As head of state the President
represents the nation and
performs ceremonial duties.
1. Serve as host to visiting Kings,
Queens, and heads of
2. Throw out first pitch of MLB
3. Lighting the national
Christmas tree.
As chief executive, the president sees that the
laws of Congress are carried out.
4 Tools of Influence for the President to use:
 Executive Orders- rules that have the force of
law. (Implied Power from the Constitution
which states that the President ensures that
“laws be faithfully executed”)
 http://www.whitehouse.gov/briefingroom/presidential-actions/executive-orders
Tools of Influence for the President to
 Presidential Appointments- Including
cabinet members, and about 2,200
other top level officials. (Consent of
the Senate)
 Right to remove officials- This is done
if they do not agree with the President.
(Nixon fired Sec. of Interior Vietnam)
 Impoundment- Pres. Refuses to spend
money Congress has appropriated.
Other Tools of Influence for the
President to use:
 Reprieve- a postponement of
legal punishment.
 Pardon- a release of legal
punishment. (Usually from
federal crimes)
 Amnesty- is a group pardon to
people for an offense against the
Govt. (Ford and Carter granted
amnesty to draft dodgers)
The President is expected to
propose legislation he wants to
see enacted.
How it works:
 President describes legislative
program in the State of the Union
 President’s staff writes
legislation and sends it to
 President works with Congress to
see bills get through the
Once in Congress: How it works cont.
 President may hand out Political favors (visit
home state of Congressman, start programs
that send money and jobs to districts).
 Uses veto power to influence Congress.
The president submits an annual economic
report to Congress.
The Presidents role as economic planner has
grown dramatically over the years, the
president now spends months with officials
deciding what to spend $ on.
The Presidents political party
expects him to lead the party in a
number of ways.
1. Give speeches to help in reelections
2. Fund-raising for the party.
3. Selects the party’s national
4. Helps plan the party’s future
election strategies.
The President directs the foreign policy of the
U.S., making key decisions about the relations
the U.S. has with other countries in the world.
Diplomatic Tools
 President has sole power to negotiate and sign
treaties- formal agreements between the
governments of two or more countries.
(Senate must approve)
The Constitution makes the president
commander in chief of the armed forces of the
United States.
Power to Make War
 President shares with Congress the power to
make war.
 The President can send troops without consent
of the Congress.
 HE Can’t declare war!!
Military Operations and Strategy cont.
 President can use military to control disorders
in the nation (Riots, Natural Disasters)
These 7 roles give the president very broad
Today, the president of the United States is the
most powerful single individual in the world!