Writing Your College Admissions Essay What is a College Admissions Essay? • Also called a Personal Statement • An essay that helps the college admissions board better understand who you are • Focuses on who you are vs. what you’ve done What a College Admissions Essay is NOT • A resumé or list of what you’ve done Top 10 Things Colleges Look For in a High School Student 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Challenging classes (AP/Honors/College Classes) Good grades Good test scores (ACT/SAT) Demonstration of leadership/initiative Community service Work or out-of-school experiences (demonstrates responsibility, dedication, and maturity) 7. Well written admissions essay 8. Good letters of recommendation (integrity/skills/character) 9. Supplementary recommendations 10. Things that make you stand out (honors/awards/talents/experiences) Follow Directions • Read and follow directions carefully. • Answer all parts of the writing prompt. • Adhere to word count limits. • UC system = 1,000 words for 2 essays • Approximately 750 words for one essay • About 2 typed pages (1 inch margins, doublespaced) • Approximately 250 words for the other essay • About ¾ typed page (1 inch margins, doublespaced) Bloopers From College Essays •If there was a single word to describe me, that word would be “profectionist” • I was abducted into the national honor society •I want to be bilingual in three or more languages • I would love to attend a college where the foundation was built on women Personal Inventory College Admissions Essay