What is an element? 2. What is a compound? Draw a picture of what a compound could look like 4. How many neutrons are in Silver? 1. 3. Homework is due FRIDAY Do Now is due FRIDAY Quiz is FRIDAY One symbol only= Element Ex: Na, Cl, C, H Multiple symbols= Compound Elements or Compounds? We’ll organize them together. Told ya science is everywhere A pure substance made of one kind of atom Gold- Au Cannot be broken down GlucoseC6H12O6 Aluminum- Al You know the drill. Listen closely, fill in your notes with the bolded, underlined words. Eyes on me and the board, mouths closed. When elements form compounds, they lose their individual PROPERTIES Properties of compounds are DIFFERENT from the elements that make them up. During the CHEMICAL REACTION that forms a compound the properties of the elements that make up the compound CHANGE NaCl One Sodium atom One Chlorine atom Chlorine is a deadly substance But, when bonded to Sodium- it makes salt! Carbon Hydrogen Sugar: C12H22O11 Oxygen A chemical formula is chemical symbols and numbers that show the number of atoms of each element in a molecule. ALRIGHT- what’s a molecule? Let’s practice: WE NEED OUR PERIODIC TABLE -NaOH -Sodium Hydroxide 1. How many elements make up this compound? 2. What elements make up this compound? 3. How many Sodium atoms? 4. How many Hydrogen atoms? 5. How many Oxygen atoms? 6. Ratio? 7. Total number of atoms? Even if the ELEMENTS in a compound are the SAME, if the RATIO of ELEMENTS in a compound is different, then the compound will have different properties. H2 02 Hydrogen Peroxide 1. How many elements make up this compound? 2. What elements make up this compound? 3. How many Oxegyn atoms? 4. How many Hydrogen atoms? 5. Ratio? 6. Total number of atoms? 15 minutes with each station activity Write on blank paper. LEAVE SUPPLIES intact for next group. Expectations: 1. Working just with your group. Whispering. 2. Filling your table carefully. 1. Copy this table on your exit ticket and fill it out: