Piper High School Psychology Syllabus 2014 Mr. Javorsky ejavorsky@piperschools.com Room 209 First of all, welcome to an introduction to Psychology. I am excited for this semester and to getting to know everyone. I look forward to teaching you this year and hope you are ready to learn. Quick Introduction The study of psychology looks at what makes people “themselves” and looks to understand why people act and react differently to various situations. This course will involve higher-level reading and thinking as we explore the various disciplines in psychology. To achieve this we will analyze psychological case studies, annotate and discuss articles discussing issues of psychology, conduct academic research and write essays with citations, conduct psychological experiments, and partake in various psychological evaluations. Course Description: This class will focus on the study of individual behavior, motivation, mental processes & emotional responses. As a class we will explore the various aspects and disciplines of psychology including the history of psychology, the biology of behavior, sensory input and perception, understanding intelligences, memory & cognition, abnormal psychology, gender identity & nature vs. nurture. Depending on time constraints this list may be modified as needed. We will be using the textbook Psychology 10th edition by David Myers Class expectations: This is an exciting and challenging subject matter that involves a lot of discussion, participation, college level reading, and critical analysis. I expect all students to give their best effort and to be active and engaged throughout class. I expect all students to treat each other and myself with respect and to work together to create positive learning environment. Students will assist the teacher in creating the class rules and expectations but the teacher reserves the right to make any changes to the classroom rules as deemed necessary. Materials: 3 ring binder with dividers 1 college ruled notebook Pencil & Pen Course Schedule This is the schedule as of right now but is subject to change. I will notify you if the schedule does change with the Reminder App as well as on the website and through email. Prologue & Chapter 1- Introduction & History of Psychology Chapter 2- Biology of the Mind Chapter 5- Developing Through the Life Span Chapter 7- Learning Chapter 4 Nature, Nuture, and Human Diversity Mid Term Chapter 6 Sensation and Perception Chapter 8 Memory Chapter 10 Intelligence Chapter 12 Emotions, Stress, and Health Chapter 15 Psychological Disorders Chapter 13 Personality Final Communication I will have my page on the school’s website updated with all of the assignments, power points, and notes. I will also use the Reminder app for students and parents to text message upcoming assignments and tests. I can be contacted the easiest though the school’s email ejavorsky@piperschools.com. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or arrange to meet me before or after school. Cellphones: During class we will frequently be utilizing technology including cellphones during specified times. This is a privilege and if abused will removed from the lesson plans. Cellphones are to be in your backpacks unless asked to use them. Grading Policy The class grade will be based on the following: In class participation Chapter tests Homework Projects Midterm Final Late assignments will be worth 50% of the points offered unless the office excused the absence. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments they missed during an absence. All other classroom and school rules can be found in your student handbook as well as the consequences for disobeying them. All rules in the student handbook will be enforced as deemed necessary by the teacher.