KANDIDATUPPSATS I FÖRETAGSEKONOMI Civilekonomprogrammet Att utforma ett examensuppsatsmanuskript Riktlinjer för examensuppsatsskrivare vad gäller utformning av manuskript Per Frankelius Henrik Nehler Handledare: Gunilla Söderberg 29 maj 2012 Titel: Att utforma ett examensuppsatsmanuskript – Riktlinjer för examensuppsatsskrivare vad gäller utformning av manuskript English title: Designing a Master’s thesis Manuscript – Guidelines for Master Thesis Authors to design a manuscript Författare: Per Frankelius och Henrik Nehler Handledare: Peter Gustavsson Publikationstyp: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi Civilekonomprogrammet Grundläggande nivå, 15 högskolepoäng Vårterminen 2012 Inlämningsdatum: 29 maj 2012 ISRN: XXXXXXXXX Linköpings universitet Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling (IEI) www.liu.se Kontaktinformation, författarna: Per Frankelius: 0708-12 34 56, per@frankelius.com Henrik Nehler: 0701-12 34 56, henrik@nehler.com © 2012 Per Frankelius och Henrik Nehler –2– Summary These guidelines deal with questions of the formal aspects of designing Bachelors theses written at the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University. The purpose of these guidelines is to bring about a common layout for design and format used in the PDF-file that is to be handed in. The compilation can largely be considered an example and suggestion of what guidelines should apply. One goal was to create a layout template that is good enough from an “academicesthetic perspective” but at the same time simple and clear enough to fit with different computers and different background skills in layout techniques. We wanted also to be flexible, so that the layout is suitable for both one-side and two-side print (therefore we did not make the ”inner marginal” shorter then the ”outer marginal” which is recommended in book formats for example. We also use the old classic typeface Times New Roman, instead of modern typefaces that may not exist in all kinds of computers. The design of the first pages of the report is important. The layout of the first pages is shown first in this publication. After this you will find suggestions for appropriate typeface, signs, margins, headings, etc. Then the organization of sources, footnotes and references is suggested. It is self-evident that there is no referring to a “correct formula” for designing an Bachelors thesis. It is therefore important to see this document as a model for or example of a possible layout and organization. –3– 1 The first pages of the report 1.1. Front page The design of the first pages depends on what format the thesis is to be printed in. If the writer wants to print the thesis in A4 format the following can be the guideline: Page 1 should have the layout as shown in this document. Notice these details: – The logo shall be in the version shown here or the same but English if the report is written in English. – The logo shall be placed in the page head, after a blank line (in normal format, that is 12 points Times New Roman). There shall be no blank line below the logo in the head. – In the page zone you start with one blank line (normal format) and then place the text “EXAMENSARBETE I FÖRETAGSEKONOMI” (or the text “EXAM THESIS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION”, capitals, 14 points Times New Roman, centered. – Directly under that line (no empty line between) you then write “Civilekonomprogrammet” (or “Internationella Civilekonomprogrammet” or “Fristående kurs” it that is the program you attend in) with the same text format (14 points). – Under that line you then put in exactly 8 empty lines (normal format, 12 points Times New Roman). – Then your main report title appear in 28 points Times New Roman and centered. – Under the main report title, you can (if you want) place a subtitle. In that case use one blank page between them (format normal), and write the subtitle in 22 points Times New Roman, normal (not fat) and centered (and no dot after it). Notice that you do not need any dash before that subtitle (but use a dash in cases when you write out your full title in plain text). – Under the title or subtitle place 4 empty lines. – Then writhe the authors names in Times New Roman, 18 points, centered. – Under this you should write the word “Supervisor:” (Handledare:) and then tutors name on next line. After that place 2 empty lines and than write the date in this format: “20 maj 2013” or in English: “May 20, 2013”. Because different titles are differently long and because different projects can have one, two or more authors, we have to adjust the number of empty lines between the last author name and the line “Supervisor:” Make sure that there is one empty line under the date line. Notice that “Normal format” mean not only 12 points, Times New Roman, but also single spacing and no other extra points above or below the line. –4– 1.2 The following intro pages of the report Page 2 (the next page after the front page) contain publisher’s information starting with the title in both Swedish and English. Notice that you here write the subtitle (if you have that) directly after the main title and with a dash [tankstreck] between as well as one empty space on each side of the dash). Then follows authors, supervisor, type of publication, Date for publication/hand-in-date, ISRN-number, Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering (IEI), www.liu.se, contact information to authors, and copyright line (see example in this report). Please notice that the spelling of Linköping University and the department is different in Swedish and English regarding capital letters. In Swedish Linköpings universitet, should be spelled like this (not Linköpings Universitet), for example. Page 3 is the abstract-in-English page. We suggest the following structure of this page: – Start with the title (with a dash between main title and subtitle it you have a subtitle). Then follows a new empty line and then “Authors:” and the author(s) name(s) on the same line. Under that write some document information and supervisors name. Then comes the abstract text. We recommend you to use maximum 200 words. End up with five to seven appropriate search terms (key words). See the following example (in miniature). Abstract Att utforma ett examensuppsatsmanuskript – Riktlinjer för examensuppsatsskrivare vad gäller utformning av manuskript (Designing a Master’s thesis Manuscript – Guidelines for Master Thesis Authors to design a manuscript) Authors: Per Frankelius and Henrik Nehler Bachelors thesis in business administration Linköpings University, Department of Management and Engineering, 2012. Supervisor: Gunilla Söderberg Abstract These guidelines deal with the formal aspects of designing MSc theses at the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University. The purpose is to bring about a common layout for design and format used in the PDF-file that is to be handed in. One goal was to create a layout template that is good enough from an “academicesthetic perspective” but at the same time simple enough to fit different computers and different background skills. The design of the first pages of the report is important. The layout of the first pages is shown first in this publication. After this you will find suggestions for appropriate typeface, signs, margins, headings, etc. Then the organization of sources, footnotes and references is suggested. It is self-evident that there is no referring to a “correct formula” for designing an MSc thesis. Look at this document as an example of a possible layout and organization. Key words: thesis manual, guideline, master thesis, document layout. Page 4 is the summary page (or start of it, if you use more than one page). This is not an abstract (which is very short) but longer. We recommend 1-3 pages. This summary content must contain background, aim, method used, result and conclusions. It is written in the same language as the report text and the heading should be “Summary” or “Sammanfattning”. –5– This page should not be numbered. Page 5 should include the preface, if any. Page 6 has the heading “Contents” and here starts the “Table of Contents”. After the Table of Contents the figures are listed. Title: “Figures” (“Tables”). Here the reader is provided with numbers, titles and page references. Page 6 is the first text page (probably heading like “Introduction” or something refering to the core content of the report) and here the pagination, if possible, starts with Page 1. This page must always be a right-hand page (that is uneven number). If the Table of Contents has an uneven number of pages, a blank page must be inserted before this first, numbered page. –6– 2 Booklet format If the writer wants to publish the thesis in S5, i.e. booklet format, you can use the same guideline as mentioned before. The difference is that you need to put in blank pages behind the abstract, for example, so that each new part of the beginning pages starts on a right (non even number) page. –7– 3 Layout (suggested) 3.1 Margins and typefaces This text was written in MS Word. In this instruction the format of the document has been defined by using head margins of 2.5 cm, foot margin and left- and right-hand margins of 3 cm. The text width (that is, the ruler) then will be 15 cm. The article was written with aligned left-hand and right-hand margins and the spacing is 17 points (that is, full width), which can be justified under “paragraph” in MS Word. Seventeen points equals spacing of between 1 and 1.5 points. The typeface used here is Times New Roman, 12 points. This information is very important if the thesis is to be printed in S5format. The reason why we use spacing of 1.5 points for the “normal” text is that the report is to be photographed down to 81% of full size when it is printed in the S5-format (in the case that the department decides to print the thesis in a booklet format). In that case, 12 points may be difficult to read. If the report is going to be printed as a “little book”, it is important that the margins should be wide enough so that the text near the inside margin is readable. We have chosen 3 cm as the minimum width for that margin. If you choose another layout, try to reduce your A4-page to 81% on a photocopier and you will then see what the layout will be like. 3.2 Page numbers The pages should be numbered (also in working versions of the manuscript). The front pages shall not have a visible page number. Mark the ”special frontpage box” (annorlunda förstasida) at ”Document layout” (under the Format menu). If possible do not show the page numbers on the first pages before and incuding the table of content. The page numbers, in 18 points (with a dash on each side), are centred at the bottom of the page. We suggest this format (instead of 12 points for example) to give the reports a little “graphical touch”. –8– 4 Typefaces in headings In the text, chapter headings are set in, for example, 24-point type, lowercase, boldface, centred. Between the heading and the text two line spaces are inserted (two “return”). The next level heading should be centred as well, bolded, 18 points, and lowercase. The third level, 14 points, lowercase, boldface and centred: 1 Chapter One 1.2 Level heading two 1.1.1 Level heading three Avoid a fourth unnumbered level Regarding blank spaces above and below different kinds of headings this is the recommendation: Between a paragraph and a new heading two line spaces are added (two “returns”). The only exceptions are the following: – Efter a chapter heading where plain text follows, use three empty lines. – After a chapter heading where a new heading follows directly, use only one empty line. See example below. Notice that all empty lines should have the ”normal format”, that is Times New Roman, size 12 – otherwise the spaces will differ. –9– 5 Quotations Quotations are always followed by a reference to the source and it goes without saying that quotations must always be accurately reproduced. Avoid numerous quotations and too long quotations as they make heavy reading. Use quotation marks to set off a quotation and, if appropriate, indentation and italics. In the example below, the quotation has been indented; 1 cm on the left-hand side and 1 cm on the right-hand side, and it is printed in italics, in 12-point type. The source and the page number of the cited work are always placed beneath the quotation, in 12-point type. A quotation may look like this. “Att direkt använd andras formuleringar utan att ange källan betraktas som ett slags stöld.” Source: Wiedersheim-Paul & Eriksson, 1987 (p. 109) – 10 – 6 References According to Wiedersheim-Paul & Eriksson (1987), references should always be given for indirectly reported statements. It may also be appropriate to give references in order to find support for an argument and account for which of the writer’s thoughts are based on specialized literature. A neat way of referencing is to refer to the cited writers consecutively. In that case, the writer’s surname and the work’s publication year are enclosed in parentheses in connection with the argument (see Wiedersheim-Paul, 1987). Otherwise, the source is incorporated as part of the text as in the example below. “…liknande resonemang framför av bl.a. Lundahl & Skärvad (1982) vilka poängterar vikten av att använda källhänvisningar för att styrka ett resonemang”. …eller ”Som bl.a. Weber (1920) påpekar, så måste organisationen…”. If you base an argument on several writers, you can note that in parentheses after the paragraph or the sentence (see eg Kotler & Armstrong, 1991; Keegan, 1984; and Alvesson, 1989) or (cf Hofstede, 1991; Knutsson, 1984; Frost et al, 1986). Thus, names and years are written in the main body of the text whereas the complete reference is placed in the systematic list of references at the end of the thesis. If references are used consecutively in the text, the footnotes may instead be used for providing explanations or “extra” information1. 1 The footnotes should be numbered in consecutive order and placed on the same page as the reference. – 11 – 7 List of references In the list or references works referred to are given in alphabetical order according to writer’s name, publication year, title, publisher, and place of publication. See example below. Dwyer, F. R., Schurr, P. H. & Oh, S., 1987, Developing Buyer-Seller Relationships, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 11-27. Frost, P. J. et al (eds.), 1985, Organizational Culture, Sage Publications, Inc., Beverly Hills, California. Lundahl, U. & Skärvad, P. H., 1982, Utredningsmetodik för samhällsvetare och ekonomer, Studentlitteratur, Lund. Wiedersheim-Paul, F. & Eriksson, L. T., 1987, Att utreda och rapportera, Liber Förlag, Malmö. – 12 – 8 Report language You are allowed to write the report in Swedish or English. In either case it is not the responsibility of the author(-s) to make sure that the languages used i properly and correctly used in the report. In those cases the students write the report in Swedish it is storngly adviced that the recommendations of the ’Svenska Skrivregler’ is followed throughout the report design as a lex generalis. Thus it is adviced that those who are about to start their thesis writing acquire a copy of the booklet ’Svenska Skrivregler’ if writing in Swedish, and if you are writing in English, you are recommended to acquire a book to help with the language and formality issues of report writing (e.g. Howard S. Becker ’Tricks of the Trade – How to think about your research while you’re doing it’, The University of Chicago Press, 1998 (ISBN 0-226-04124-7) – 13 – 9 Instruction for converting a doc.format (Word) to a PDF-format 1. Open the word-document 2. Choose ‘Print’, but instead of the regular printer choose to print with ‘Acrobat Distiller’ (See image below). When Acrobat Distiller is chosen press OK and decide where the file is to be saved (for instance your file storage). The PDF-file now has the same name as the word-file. 3. Done! If everything is done correctly the PDF-file should now be in your file storage. OR 1. 2. 3. 4. open the word-document Choose ‘Save as’ command and mark the ‘pdf’-alternative in the menu. Clic ‘ok’ Done – 14 –