Cross Cultural Psychology: Introduction Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos 14 May 2009 Course Outline • Introduction • Cross-Cultural research methods • Culture and: – Development – Cognition – Perception – Language – Social Interactions, Gender, and Emotions • Intercultural Relations Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Overview • Psychology • Culture • Cross-Cultural Psychology Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Psychology • Psychology: Scientific study of human behavior and mental functions – Scientific Study: Systematic, objective methods of observing behavior and mental functioning – Behavior: Activity that can be observed, recorded, and measured – Mental Functions: Infer from observable behavior • Areas of Study: Perception, Cognition, Development, Emotion, Personality, Motivation, Interpersonal relationships Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Psychology • Psychology: Study of behavior and mental processes – Assumption: People are similar across cultures • Hypothesize factors within cultures that influence mental processes • Anthropology: Study of human beings in all places and at all times – Cultural Anthropology: Systematic comparison of different cultures – Assumption: People are different across cultures • Needs Assessment: Studies that determine and address gaps between current conditions and desired conditions – Assess local opinions about development and aid projects Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Psychology • Purpose of Psychology: Understand, explain, predict, and control behavior – Observe human behavior • • • • Response time Frequency of behaviors Performance on cognitive tasks Self-report on questionnaires – Develop hypothetical constructs that explain patterns of performance in human behavior Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Research Studies • Psychological Construct: Hypothetical concept created to explain common patterns of behavior across participants – Unobservable – Independent and dependent variables in psychological studies – Researcher has to develop ways of manipulating and measuring the variables • Participants: Those who participate in the study – Population vs. Sample – In most psychological studies, participants are not variables in studies – In cross-cultural psychology studies, the culture of a participant may be an independent variable Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Research Studies • When reporting the method of a research study, address three questions: – What? What are the independent and dependent variables in the study? • These variables are not directly observable – How? How were the independent and dependent variables measured? • Since the key variables are not observable, how did the researcher measure or manipulate them? – Who? Who were the people that participated in the study? Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Psychology • Deterministic: One variable completely determines another – Guarantee • Probabilistic: One variable increases the probability of another – Substantial number of variables that influence each outcome – Free will – Psychology is probabilistic Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Culture • Culture: Shared way of life of a group of people • Culture: Shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding learned through the process of socialization – Culture is NOT: Artifacts, tools, or other tangible cultural elements – Culture IS: How members of the cultural group interpret, use, and perceive the objects • Culture consists of: Values, beliefs, attitudes, interpretations, and perspectives that distinguish one group of people from another Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Culture • Culture is manifested by: – Symbols: Communication or object that carries a particular meaning within a group – Heros: People who possess characteristics highly prized in a culture – Rituals: Social activities that are socially essential – Values: Preferences of a specific state of affairs to others (e.g., good-bad) Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Characteristics of Culture • Culture is: – An adaptive mechanism – Learned • Cultures change – Rate of cultural change differs by culture – Cultural diffusion: Cultural practices pass to a different culture • People tend to be unaware of their cultural practices – Ethnocentrism: Judging another culture in terms o one’s own culture • Culture defines acceptable behavior patterns • Cultures do not currently exist in isolation Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Dimensions of Culture: Hofstede Model (Hofstede, 2001) • Power Distance: Extent to which less powerful members accept that power is unequally distributed • Uncertainty Avoidance: Tolerance for ambiguity • Individualism vs. Collectivism: Degree to which people are integrated into groups • Masculinity vs. Femininity: Distribution of values between the genders • Long-term vs. Short-term orientation: Choice of focus for people’s efforts to the future, present, or past Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Power Distance Small Power Distance Large Power Distance • Parents and children are equals • Older people not respected or feared • Student-centered education • Subordinates expect to be consulted • Parents teach children obedience • Older people are respected and feared • Teacher-centered education • Subordinates expect to be told what to do Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Uncertainty Avoidance Weak Uncertainty Avoidance Strong Uncertainty Avoidance • Uncertainty in life is accepted • Lower stress • Higher scores on well-being • Comfortable with ambiguity and chaos • Uncertainty is felt as a threat to be fought • High stress • Lower scores on well-being • Need for clarity and structure Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Individualism and Collectivism Individualism • Everyone is expected to only take care of themselves and immediate family • Right of privacy • Speaking one’s mind is healthy • Others classified as individuals • Purpose of education is to learn how to learn • Task prevails over relationship Collectivism • Everyone is expected to protect extended families • Stress on belonging • Harmony is always maintained • Others classified as in-group or out-group • Purpose of education is learning how to do • Relationship prevails over task Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Feminine and Masculine Femininity Masculinity • Minimum emotional and social role differentiation between genders • Men and women should be modest and caring • Balance between family and work • Sympathy for the weak • Both mothers and fathers deal with facts and feelings • Both boys and girls may cry but neither should fight • Mothers decide on family size • Maximum emotional and social role differentiation between genders • Men should be assertive and ambitious • Work prevails over family • Admiration for the strong • Fathers deal with facts, mothers deal with feelings • Girls cry, boys fight back • Fathers decide on family size Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Short and Long-Term Orientation Short-Term Orientation Long-Term Orientation • Most important events in life occurred in past or take place now • Immediate need gratification expected • Children should learn tolerance and respect • Social spending and consumption • Stres on short-term profits • Most important events in life will occur in the future • Need gratification deferred until later • Children should learn to be thrifty • Saving, investing • Stress on future market position Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Cross-Cultural Psychology • Cross-Cultural Psychology: Systematic comparison of psychological variables under different cultural conditions in order to: – Identify universal aspects of human thought and behavior – Identify how culture influences human thought and behavior • Key Question: How does culture influence human behavior and mental processes? Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Cross-Cultural Psychology (Berry, Poortinga, Segall, & Dasen, 2002) • Cross-cultural psychology is the study of: – Similarities and differences in individual psychological functioning in various cultural and ethnocultural groups – The relationships between psychological variables and socio-cultural, ecological, and biological variables – The ongoing changes in psychological, sociocultural, ecological, and biological variables Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Goals of Cross-Cultural Psychology • Test the generality of psychological knowledge and theories • Discover cultural and psychological variations in non-Western cultures • Integrate results of general and specific psychological findings to a universal psychology that is valid for a broad range of cultures Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Perspectives in Cross-Cultural Psychology • Absolutism: All psychological variables are the same in all cultures – Assess constructs using the same methods and instruments across cultures • Relativism: All psychological constructs are culturally influenced – No comparisons can be made between cultures • Universalism: All psychological variables are common between cultures but culture influences the development and manifestation of psychological characteristics – Comparisons can be made cautiously, but with modifications to methods and instruments to make them culturally meaningful. Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Perspectives in Cross-Cultural Psychology (Berry et al., 2002) Absolutist Universalist Relativist Context-free definition of concepts Almost always Difficult to achieve Usually impossible Context-free measurement of constructs Usually possible Often impossible Impossible Assessment of constructs Standardized instruments Adapted instruments Local instruments Comparisons between culture Straight-forward, Evaluative Controlled, Nonevaluative Usually avoided, Non-evaluative Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Ecological Context Ecological Influences Genetic Transmission Observable Behaviors And Psychological Constructs Biological Adaptation And Cultural Adaptation Cultural Transmission Socio-Political Context Acculturation Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Contributions of Cross-Cultural Research to Psychology • Knowledge: Findings of similarities and differences of behavior and mental functioning have added to the body of psychological knowledge • Critical Thinking: Psychological findings are now analyzed to determine whether similar results will be found in different cultures Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Cross-Cultural Psychology • Because of cross-cultural research, the following assumptions now must be made: – All behavior is learned and occurs in a cultural context – Culture must be accounted for in psychological theories – More understanding of cultural influences on behavior is necessary, which may change the way behavior is studied Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Cross-Cultural Psychology Modern Psychology Cultural-Historical Psychology • Mental processes and behavior are independent from the context • Purpose of psychology is to isolate mental processes from the context through controlled experiments • Context influences mental processes and behavior • Purpose of psychology is to understand how the mind and culture mutually influence each other Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Progression of Cross-Cultural Research • Beginning: Document differences between cultures • Currently: Determine the cultural variables that produce the differences – Culture is replaced with specific, measurable psychological variables hypothesized to account for cultural differences • Future: Universal theories of psychological processes Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Psychology in Nigeria • What psychological variables are not relevant to the Nigerian context? • What psychological variables should be studied that are unique to the Nigerian context? • What are practical problems in Nigerian society that culturally-relevant psychological research can address? Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos Revision • What is psychology? • What is culture? What are the five key ways that cultures can vary? • What is the purpose of cross-cultural research? • What are the different perspectives that are taken in cross-cultural psychology? • What contributions have cross-cultural research made to the field of psychology? Dr. K. A. Korb University of Jos