HASAN KALYONCU UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION GUIDANCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY COURSE DESCRIPTION AND PRACTICE Course Title Course Code: Semeste r Lecture+Recite Credit ECTS PDR107 1 3+0 3 4 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY Prerequisites - Language Compulsory / Elective Coordinator of course Instructors Assistant Course Objectives Learning Outcomes and Competences Course Contents TURKISH COMPULSORY PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN The purpose of this course is to get the students to comprehend how sociology emerged, what the sociological concepts mean, by which methods sociology as a science investigates the society , with which methods it gains knowledge, how the society is organized as a structure, what the different kinds of social processes are and to get them to comprehend to the students and under which factors the individuals behave and why. The student taking the course learns what kind of a science sociology is, how the society is organized, which factors lead to a change, why people take place in different kinds of groups and in which role patterns and under which factors the individuals behave and why. Introduction to Sociology is a course that includes the subject of sociology, its basic concepts, field, origin, the masters of the sociological thought, its history, research methods and techniques, theories, related sciences and sociology’s basic problems. Weekly Schedule Week 1 2 Subjects The description, purpose and method of science The Methodology of the Social Science Prestudy Instructors - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN Why do we study sociology? 3 What is sociology? 4 5 The Emerge of Sociology and the Masters of the Classical Sociological Thought - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN 6 Patterns of Behaviours, Social Personality, Social Status, Social Role - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN 7 EXAM - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN - PROF.DR. EDİBE SÖZEN 8 Categories, Groups, Communities Institutions and Society 9 10 Structure, Social Structure, Cultural Structure, SocioCultural Structure Social Change 11 Culture 12 13 14 Social Mobility, Social Statification, Social Diversification Social Mobility, Social Statification, Social Diversification REFERNCES Giddens, Anthony. Sociology, A Critical Approach (Çev. M. Ruhi Esengün-İsmail Öğretir), İstanbul: Birey Publications, 3. baskı, 1994. Textbook and /or References - Fichter, Joseph. What’s Sociology? (Trans. Nilgün Çelebi), Ankara, Atilla Kitabevi, 2.Baskı, 1994. - Rıtzer, George. “The Current Status Of Sociological Theory: The New Syntheses.”, Frontiers Of Social Theory, G.Ritzer (Ed.), New York, Columbia University Press, 1990. - Waters, Malcolm. Modern Sociological Theory, London, Sage Publications, 1994. EVALUATION SYSTEM PİECE Term Studies PERCENT Midterm 40 Assignments Term Project final exam 60 Total Contribute to the semester study notes 100 The contribution of the final exam grade Total Course Category SOCİAL SİENCE X 100 TABLE OF ECTS / WORKLOAD ACTIVITIES Hours Work outside lesson time ( pre-study, practice ) Assignments AMOUNT time (Hour) total Workload 14 3 42 Midterm final exam projects Total workload Total workload / 30 ECTS credits Course The relationship between the schedule and course outcomes DÇ/P Ç DÇ1 DÇ2 DÇ3 DÇ4 PÇ 1 PÇ2 PÇ3 PÇ4 PÇ5 PÇ6 PÇ7 PÇ8 PÇ9 PÇ10 PÇ11 PÇ12 Outcome The student taking the course learns what kind of a science sociology is, how the society is organized, which factors lead to a change, why people take place in different kinds of groups and in which role patterns and under which factors the individuals behave and why. 1.