time
the universe will irreversibly go towards a state
of maximum entropy. Helmholtz in 1854.
No possibility of infinite continuation of life.
Field of physical eschatology (Ćirković 2003)
Darwin’s view
“ Believing as I do that man
in the distant future will
be a far more perfect
creature than he now is,
thought that he and all
other sentient beings are
annihilation after such
(Darwin 1887, 70).
Philosophical approach
What is the ultimate fate of humanity
and the universe in the very distant
speculative philosophical approach (Broad
1924); (Vidal 2007) for a method.
No unambiguous empirical or experimental
ambitious question, the proposed answer can
only be tentative and speculative.
From Cosmological Natural
Selection to Cosmological Artificial
Cosmological natural selection (CNS) as an
attempt to solve the fine-tuning problem
VARIATION: Black holes give birth to new universes
by producing the equivalent of a Big Bang, which
produces a baby universe with slightly different
physical laws and constants.
SELECTION: The differential success in selfreproduction of universes via their black holes.
Limitations of Smolin’s theory
Life’s role in the universe is incidental.
The physical laws aren’t fine-tuned to maximize
black hole production.
(Rees 1997, p251), quoted in (Gardner 2003, p84)
No mechanism of heredity. (Gardner 2003, p84)
Cosmological Artificial Selection
VARIATION: Different simulations of entire
SELECTION: Artificial selection of the
suitable simulated universes.
From simulation to realization
(very speculative topic!)
Realization is here the
reproduction of the
Black holes are good
candidates for
universe reproduction
(ultimate computing
Evolutionary Developmental
Example: Body / Germline analogy
(Smart 2008)
Biology: The body dies, not the germline
(DNA), which is passed on to the offspring.
Cosmology: the universe dies (HD), not its
germline (“laws of nature”) which are
First deciphered by intelligent life (phenomenon of
 Then passed on via intelligent life to an offspring
Much more to explore…
Thank you for your attention !
Questions are welcome now or later
Exploring Chaisson’s curve
Big Bang data
Evo Devo Universe
Research community
U curve? EDU analogy?
Moore’s law
Predict artificial
Contact me if interested in
these projects! 
Conference in Paris 8-9
October 2008
Broad, C. D. 1924. Critical and Speculative Philosophy. Contemporary British philosophy: Personal statements: 75100.
Chaisson, E. J. 2001. Cosmic Evolution: The Rise of Complexity in Nature. Harvard University Press, October 15.
---. 2003. A unifying concept for astrobiology. International Journal of Astrobiology 2, no. 02: 91-101.
Ćirković, M. M. 2003. Resource Letter: PEs-1: Physical eschatology. American Journal of Physics 71: 122.
Darwin, Charles. 1887. The Autobiography of Charles Darwin. Barnes & NoblePublishing (2005).
Gardner, J. N. 2003. Biocosm. The New Scientific Theory of Evolution: Intelligent Life is the Architect of the
Universe. Inner Ocean Publishing.
Kurzweil, R. 2006. The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. Penguin Books.
Lloyd, S. 2000. Ultimate physical limits to computation. Nature 406: 1047-1054.
Pattee, H. H. 1995. Artificial Life Needs a Real Epistemology. Advances in Artificial Life: Third European
Conference on Artificial Life, Granada, Spain, June 4-6, 1995: Proceedings.
Rees, M. J. 1997. Before the Beginning: Our Universe and Others. Perseus Books.
Smart, John. 2008. Evo Devo Universe? A Framework for Speculations on Cosmic Culture. In Cosmos and Culture,
ed. S. J. Dick. To appear.
Vidal, Clement. 2007. An Enduring Philosophical Agenda. Worldview Construction as a Philosophical Method.
Submitted for publication (February).