Contact: Your name Your title Your phone # Your email address Your school name Street Address City, FL Zip Press Release Compelling headline here Subheading here Bradenton, FL, Current date: When writing a press release, say who, what, where, when, why and how in the first paragraph, if you can. Study your newspaper and notice how deftly most writers work that type of information into the first paragraph of each article. Include a personal, relevant quote from yourself, as if written by a narrator. For example: “Our students came home from Tallahassee with a firsthand understanding of how our state government works,” said Doug Wagner, Director, Adult, Career and Technical Education for Manatee County Schools. Press releases are factual and to the point, and do not typically contain “fluff.” The purpose of the press release is to inform the media of what you are doing and give them the information they need to 1) come attend your future event, or 2) report on your past event. At the end of every press release, following the “###” symbol, there is a standardized description that you would use for every press release. Use the example included here and/or modify it for your school and program. ### (Your school name here) in Manatee County, Florida, promotes active student involvement in Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL), the largest business career student organization in the world. The high school division has 216,000 members, while the postsecondary division reaches over 11,000 college students. The newest group, FBLA-Middle Level, is showing remarkable growth with nearly 18,000 student members. FBLA-PBL brings business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. Members convene to compete in leadership events, share their successes, and learn new ideas about shaping their career future through workshops and exhibits. For more information, visit and The Adult, Career & Technical Education Department (ACT) in Manatee County is the umbrella for all of the adult, career and technical education programs in our elementary, middle, high schools, and Manatee Technical Institute. The ACT Department has achieved nationwide recognition in the movement to link the world of education to the world of work. With academically centered programs, our students are prospering by our efforts to equip them with 21st century skills and industry recognized certifications. Through our programs we prepare youth and adults for careers by providing leadership in developing an educated, prepared and competitive workforce. For more information, visit