Illinois Handbook of Government: Scavenger Hunt Find the following items in the book. First to finish gets a prize! To get the most up-to-date handbook, search “Illinois Handbook of Government”, select the first search item, then click on Illinois Government Handbook 2011-2012 PDF 1. In Illinois, how many elected officials make up the executive branch? ______________ Name the offices and the current people in those offices: 2. How many officials make up the General Assembly? TOTAL: __________________ How many senators ________________ and how many in the House of Representatives _____________________ 3. How many Democrats and Republicans are in the Senate and House of the 97th Illinois General Assembly? 4. Who is the current Senate President? ______________________________________ and the current Speaker of the House? _________________________________________ 5. How many State Supreme Court Justices are there? ________________________ How long are their terms? __________________ 6. How many state capitols (not state capitol buildings) have there been? ___________________ 7. What is the state slogan? 8. What is the “All Funds Total” in dollars for the 2011 Fiscal Year? ____________________ 9. What percentage of the “All Funds Total” goes to education? __________________ 10. What’s the total population (2010) of the state? ___________________________ 11. Approximately how many more births occur than deaths each year? _______________________ 12. What is the per capita income (2009)? ___________________________ 13. How many public high schools ____________________ and junior high schools ______________________ 14. How many highway miles (2009) are there in Illinois? ____________________________ 15. What is the state dance? ___________________________ 16. What state officer controls driving licenses, administers the organ donor program, and maintains state archives and records? 17. Who is the Chief Justice for the State of Illinois? How long is his term? 18. What year was the most recent Illinois Constitution ratified by the people?________________ 19. In what part (or article) of the Illinois Constitution is the Bill of Rights? 20. How many amendments have been approved and adopted since it’s adoption? __________ 21. How many articles are in the Illinois Constitution? ___________________ Name each article: