S 3 English Direct & Indirect Speech

S 3 English
Direct & Indirect
• We can use reported
speech to talk about
what someone else said.
• Indirect Speech=
• Reported Speech
• (間接引語)
• Target Unit 7
• P.6,7
Tom said, “ I am hungry.”
There are 3 types of speech
• 1.Statement (陳述)
• Direct Speech: Tom
said, “I am hungry.”
• >>Indirect Speech:
• Tom said that
he was hungry.
We use different reporting verbs.
• Reported Statement(陳述)
• eg. He said that he did not
know your address.
We use different reporting verbs.
• Reported command :命令
• change ‘said to’ to told
• He told me to wait for him.
• Reported request:要求
• He asked me to help him.
“Move your car.”
• policeman
2. Command or request (命令/請求)
• I . Command
• Direct Speech:
• “ Move your
car, ” the
policeman told
the driver.
• >> Indirect Speech:
• The policeman
told the driver to
“Please get me some water.”
Miss Wong
II. Request 請求
• Direct Speech:
• “Please get
me some
water,” Miss
Wong said to
>> Indirect Speech:
said to >>> asked
Miss Wong asked Alan
to get her some water.
We use different reporting verbs.
• Reported question
• ??????????????
• He asked me how
I did it.
3. Questions
• I. Wh- question
• Direct Speech:
• eg. “Where do
you come from?”
Tom asked me.
>>>Indirect Speech:
Tom asked me where I
came from.
II. Yes/No question
• Direct Speech:
• “Are you ill?”
she asked me.
Change the order of the subject
and the verb in questions.
• She asked me if + subject +
verb + ……….
>>Indirect Speech:
• She asked me if I
was ill.
We change tenses when using
indirect speech like this.
Direct speech
Indirect speech
Simple s n  Simple s  tense
The lady said that she
happy,” said
the lady.
 s happy.
Present Continuous Tense>>
Past Continuous Tense
• “The thief is running
away,” said Mrs.Chan.
• Mrs. Chan said that the thief
was running away.
s n 
>> s  
have/has finished >> had
 i  s  >> s  
>> had seen
 i   >>
will/shall find
>> would find
The tense does not always change in indirect speech.
If we are reporting something which is generally true,
or something that is still true, the tense stays the
• “China is the biggest
country in the world,” he
• >>> He said that
• China is the biggest
country in the world.
Change the modal verbs.
• Can >>>
• could
• shall >>>
• should
• may >>>
• might
• must >>>
• had to
Change ‘don’t’ to ‘not to’
• ‘Don’t move,’ the
robbers shouted.
• >>The robbers told
us not to move.
Change the time words.
• “I saw a pretty girl
today,” said Edison.
• Edison said that he
had seen a pretty girl
that day.
>>> the day before
• tomorrow >>>
the following day
• last year >>>
the previous year
• next week >>>
the following week
Change ‘here’ to ‘there’.
• “Put the bottle
here,” he said.
• Indirect Speech:
• He told me to put
the bottle there.
Change ‘this’ to ‘that’;
‘these’ to ‘those’.
• eg. “I like this jacket and these socks,”
said Miriam.
• >>>Indirect Speech
• Miriam said that she liked that jacket
and those socks.
Change the pronouns and
possessive adjectives.
• I, me, my --->>>
• we, us, our ---->>
• you, your -->>>
• he/she, him/her,
• they, them, their
me, my
Take out your notebook
Exercise 1:
• 1. “ I am afraid,”
said Mark.
• Ans:
• >> Mark said
that he was
2.“Get down onto the floor,”the
robbers said to the manager.
• Ans:
• >>>The robbers
told the manager
to get down onto
the floor.
3. “Please wake me up at 6 a.m.,”
Joey said to her mother.
• Ans:
• >>>>> Joey
asked her mother
to wake her up at
6 a.m.
4.“Will you be my
girlfriend?”Edison asked Joey.
• Ans:
• >>>Edison asked
• Joey if she would
• be his girlfriend.
5. “What do you do?” Miss
Mo asked me.
• Ans:
• Miss Mo asked
me what I did.
• Try to do
Target p.7
Please check your answers.
(1) “I will write a report about the
robbery tomorrow,” said the Manager.
• Ans:
• The Manager said that
he would write a report
about the robbery the
following day.
(2) “I tried to press the
alarm under my desk,” said
the cashier.
• Ans:
• The cashier said that he/she
had tried to press the alarm
under his/her desk.
3. “Where is the key?”the
robber asked me.
• Ans:
• The robber asked me
where the key was.
4. “Shut up!” shouted the
• Ans:
• The robber ordered/told
us to shut up.
Try to do your worksheet