Iris Feng Ch 23 America and the Great War Opening (613) I was surprised that minor conflict b/t 2 nations could flick the fire among the most powerful European countries, including Japan. The main reason why Brit, Fran and Russ joined the war was because their opponent, German, sided w. Serbia. All these nations wanted to be the preeminent nationand winning this war would give them the “supreme” position. America, of course, also wanted to be involved in the war and exert political and $ influence especially when it saw it was a good oppor for its $/trading w/ the elite nations. MI WWIa massive great war involving the most powerful nations in the world – putting the world in danger 1917, Europe @ the verge of collapsing CasualtiesGermany-2mill, Russia-1.7 mill, France 1.4 mill, Great Brit-900,000↓ in popu Political, social, $ ↓ Caused international instability and led to another greater problemWWII MI America ↑ in power and in some way benefited from the Great War, but also devastated the beliefs of some Americans. Only 112,000 Ame soldiers did (most from disease) Created a source of industrial boominternational dominance Destroyed the hope of progressives. In the August of 1914, a conflict happened in Europe led to an international involvement and later an instability in world in social, political, and $ issues. America wanted to watch the war from an outsider’s point of view, but later its intervention also resulted booms and busts in many issues. KT Competing Alliances (614) The major powers were organized into 2 alliances Triple Entente: Brit, France, Russia (Allie to Ame) Triple Alliance: Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Italy (Central Powers to Ame) Supposedly the War started w/ the assassination of a Austro-Hungarian leader in the region of Serbia A-H-support from Triple Entente, esp Bri Serbia-support from Triple Alliance, esp Germany Iris Feng $ Ties to Britain Lusitania (615) 1916 Elections Events Pushed to the War (616) Stalemate Russian Revolution (617) Selective Service Act AFE (618) General John Pershing Chateau-Thierry (619) Meuse-Argonne Offensive High Casualty Rates (620) Soon almost all and part of Asia were involved (allied) WWI Wilson called neutrality, but it was impossible b/c Irish/Germans hated Brit; Wilson and others admired Eng culture; most imp ~ America ignored Brit’s naval blockade to German b/c it couldn’t stop the trading w/ Brit, which ↑ Ame $!!! Ger couldn’t fight w/ Brit navy, so created submarines to sink Brit ships, i.e. ~, which contained 1,000s of Brit passengers, munitions, and Ameangered Ame, who demanded angered Ame again and demanded German to abandon its “unlawful” tactic. German believed the incident didn’t yet draw Ame to the War. Wilson 1st support pacifist, but since tension grew b/t Ame & Ger, he shifted to the pro-war sidewon the reelection w/ a SUPER CLOSE votesDemo had a very unstable control over Congress. Wilson then justified the war w/ spreading democracy, new world order, and ending in peace w/ no materials gains. Ger planned attacks in France and use of submarine to destroy ships of Allies & Ame Zimmermann (German) wrote to Mexico about allying w/ Ger and get land of Ame in return A new Repu govt of Russia formed, which left no concerns to Ame about allying w/ a monarchy Wilson proposed D of War; despite oppo, finally passed on Apr 6, 1917. Both side suffered great casualties. Brit was desperate about the help of Ame, which Wilson was willing to give. Ame helped Allies (Bri) greatly on naval warfare. But soon it realized it was not enough to help the devastated Allies w/ the new Russ gov freeing Germeaning more Ger soldiers on the line. Ame was in need of men. Passed ~ 3 mill men to army, and 2 mill to other armed services voluntarity 2gether, formed American Expeditionary Force (AFE). 1st time 4 Ame fight in great #s over seaharsh conditionsdemanded French inspections on diseases. Women-1st time ~ allowed in military. No combat, but hospitals + offices. A-A- Army or Navy, but not Marine. Still segregated, no combat. Punished harshly for revolting Psychologists gave IQ tests created by mid-classtested edu instead of intelligenceblacks/uneducated were tested as morons. Ame soon had enough #s to fight in the spring of 1918, and the war was over 8 months later (brief) . Under ~, Ame AEF joined Allied forces. June 1918, Ame @ ~ helped French against Ger. 6 wks later, turned away another assault @ Rheims. Allie-begin to have a successful offensive Sep 26, Ame fought against Ger @ Argonne Forest – 7 wks. By Oct, pushed Ger back to their land and cut their supplies. Used more ammunition in 7 wks then 4 yrs Ame Civil War. Ger was threatened @ their own landwanted armistice and negotiationsAllies agreedNov 11, 1918, Great War (WWI) came to an end. New tech (airplanes-simple; navy, most modern (i.e. Brit Dreadnought-led to new tech like electric light, wireless telegraphy; submarines. All~ Iris Feng Sell “liberty Bonds” Ame ($23 mill) Tax (corporation, graduated income, inheritance tax 70%) ($10mill) Tried 2 approaches. 1st, Wilson est Council of National Defense and local defense councils to divide power among the communitiesfailed b/c many members believed in centralizationformation of “war boards” – each supervise a specific sec of $ (i.e. railroad, food) War Industries Board Est July 1917, led by Bernard Baruch buy military supplies (decide which factory it uses, set price)seemed like centralized regu of $ but in fact it partnered w/ corporation (Baruch ensured manufactures who fulfill his goal cn b spared from antitrust law). Gov worked w/ private inst for a mutually beneficial adv angered progr. Lessons of the Success –Hoover’s efficient food supplies, McAdoo’s in railroad. Still many Managed $ (622) supplies were still not ready by the time the war was over. Some from gov and corpor believed in adv of a close rela w/t public and private. Ludlow Massacre Est national War Labor Board to protect rights of labors, but not all the (623) time. ~ started w/ a strike of coal mine owned by Rockefeller. State militia were called to protect workers but they became strikebreaker and killed 39 ppl including kids. “Great Migration” $ - boom; Indus, agri, manuf, jobs, also inflation . Socially- ~ AA moved from rural S to Indus cities. Push: poverty, debt, racism, violence. Pull: $, oppo of N; live in communities-freedom. Resulted in race riots. white mob attacked AA neighborhood. Women B or W face in oppo in Indus after men left 4 war. Some took adv and spoke 4 W’s rights. Women in Industry Board b.came W’s Bureau later. Women’s Peace Many shared peace idea esp W when war was intensified in Euro. However Party (624) when Ame got involved many W supported it – National American W Suffrage Asso led by Catt. Some also opposed – Addams, Gilman and these peace activists believed in moral maternal basis of pacifism. CPI (625) In an effort to get all public support, ~ Committee on Public Info passed pro-war books, reasons for war, war posters, and propaganda pics of German savage. Espionage Act 1917penalty for spying, sabotage, or obstruction of war effort. Then passed Sedition and Sabotage in 1918 make illegal of anything against war effort & allow officials to arrest any1 who does it (i.e. Eugene Debs sentenced to deathmobs sprang up to “punish” those against warAmerican Protective League formed to influence their neighborhood’s opinion on prowar. 100 % Americanism Many were target of the , esp immigrants (b/c irish hatred against Brit, (628) Jews against Russ), out of them, Ger-Ame suffered the most: music, language banned; fired; violence. Wilson’s idealistic Jan 8, 191814 Points 4 postwar settlement (8 recommend about post Visions war boundary and new nations replacing the losing countries) (5 principles of interna. Affairs: freedom of the seas, open treaties, reduction in ammunition, free trade, impartial mediation of colonial claims.) (1 more proposal to help nations to apply these). Flaws: no how to “self-determ.; little about $. But used @ the time & by generations; reflected progr. Financing the War (621) Organizing the $ Iris Feng Lenin’s Challenge Obstacles of Wilson (629) The Big Four Wilson’s Retreat (630) Reparations League of Nations Wilson’s Intransigence (613) Henry Cabot lodge League Membership Rejected New Social Environment (623) Postwar Recession Seattle Strike Boston Police Strike (633) Steelworkers’ Strike New Black Attitude Chicago Race Riots (635) Lenin passed st rly similar to Wilson’s proposal b4 he did. Announced 14 pts to make sure the world looked to US for postwar guidance. Wilson’s peace plan faced both aboard and domestic ~ Allied Intransigence-Allied didn’t like Ame kept a distance and separated soldiers from them. Also they wanted to get st out of the Germ Domestic-Wilson appealed the plan to AMe @ the wrong time, Repub’s victory in Congress. But Wilson believed he would influence his oppo. Paris Peace Conferece on Dec 13, 1918. Lloyd George- Brit. ClemenceauFrance, Orlando-Italy, Wilson-US. Russ was unrepresented. B4 coming to Paris, Wilson sent troops to Russ to assist White anti-Bolsheviks Russ against new gov. relationship b/t US and Russ weas not stored till 1933. The peace plan faced assault @ Paris negotiation: Refused free freedom overseas, free trade, and open covenants (since the nego itself was private, impartial mediation was refused (Wilson forced to accept Germans colonies to Jap promised by Brit). But did protect many colonies under L of Nations and prevented Germ from breaking into states, and formed nations to replace Austro-Hungarian Empire. Wilson oppo reparation/compensation from Central Powers and ultimately gave in$9 mill. ~ also included $ and territorial gains which made sure Germ could not rise as a powerful nation ever again. Wilson’s most imp accomplishment in the postwar effortest ~ to oversee world affairs and prevent wars. (US, Brit, France, Italy, Jap) He brought Treaty of Versailles (changed a lil from L of N) to US, arose great oppo in Ame. Wilson refused to make any compromise. Many senates took this issue to strength Repub Party. Senator of MA, friend of Roosevelt, hated Wilson. When majority of public favored ratification, Lodge took his time and waited 4 oppo. Wilson got rly ill in 1919, but he still insisted on the original treaty and called Demo to reject amended one. By now public was more concerned w/ other crisis than peace issue. Unlike what progr and most Ame predicted, the ~ turned out to b a severe postwar recession, mid-class hostility, repression, and reaction Wartime boom when war suddenly stopped. 1919-1920 Demands were cut, inflation, price by 15%, farmers lost land, bankruptcy, lost jobs. Involved the entire city, got help from US Marines to keep the city running. The brief success of strike influenced the country. Sep, 1920. Led by Boston police chaos in Boston b/c no one is keeping control. Called National Guard 4 help and ultimately fired all police. Sep 1919, greatest strike in Ame history. 350,000 steelworker in the nation stopped work and demanded 8 hr and regco of union. ~-->mostly employers-violent and hired guards, and used nonunion labor. Strikers attracted hostile public opinion and were defeated. AA fought in War had no affect on Whites attitude, but changed ~: determi of rights, wanted reward 4 their effort, in $ , &social status. S - lynching, violence. N – no job as W veterans returned. Summer of 1919, a B boy swam in W’s area, later was drowned. Riots broke b/t W and B where W openly shot. Imp-involved B fighting BACK!!! Iris Feng Marcus Garvey’s Black nationalism Popular Antiradicalism (637) Palmer Raids Sacco and Vanzetti 19th Amendment (638) Return to “Normalcy” (638) Garvey- be proud of African heritage, and no assimilation. He organized United Negro Improvement Assorun B business. Ame Communist Party (allied w/ radical immigrants), influenced by Russ, started in 1919racials-bombing ~ among Ames who reinforced 100% Americanismdestroyed radical newspaper, books, members. Most radical concentrated in the gov. Created Red Scare. Showed the weapons used3 pistols and no dynamite. Italian immigrants accused of a murderno solid evi, but since both were anarchists, sentenced to death b4 a trial. Public sympathy arose and demanded a trial, but all refused. Died in 1927 on electric chair. Created negativity for Red Scare. Aug 26, 1920, promising W’s right to vote, was in the COnsti. Soon Shepard Towner maternity and Infancy Act of 1921 passed to support fund of health of W and Child. Cable Act of 1922 made W’s right of US citizenship indep from their husband’s status. But w/ $ , W’s demand, labor strikes, racism, and antiradicalism ~ was like an ending of Reform. Election of 1920: Demo instisted on Wilson’s referendum of League of Nations; Rep – Warren Gamaliel Harding promised ~. Harding won and Repu controlled Congress.