Ionic Compounds

Ionic Compounds
Electrons transferred
Metals with non-metals
Solid at room temperature
Form lattice structures
Dissociate to form conductive solutions
Rules for Naming Ionic
1.State the name of the metal
–Ex. NaCl  sodium
2. State the name of the non-metal or
polyatomic ion
-ex. NaCl  sodium chloride
* Do not capitalize
Binary Compound (Metal/Nonmetal) with
Fixed Charge Cation
*Write the name of the following formula:
H 2S
• Look at first element and name it. Result
of this step = hydrogen.
• Look at second element. Use root of its
full name ( which is sulf-) plus the ending
"-ide." Result of this step = sulfide.
1) MgS
- magnesium sulfide
2) KBr
- potassium bromide
3) Ba3N2
- barium nitride
4) Al2O3
- aluminum oxide
5) NaI
- sodium iodide
6) SrF2
- strontium fluoride
7) Li2S
- lithium sulfide
8) RaCl2
- radium chloride
9) CaO
- calcium oxide
10) AlP
- aluminum phosphide
Binary Compound (Metal/Nonmetal) with
Variable Charge Cation: Stock System
*Write the formula from the following name:
sodium bromide
• Write down the symbol and charge of the first
word. Result = Na+
• Write down the symbol and charge of the
second word. Result = Br¯
• Use the minimum number of cations and
anions needed to make the sum of all charges in
the formula equal zero. In this case, only one
Na+ and one Br¯ are required.
• The resulting formula is NaBr.
• Write the correct formula for:
1) magnesium oxide
- MgO
2) lithium bromide
- LiBr
3) calcium nitride
- Ca3N2
4) aluminum sulfide
- Al2S3
5) potassium iodide
- KI
6) strontium chloride
- SrCl2
7) sodium sulfide
- Na2S
8) radium bromide
- RaBr2
9) magnesium sulfide
- MgS
10) aluminum nitride
- AlN
Molecular Compounds
Electrons shared
Non-metals with non-metals
Solid, liquid, or gas at room temperature
Do not form conductive solutions
Rules for Naming Molecular
1.State the name of the first non-metal using
the correct greek prefix (except mono)
-P2O5 _ diphosphorous
2. State the name of the second non-metal
using the correct greek prefix
- P2O5  diphosphorous pentoxide
Greek Number Prefixes
Write the correct name for:
1) As4O10
tetrarsenic decoxide
2) BrO3
bromine trioxide
3) BN
boron nitride
4) N2O3
dinitrogen trioxide
5) NI3
nitrogen triiodide
6) SF6
sulfur hexafluoride
7) XeF4
xenon tetrafluoride
8) PCl3
phosphorous trichloride
9) CO
carbon monoxide
10) PCl5
phosphorous pentachloride
Molecular Nomenclature
1. hydrogen compounds
-name like ionic compounds ex. HBr =
hydrogen bromide
2. Organic compounds
-special naming procedures – another unit!
3. Other
-common names like water, molecular
elements like Cl2
• Hydrogen compounds in aqueous solutions
• Form conductive solutions
• Turns litmus red
Rules for Naming Non-oxyacids
1. State hydro
-ex. HCl(aq) hydro
2. State the name of the non-metal with “ic”
on the end
-ex HCl(aq) hydrochloric acid
Rules for Naming Oxyacids
1. State the name of the polyatomic ion
adding “ic” on the end or “ous” on the end
If the polyatomic ion ends in “ate” add “ic”
If the polyatomic ion ends in “ite” add “ous”
-ex. H2SO4(aq) sulfuric acid
-ex. H2SO3(aq) sulfurous acid