Windsor SOUP Social Enterprise Application Windsor SOUP is a student-run micro-funding dinner hosted to help local social entrepreneurs obtain funding and grow their network to help achieve their goals. Windsor SOUP has enabled social innovators to startup or further develop a project that benefits our community, and addresses a social need in a unique approach. How does it work? Guests of the event pay a donation of $5 at the door, and are given a bowl of soup, salad, and an opportunity to vote for the project they believe deserves the funding. The P. & L. Odette Foundation matches the amount raised at the door. Candidates have four (4) minutes to pitch their idea to the audience, and answer four (4) questions. The pitch with the most votes at the conclusion of the event receives all the funding. Windsor SOUP is hosted by Enactus Windsor and Pathway to Potential and supported by WEtech Alliance. What Social Enterprise Is (and is not) Social enterprise is not about balancing the "double bottom lines" of profit and social impact, as though they are equally important. The real bottom line for a social enterprise, the goal by which its success should ultimately be evaluated, is its social (or environmental) impact, and being profitable (or at least financially sustainable) is the entirely necessary means to that end. Of course, there can be no social mission without money, but the first goal is mission. Social enterprise is not the exclusive domain of non-profits. While non-profits have been — and continue to be — leaders in the social enterprise movement, social enterprise need not be limited to non-profits. Moreover, simply being owned by a non-profit is not sufficient to make a business a social enterprise. The enterprise must have as its overarching purpose the amelioration of social and/or environmental issues. Social enterprise is not just another fundraising strategy for non-profits - While it's possible for a social enterprise that is owned by a non-profit to generate funds to support the operation of that non-profit, the generation of those funds is secondary to the direct impact it has on social or environmental issues. Social enterprise is not about "saving" the non-profit sector - While social enterprise has great potential for enhancing the vitality and sustainability of the non-profit sector, that potential impact is secondary to its real purpose - helping (directly, through the operation of the business) to make the world a better place. 1 Examples Looking for examples of Social Enterprise ideas? Check out these 22 Awesome Social Enterprise Business Ideas Eligible Projects for Windsor SOUP Windsor SOUP’s philosophy is to fund projects that have the following features: Demonstrate job creation potential, particularity for youth, new Canadians and members of traditionally disadvantaged/vulnerable populations; Target early stage, high-growth social enterprises; Projects should also: Have viable and innovating approaches to addressing Windsor-Essex’s most pressing social and environmental issues; and Demonstrate a social, environmental or economic need for the project; 1 Name: Project Title: Phone: Email: 1. Does your social enterprising idea help a vulnerable population or the environment? (check one box) ☐vulnerable population ☐environment 2. Barriers in the community have been identified by multiple community partners. Please identify which of the following barriers your projects hope to solve. ☐youth retention ☐food security ☐employment & training ☐literacy and lifelong learning ☐youth career building ☐affordable transportation ☐neighbourhood engagement ☐mental health or addiction challenges Please answer the following in no more than 200 words each: 3. Briefly describe your social enterprising project (and specifically how it helps your vulnerable population or the environment) 4. Specifically define how your idea helps either a vulnerable population or the environment. 5. Explain how your project earns revenue? 6. How will this project continue (how will you sustain it)? 7. How will you specifically use the funds, if you win? SEND YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: