World War II

 On your KWL chart, under the “K” column, write at least
three things you know about WWII. In the “W” column,
write at least three questions you have about WWII. Use the
 Quiz, Notes, WebQuest, Exit Quiz
And when he gets to Heaven
To St. Peter he will tell:
'One more Marine reporting, Sir — I've served my time in
Sgt. James A. Donahue
First Marine Division
 How did the Treaty of Versailles treat Germany?
 How do you think this might have led to WWII?
 A. Germany was experiencing tough
economic times as it had to pay its war
debts along with reparations to France
and England
 In 1914 (start of WWI), 4.2 German
Marks equaled one Dollar
 In 1923, 130 billion German Marks
equaled one Dollar
 1. However, the United States
offered a plan called the
Dawes Plan to help Germany
repay reparations and boost
their economy
 B. In 1928, 63 nations signed
the Kellogg-Briand pact,
which pledged to renounce war
as an instrument of national
 C. In the late 1920s, it seemed
like peace would last
 What single event caused the Great
 What ended the Great Depression?
 What were some social effects the Great
Depression had on the United States?
 Why did people in some countries support an
authoritarian government (government with
power over everything)?
 A. In 1929, however,
the stock market in the
United States crashed,
sending Europe into an
economic depression
 1. depression - a
period of low economic
activity and rising
 B. In many European
countries, the people favored a
strong government in hopes
that it could provide economic
 1. Many nations were willing
to give up some freedom in
return for economic stability
 2. They supported a
totalitarian state – where the
government aims to control all
social and economic aspects of
its citizens
 C. Some of the nations hit
hardest by the depression were
Germany and Italy
 D. In Italy, the people
supported a fascist government
ruled by Benito Mussolini
 1. Fascism – form of
government that glorifies the
nation over the individual and
is supported by a strong central
government headed by a
Benito Mussolini
How did Germans feel about Hitler?
Why do you think they supported him so much?
Which event was the first speaker (Joseph Goebells)
foreshadowing regarding Jews?
How would you have felt if you were living in
Germany watching this?
How would you have felt if you were in France
watching this?
 E. In Germany, with 5.5 million
Adolf Hitler
people out of work, Germans also
looked to a dictator to lead them
out of the crisis
 F. The Nazi party, headed by
Adolf Hitler, promised to restore
Germany to its former glory
 1. The Nazi party was socialist,
meaning the government owned
all money and property
 What other form of government is
Adolf Hitler
like socialism?
 2. The Nazi party believed that
the Aryan race was the superior
race on earth.
 Aryans were usually considered to
have blonde hair and blue eyes
 Nazis believed that ancient Greeks
and Romans were also
descendents from Aryans
“The German
“Are fighting
for our Leader
and the People”
Federation of
Girls in the
Hitler Youth”
“Youth serves
the Leader”
“Every 10 year
old in the
Hitler Youth”
“Winter Relief”
“A people help
each other”
“The evil Jew”
“A documentary
film about World
“ The Jews are our misfortune”
“How the Jew cheats”
 3. Anyone that opposed the
Nazis were sent to prisons
called concentration camps
 Nazis created propaganda to
push their belief in the
superiority of the Aryan race
and the inferiority of Jews
 4. Eventually Jews were
stripped of all of their rights
and ordered to wear a yellow
star so they could be
pointed out
 5. Anti – Semitic (Anti –
Jewish) behavior took a turn
for the worst on
 a. Kristallnacht – “night of
the broken glass” when
Nazis burned synagogues,
destroyed businesses, killed
over 100 Jews and sent
50,000 more to
concentration camps
 Fill in three facts from yesterday in the “Learned”
section of your KWL Chart
 Name one advantage and one disadvantage of
 Notes/PowerPoint
 Finish WebQuest
 Vocab Depictions
 Exit Quiz
 Fill in three facts from yesterday in the “Learned”
section of your KWL Chart
 Name one advantage and one disadvantage of
 Notes/PowerPoint
 Finish WebQuest
 Vocab Depictions
 Exit Quiz
 6. While Hitler persecuted the
Jews, to other Germans he was a
 7. Under Hitler’s leadership,
unemployment decreased
 Hitler hired many Germans to
work in factories producing tanks,
airplanes, and other weapons
 A. In Germany, Hitler reduced
unemployment by hiring
Germans to make airplanes, tanks
and other weapons.
 B. Hitler later ordered German
troops into an area called the
Rhineland, which was supposed
to be demilitarized.
 C. These actions violated the
agreements in the Treaty of
 D. According to the treaty,
Hitler shaking hands with the Prime
Minister of Great Britain
Great Britain and France
could bring in their
military to crush German
advances, but instead they
followed a policy called
 1. Appeasement – the
policy of giving in to the
demands of unsatisfied
powers in the hope that it
would bring stability to
 Why didn’t France and
Britain want to fight?
 What do you think
would have happened if
they did?
 E. Hitler was determined
to keep his promise of
creating the Third Reich
(Empire) of Germany
 First Reich – Holy Roman
 Second Reich – German
Empire under Otto von
Bismarck before WWI
 So, the Third Reich would
be Nazi Germany
Nazi rally in Nuremburg, Germany
Roman Empire Banner
Nazi Germany Banner
 E. Hitler was determined
to keep his promise of
creating the Third Reich
(Empire) of Germany
 First Reich – Holy Roman
 Second Reich – German
Empire under Otto von
Bismarck before WWI
 So, the Third Reich would
be Nazi Germany
 F. Hitler was not appeased
with the acquisition (gain)
of the Rhineland. Instead
he invaded and annexed
(made part of Germany)
Czechoslovakia and Austria
 G. Again, Britain and
France allowed Hitler to do
this. Hitler made a promise
that he would stop with
these new territories.
 H. However, Hitler had no
plans to stop gaining
territory for Germany. His
next plan was to attack the
new nation of Poland
 I. Hitler’s only fear was
that the USSR would try to
stop him. So, he made a
pact (agreement) with the
 J. Both nations invaded
Poland in 1939.
 K. With the attack
of Poland, France and
Britain had no choice
but to declare war on
 1. In 1939, WWII had
 C. After Poland, Hitler
attacked France and
captured Paris in 1940
 D. With France defeated,
the only threat to Hitler in
Western Europe was Great
 Nazi Expansion
 E. Instead of attacking
by sea, Hitler ordered
an aerial attack on
Britain and sent
massive bomber aircraft
to drop bombs on bases
and factories
 F. Eventually, Hitler
ordered the targeting of
houses and
neighborhoods instead
of military bases
 This movement was
meant to break the
British, but it only
made Britain fight
harder, eventually
halting the aerial
 Battle of Britain
 G. Meanwhile, the United
States stayed out of WWII
and followed a policy of
 1. Isolationism – the
policy of staying out of
other nations affairs
 H. Since Hitler
failed on his first
attempt to defeat
Britain, he turned
his focus to the
east, on the Soviet
 1. In attacking the
USSR, Hitler began
a two front war
 What is a front?
 I. While Hitler’s army
swept quickly through the
Soviet Union (USSR),
Soviet resistance and an
early winter forced them
to stop their advance
 This was the first time the
advance of the Nazi army
was stopped
 J. The Axis Powers
included Germany, Italy,
and Japan
 K. The Allied Powers
included France, Britain,
USSR, and later, the USA
Axis Powers
No Laptop
• Go to lessons and
download WWII
• Copy and paste the
assignment into the
• Once you’re finished,
work on your project
• Finish missing work
• Do quiz corrections
• Take a BookQuest
from the cart
• Use pages 700 – 809
to find the answers
• Put in basket when
• Work on your project
• Finish missing work
• Do quiz corrections
 A. WWII in Asia
 1. Japan wanted to
expand its territory, so it
attacked and defeated
 2. On December 7th,
1941, Japan attacked Pearl
 3. This attack pulled the
US into WWII on the
side of the Allies
 WWII Interactive
 B. In 1942, Hitler wanted
to restart the war with the
 1. Hitler attacked the
Soviet city of Stalingrad,
where he was soundly
defeated by the USSR
 a. Stalingrad – turning
point of the war between the
USSR and Nazis where Hitler
saw his first major defeat
 C. In 1942 in the
Pacific Theatre (Asia),
the US (who is also
fighting a two front
war) won an important
battle against the
Japanese Navy at the
Midway Islands
 1. Midway Islands –
the turning point in
the Pacific Theatre, or
 Propaganda at home in the US
 Walt Disney produces many cartoons making fun of
Hitler, Germany, and Japan
 What did the parents of Hans have to do when
they registered him?
 What kinds of things did the film say Hans
learned about in school?
 Why kinds of things was Hans supposed to
think? Not think?
 What kind of effect do you think this video
had on Americans?
 A. Back in Europe, the
allies had invaded the
southern tip of Italy, where
they easily pushed
Mussolini’s forces north
 B. In fear the allies would
reach Germany from Italy,
Hitler sent thousands of
Nazis into Italy
 Fill in three things you learned yesterday in the
“Learned” section of your KWL chart. Be prepared
to share your answers
 Do you think the killing on innocent enemy
civilians is justified as long as American lives are
saved? Explain your answer
 Notes/PowerPoint
 Activity
 Exit Quiz
 D-Day Video
 C. The allies wanted to create a
second front in France
How do you think this could be done?
WRITE IN (at end of notes):
D. D-Day (Deliverance Day): Allied
forces invaded France at Normandy
1. Normandy – the turning point in
the European Theatre
D-Day is the largest naval invasion in
the history of the world
 French Liberation
 E. The allies pushed
V – E day celebration in London
the Nazis east as the
Soviets pushed them
 F. On April 30, 1945,
Hitler committed
suicide in a bunker
 1. A week later, the
Nazis surrendered
 2. May 7th, 1945 was V
– E day (victory in
 G. In the Pacific Theatre, the
Americans wanted a quick end
to the war
 1. President Harry S. Truman
ordered the dropping of two
atomic bombs on Japanese cities
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
 WWII Interactive
 2. This resulted in the death of
thousands, but did end the war
in the Pacific
 H. August 14, 1945 is V – J day
(victory in Japan)
 Have you ever done something you know is wrong?
Why did you do it?
 Agenda
 Work from last class (map/vocab worksheet)
 Notes/PowerPoint
 Holocaust Reading/Questions
 Quiz on WWII tomorrow!
 Step 1:
 Use book page 865 or 797 or the link on my website to
complete the map activity
 Step 2:
 Complete the vocabulary chart on the back of the map
 A. The Holocaust – the
death of millions of
people, mostly Jews, by
the Nazis
 1. Because Hitler
believed that Jews were
trying to destroy the
Aryans, he had a plan to
rid Europe of all Jews
called the Final Solution
Most people killed during the Holocaust were buried in
mass graves like this one
 Holocaust Video
Most people killed during the Holocaust were buried in
mass graves like this one
 a. The Final Solution
Gate at Auschwitz Concentration Camp reading “Work
will set you free”
was genocide –
extermination of an
entire group of people
 2. Hitler ordered all
Jews in countries
controlled by the Nazis
to be rounded up and
sent to concentration
 3. Jews were packed into
cattle cars and taken by
train to these camps where
they were either killed by
poison gas, work, starvation,
or “medical” experiments
Shoes of Jewish prisoners at a concentration camp
No Laptop
• Answer the questions
from the reading on a
separate sheet of paper
• Go to my website and click
on “Lessons”
• Find the WWII folder and
download “Holocaust
Survivor Story”
• Type in the questions and
send it to my email
 Take out your KWL charts. Add facts about WWII in the
“Learned” section. You should have a total of 9 facts in
that section
 Put in basket when done
 Once you’re done, clean out your folders! They should be
 Notes should be in notebook
 Graded work should go home or be recycled
 Unfinished work should be taken home and completed
 Agenda
 KWL Chart
 Study Guide
 Review Game
 WWII Quiz