Senior Memory Book 2013 Mrs. Shaw's Senior English Class During

Senior Memory Book 2013
Mrs. Shaw’s Senior English Class
During this semester, you will write a Senior Memory Book. It will consist of your thoughts and
memories from throughout your life. The final project will be due on April 30th.
The final book must be presented in a hard-backed, loose-leaf binder or approved scrapbook. You will
need to decorate your binder, so you might consider buying a notebook with a clear cover you can slip
pictures into it.
You will write chapters every week. Each chapter counts as a daily grade. You will need to use formal
English and correct grammar, punctuation, etc. The completed book will count as your nine-weeks test
grade for the second nine weeks.
You MUST include these 13 chapters (at least 1/2 page typed, double spaced, or 3/4 page handwritten
Chapter 1: “Who am I?” Who are you? Where do you live? What are your life goals? How do you
expect to reach these goals? What do you look like? What clubs or activities are you active in?
You may write these chapters in first or third person, but be consistent.
Chapter 2: “Before I was, there was…” Your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, older cousins and
siblings or anyone else who has helped to pave the way for you and your family.
Chapter 3: “Suddenly I became me” Earliest memories: people, places, events, all those cute things
you did when you were little.
Chapter 4: “School Bells” Your earliest years in school – kindergarten through fifth grade – learning to
read, special school programs, special teachers, special friends, etc.
Chapter 5: “Middle School” Getting used to the new schedule, new teachers, new friends, etc.
Chapter 6: “I grew up here” Describe your town, neighborhood, and/or house.
Chapter 7: “High School – the early years” Your freshman through junior years: the highlights,
troubles, successes, heartbreaks, friends, teachers, coaches, activities, etc.
Chapter 8: “These are a few of my favorite things” Favorite movies, books, music, etc.
Chapter 9: “Friends Forever” Highlight friendships that have really meant something to you throughout
your school years. You might focus on one friend through all these years or several people you have
called “best friend” at different stages in life or a group of friends who have always been there for you.
Chapter 10: “At last, I’m a senior” Your senior year – just like chapter 7, but you might also want to talk
about prom and upcoming graduation.
Chapter 11: “If I could live my life over again, I would…” Reflect on things you would change and on
the times you would love to live over again so you could enjoy them once more. Think about any
regrets you have or decisions that you once doubted but proved to be right. This is probably the most
difficult chapter to write, but it is the one you will value the most when you look back on this project.
Chapter 12: “One thing I think everyone should do is…” Write a persuasive passage, encouraging
others to do something you think it very important. It could be something you have done personally or
something you really want to do. Remember, you are trying to persuade them, so use logical, ethical, or
emotional appeals.
Chapter 13: “In ten years, I see myself…” Where do you see yourself in ten years? Will you be working,
traveling, married with children, starring in movies, singing on the radio? What are your goals?
You must include at least TWO of the following chapters somewhere in your book: (Please put them in
logical order.)
“Let’s take a vacation” A memorable trip you have taken with friends or family.
“First set of wheels” What was it like to get your driver’s license or your first vehicle? Was your first car
or truck everything you hoped it would be? How would you improve it?
“Play ball!” High school sports you have participated in. What sports and teams do you enjoy
“Hi, ho! Hi, ho! Off to work I go!” Tell about your first job or jobs. What were they like? What did you
do with the money?
“Puppy love” Important pets throughout your life.
Other ideas must be approved by me.
The final book needs to be illustrated throughout. The illustrations may be photographs, drawings,
computer-generated or pictures cut out of magazines; however, I do not want a book full of “junk.”
Make sure everything you include is relevant to the project. Be creative, but keep it clean! You know
what is appropriate and what is not. No inappropriate content or pictures, please. If in doubt, leave it
out. You will also need to include a title page with your name somewhere on it and a table of contents
in the final book. Also, your name needs to appear somewhere on the outside of the book; it may be on
the spine or on the front cover. Please make it easy to find so your book will be easy to identify. Above