scavenger hunt - Woodstown-Pilesgrove School District

Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Government Scavenger Hunt
Who is the leader of
our country? #1
New Jersey’s Top
Guy #2
Representatives in
the state capital
What if there’s a
problem in the
A Tree Falls in
Woodstown #5
But I Live in
Pilesgrove #5
Mr. President: A
letter from… #6
Get in touch with
the Gov.
Whew, that smell!!
Now back to that
Let it snow, let it
snow, let it snow!!
There just aren’t
enough buses!!
Feeling confident?
Try this
Let’s see how you
Click on the Icon
And the winner
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
The Top of the Government
• Every 4 years, voters go to the
poll to elect a President. This
person is the leader of the entire
country of the United States.
• Who is the President of the United
States and what number
President is he?
Click to return to the board
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Who is the leader of New Jersey?
• All issues that are decided in the best
interest of a state are settled by one
individual elected by the voters.
• Who is it and what is his title?
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Who represents your interests in the state
• If there is an issue in our district, there are 2
men and 1 woman who go to Trenton to
speak on behalf of the citizens. For the
district where we live, we elect 1 state
senator and 2 assemblymen.
• Who are the 3 men that represent the
district where you live? What is the number
of the district where you live?
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
What if there’s a problem in the county?
• Any issues that happen in the county are
handled by a group of 7 people who were
elected by the residents of Salem County
• What is the title of the elected officials
representing Salem County? Name 3 of
these individuals?
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
A Tree Falls in the Middle of Woodstown
• Is this something the President handles?
Probably not. The Governor, our
Assemblymen, Senators, and Freeholders
all have bigger business to handle. So who
do you contact?
• Click this link to find the who runs your local
government. Write down his name, his title,
and 1 person who works with him.
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Does the Woodstown government make
decisions for Pilesgrove?
• NO!! Pilesgrove Township has their own
group of officials that make decisions for the
residents of Pilesgrove.
• So… if someone throws their trash in the
parking lot of Wood Lanes, who will you
call? Find the top 2 elected officials in
Pilesgrove Township and write their titles
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Suppose I wanted to write the President
a letter…
• Did you know that the President’s address
is public knowledge? If you wanted to send
him a letter, all you would have to do is
write it and mail it.
• Suppose you wanted to invite the President
to our school. Where would you mail the
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
You are very unhappy with the Governor for
cutting a specific program!!
• Just like the President, the address of the
Governor is also public information.
• If you’re unhappy with something in the
state, you can also write him a letter. What
is the address of the Governor? (Hint: go all
the way to the bottom of the page)
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
The state wants to put a new landfill in Salem,
Gloucester, and Cumberland Counties!!
• This clearly won’t work. With all the
farmland in these 3 counties a landfill will
destroy any hopes of growing delicious, ripe
Jersey tomatoes.
• Thankfully, your state senator and
assemblymen are here to speak on your
behalf. What is their telephone number
(remember, you live in Salem County)?
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
The borough of Woodstown decides that
no one under 18 should be allowed to
play at Marlton Park!!
• I’m guessing this won’t be a popular
decision with this class. The people that
made this decision were voted into office by
the citizens of Woodstown.
• Find the council member who is responsible
for Health Rec. and Welfare. Write down the
person’s name and phone number.
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
There is too much commotion on the
streets at night!!
• Many of the elected officials have been
complaining that there is too much noise
made by Elementary School students after
dark. They have decided to create an
ordinance where all students under 12 must
be in their homes by 5:00 pm.
• This doesn’t sound like a good idea to you.
You’ve been told the easiest way to contact
your elected officials is by phone. What’s
their phone number?
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
What does snow have to do with this?
• It depends. Many of the roads that we drive
on are maintained by the county. That
means that neither the state nor the federal
government is responsible for clearing them
when we get snow.
• That responsibility falls on our County
Freeholders. What is the name of the
building and address where the freeholders
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
The price of gas is just too high!!
• It would be a lot cheaper if a bus were to
come through more parts of Salem County
to take us where we needed to go.
• Will that ever happen? Find the Freeholder
Board’s Chairman of the Transportation
Committee and write that person’s name.
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Complete this organizational tree
• Simply type in the correct name in the
appropriate box. When you are finished,
print it to the library printer and put your
name on it.
• Here it is… if you dare!!
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Drum Roll Please!!!!
• Click this link to compare your answers to
the correct answers
• How’d you do? Write the number correct on
the top of the page.
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
• You have finished the Government
Scavenger Hunt!!
• Please hand in all completed papers to your
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
What is that awful smell?!?!?!?
• Lawmakers in the state capital have
decided they want to put toxic landfills in
Gloucester, Salem, and Cumberland
• The thought of that leaves your nostrils
flaring with anger. What number would you
call to contact your state representatives?
(Remember you live in Salem County)