
Ms.Clark’s 6th Grade Math
TEKs:6.8B Select and use appropriate units, tools, or
formulas to measure and solve problems involving length
(including perimeter), area, time, temperature, volume
and weight.
 1.
Find your folder/Get a folder and put your
name on it.
 2.
Grab a length of paper from the work
 3.
Answer question: How would you measure
the strip of paper? Why? Using a piece of
Objective: Today you will be able to identify
the difference between metric and
customary forms of measurement.
What is measurement
Difference between Customary and Metric
Metric System? Have you heard about it? Hint:
You use it in Ms. Davis’ class.
 Why
do you think a foot is called a foot?
 Where did the word inch come from?
 Measurement
has always depended on what
humans have on hand.
 With
your partner you will go to the work
station and sign out one bag for your team.
You must return your bag at the end of
the period and sign it in.
 Make
sure to grab both papers Measuring
with the Human Body and Converting with
the Human Body.
 Sit in your seat and quietly wait for
Yesterday we talked about different types of
measurement. Talk to your partner about how
you would measure the elephant:
Finished: Sign out your materials for your team.
Objective: Students will define units of metric
and customary systems.
Language Objective: Students will sort what
vocabulary goes in what unit.
Explore Units of Measurement
Vocabulary Building
 You
will move around and talk to one person
in the room that has the same length pinkie
as you.
 Using
your sheet from yesterday, tell them
why you picked 3 of the items you choose to
You will need to remember one of theirs to
share with the class.
What customary unit would you use to measure
the elephant? Write on the back of your work
A. Inch
C. Foot
1 Mile (mi) =
1,760 yards
1 yard(yd) =
3feet (ft)
foot (ft) =
12 inches (in)
We call this our customary unit. It is the
tradition of the U.S
Which one is bigger? Why?
Which one is smaller? Why?
Ms. Clark’s nephew Jordan is about 6’0 ft tall
and in the 8th grade. If I want to find out how
tall my nephew is in inches I would have to
figure out these steps.
1. Look at staar chart 12 in = 1 ft
6 X 12 = 72 inches (this is why multiplication is
My nephew is 72 in tall.
Cheetah can run 61 miles in 1 hour (mph),
How fast can the cheetah run in yards?
Hint: 1 mile is equal to 1,760 ft
Around the room there are 5 different
measurements I need you to convert.
Step 1: Label a piece of paper 1 to 5.
Step 2: Make sure the paper says your name on
it. Label
Ms. Clark is 5 feet and 3 inches tall. How tall is she in
Show your work
If you need help come ask
Ms. Clark on her first day of
Ms. Weaver wants to make a line of Takis the
length of a football field. If the football field
is 120 yards, how long is it in feet?
 Show
your work!
 Having
trouble remembering your homework?
can help you! Please take out your cell
phones or a piece of paper.
 Today
you will learn how to convert between
metric unit lengths using your STAAR
reference guide.
 Language objective: Students will understand
the prefixes of the metric system.
- Do Now
- What is the metric system and making our
length foldable
- Measuring using the metric system.
You will be making a foldable today.
1. You will fold your paper length wise
2. Open it up
3.Fold both edges to your middle line.
4. Cut four flap on each side
Class discussion: How is the metric system
different than the U.S customary system we
learned about the last two days?
2. If you had to pick, which unit of
measurement would you have voted for?
Millimeter: Mil or 1000 times smaller than a
Centimeter: Centi (Cien) 100 times smaller
than a meter.
Meter: Base unit of measurement a little
bigger than three feet.
Kilometer: 1000 meters or about 3,000 ft. Less
than a mile.
 When
watching the video attached please
make sure to copy the staircase shown.
U.S customary based
off of body parts
Metric System
Based off the length of
earth around.
You will need a meter stick and a ruler. You
will be measuring something that is a
Choose your actions, you do not choose your
Gio jogs 3,189.4 meters, and Cheyenne jogs
2,352.8 meters. How much farther does Gio
jog than Cheyenne?
A. 836.4 meters
727.6 meters
837.4 meters
Objective: Today you will learn how to
measure the area of a rectangle.
Language: You will understand the difference
between width and length and how to say a
mathematical equation.
Important words:
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Quiz tomorrow on Metric/Customary Units.
- 3 questions + 1 bonus
1. Converting in Customary Units
2. Converting in Metric Units
Word problem on Multiplication
If a Sea Slug is 8cm how many millimeters long
is it?
Show your work!
Area: how much space an object takes up in
Example: If George puts his piece of paper on
his desk, the paper takes up so much of it.
 How
would you describe area to someone
who hasn’t heard it?
 Share
with the person next to you
A rectangle has four sides: In Math we call
this a quadrilateral.
We can tell how much space a rectangle
takes up by multiplying.
 The
formula for a Rectangle is Length x
Width (Height).
 You’ll
see it on your test as A= B x H
 Goal:
To have the most amount of rectangles
at the end of the game.
 Tools:
2 color pencils
2 regular pencils
Graph Paper (1 per 2 people)
2 Rulers
2 Random Number Generators
Pick who goes first
 Roll the RNGs
 Pick one number to be your length and one
number to be your width.
 Draw your rectangle
 Multiply to find area
 Switch partner
Goal: To have the most triangles at the end.
 Samantha
wants to know the area of the
folder that is on her desk. If her folder is 8.5
by 11 inches, What is the area of the folder?
 Area=Base
x Height