Patient Name DOB ASHEVILLE MEDICINE & PEDIATRICS PEDIATRIC REGISTRATION FORM 828.651.0121 (PHONE) | 828.651.0141 (FAX) | WWW.ASHEVILLEMEDPEDS.COM CHILD’S INFORMATION – SEPARATE FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH CHILD IN A FAMILY CHILD’S FULL NAME (FIRST MIDDLE LAST) CHILD’S GENDER PRIMARY HOME ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOXES) CITY STATE ZIP CHILD’S PRIMARY LANGUAGE MALE ENGLISH FEMALE OTHER CHILD’S Social Security # CHILD’S ETHNICITY CHILD’S RACE DECLINE DECLINE HISPANIC AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE NON-HISPANIC ASIAN PRIMARY CELL PHONE PRIMARY WORK PHONE ( ( ( ) __________ FAMILY’S PRIMARY EMAIL ADDRESS PRIMARY HOME PHONE ) CHILD’S DATE OF BIRTH SPANISH BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NATIVE HAWAIN OR PACIFIC ISLANDER ) WHITE OTHER ________________ MOTHER or LEGAL GUARDIAN’S INFORMATION FATHER or OTHER LEGAL GUARDIAN’S INFORMATION MOTHER/GUARDIAN’S FULL NAME FATHER/GUARDIAN’S FULL NAME MOTHER/GUARDIAN’S SOCIAL SECURITY # MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME OR GUARDIAN’S FATHER/GUARDIAN’S SOCIAL SECURITY # CHILD LIVES WITH (CHECK ONE) RELATION TO THE PATIENT(IF APPLICABLE) MOTHER OTHER MOTHER/GUARDIAN’S DATE OF BIRTH MOTHER/GUARDIAN’S MARITAL STATUS FATHER/GUARDIAN’S DATE OF BIRTH FATHER/GUARDIAN’S MARITAL STATUS SINGLE MARRIED SINGLE SEPERATED DIVORCED SEPERATED DIVORCED STATE MOTHER/GUARDIAN’S HOME PHONE ( MOTHER/GUARDIAN’S EMPLOYER WIDOWED (CHECK IF SAME AS CHILD) CITY ) BOTH MARRIED WIDOWED MOTHER/GUARDIAN’S MAILING ADDRESS FATHER ______________ FATHER/GUARDIAN’S MAILING ADDRESS ZIP (CHECK IF SAME AS CHILD) CITY STATE MOTHER/GUARDIAN’S CELL PHONE FATHER/GUARDIAN’S HOME PHONE FATHER/GUARDIAN’S CELL PHONE ( ( ( ) MOTHER/GUARDIAN’S WORK PHONE ( ) FATHER/GUARDIAN’S EMPLOYER ) ) FATHER/GUARDIAN’S WORK PHONE ( MOTHER/GUARDIAN’S EMAIL ADDRESS ZIP ) FATHER/GUARDIAN’S EMAIL ADDRESS INSURANCE INFORMATION – THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETE OR PAYMENT IN FULL IS DUE AT TIME OF SERVICE PRIMARY INSURANCE COMPANY NAME SUBSCRIBER’S NAME SUBSCRIBER’S DOB SUBSCRIBER’S SS# PATIENT’S RELATIONSHIP TO SUBSCRIBER CHILD OTHER SECONDARY INSURANCE COMPANY NAME SUBSCRIBER’S NAME SUBSCRIBER’S DOB SUBSCRIBER’S SS# SELF ______________ PATIENT’S RELATIONSHIP TO SUBSCRIBER CHILD OTHER SELF ______________ PREFERRED PHARMACY NAME OF LOCAL PHARMACY NAME OF MAIL in PHARMACY ADDRESS OR INTERSECTION ADDRESS OR INTERSECTION PHONE (IF KNOWN) FAX (IF KNOWN) ( ( ) ) PHONE (IF KNOWN) FAX (IF KNOWN) ( ( ) ) ***PLEASE CONTINUE ON THE BACK*** 1 10.25.13 Patient Name DOB ASHEVILLE MEDICINE & PEDIATRICS PEDIATRIC REGISTRATION FORM 828.651.0121 (PHONE) | 828.651.0141 (FAX) | WWW.ASHEVILLEMEDPEDS.COM AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUALS ALLOWED TO ACCOMPANY MY CHILD FOR MEDICAL CARE AND RECEIVE MEDICAL RESULTS Please list anyone who has your permission to bring your child to our office for medical care in your absence and/or who is authorized to receive your child’s medical information. In the event of an emergency, only people you authorize in writing, per HIPAA requirements, will be able to accompany your child for treatment without you being present. NAME OF AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL (Last, First, Middle Initial) DATE OF BIRTH RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD PRIMARY PHONE ( NAME OF AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL (Last, First, Middle Initial) DATE OF BIRTH RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD ) PRIMARY PHONE ( ) EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Every effort is made to protect our patients’ privacy. However, in the case of an emergency in which a parent/legal guardian cannot be reached, we may need to call someone on your child’s behalf. Please list below the name of someone your child does not live with and who we have your permission to contact if necessary. NAME OF PERSON NOT LIVING WITH YOUR CHILD RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD EMERGENCY CONTACT’S PHONE NUMBER ( ) CONSENT FOR TREATMENT Consent for Treatment As the parent or legal guardian of the patient listed below, I do hereby consent to the performance of routine diagnostic procedures and/or medical treatment as deemed necessary or advisable by my child’s physician(s) at Asheville Medicine & Pediatrics. I hereby authorize Asheville Medicine & Pediatrics, LTD to apply for benefits on my child’s behalf for all services rendered. Parent/Guardian’s Name & Signature Child’s Name Print Parent/Guardian’s Full Name Print Child’s Name Date of Birth Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date of Signature 2 10.25.13 Patient Name DOB Asheville Medicine and Pediatrics New Patient Medical History Please fill out all sections completely. PATIENT NAME: _________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: __________________________ Please list ALL medications you are currently taking. Be sure to include strength and directions for use. _______________________________ ______________________________ ________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ ________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ ________________________ Are you allergic to any medication(s)? YES NO If so, please list the medication and reaction: ___________________________________________________________ Please tell us about your medical history by checking the box beside any illness or condition that you have or have had in the past. CARDIOVASCULAR __ AORTIC ANEURISM HEART DISEASE __ HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE __ VALVE PROBLEMS __ __ __ __ PULMONARY __ ASTHMA __ PNEUMONIA __ SLEEP APNEA __ CHRONIC BRONCHITIS __ PULMONARY EMBOLISM __ TUBERCULOSIS __ COPD/EMPHYSEMA __ PULMONARY HYPERTENSION __ OTHER: ____________________ GASTROINTESTINAL __ CIRRHOSIS __ HEARTBURN/GERD __ PANCREATITIS __ COLON POLYPS __ HEPATITIS __ PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE __ CROHN’S DISEASE __ IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME __ OTHER: ____________________ GENITOURINARY __ RENAL FAILURE __ DIFFICULTY URINATING __ INCONTINENCE __ ENLARGED PROSTATE __ ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION __ URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS __ ENDOMETRIOSIS __ KIDNEY STONES __ OTHER: _____________________ MUSCULOSKELETAL __ CHRONIC PAIN __ GOUT __OSTEOPOROSIS __FIBROMYALGIA __HIP REPLACEMENT __ RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS __ BROKEN BONES: ___________ __ OSTEOARTHRITIS __ OTHER: _____________________ ENDOCRINE/METABOLIC __ DIABETES TYPE ONE __ HYPERTHYROIDISM __ DIABETES TYPE TWO __ HYPOTHYROIDISM __DYSMETABOLIC SYNDROME __ OTHER: ______________________ ___NEUROLOGICAL __ ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE __ MIGRAINE HEADACHES __ PARKINSON’S DISEASE __ADD/ADHD __ TENSION HEADACHES __ PERIPHERAL SENSORY NEUROPATHY __ STROKE __ TRANSIENT ISCEMIC ATTACK __OTHER: ________________________ BLOOD DISORDERS __ ANEMIA(PERNICIOS/IRON DEFF) __ SICKLE CELL ANEMIA __OTHER: ________________________ ALLERGY/DERMATOLOGY/OTHER __ ALLERGIES __RECURRENT SINUS INFECTIONS __ ECZEMA __INSOMNIA __RECURRENT EAR INFECTIONS __OTHER: ________________________ ARRHYTHMIA DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS HEART ATTACK HEART MURMUR __ __ __ __ CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE HIGH CHOLESTEROL PACEMAKER OTHER: ____________________ __ CORONARY Do you have any history of CANCER? YES NO Where/What kind? ______________________________________________________ When? ______________________ Do you have any Vision impairment? YES __ CATARACTS __GLAUCOMA NO __MACULAR DEGENERATION __ Blind __OTHER ____________________ Do you have any Hearing impairment or are you deaf? YES NO If Yes, please describe and advise if you need any special communication assistance? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 10.25.13 Patient Name DOB PATIENT NAME: _________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: __________________________ Please tell us about your medical history by checking the box beside any illness or condition that you have or have had in the past. All Adults and Adolescents between the ages of 12-18 Over the past two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the followings problems? (Please circle your answers) Little interest or pleasure doing things? 0=Not at all 1=Several days 2= More than half the days 3= Nearly every day Feeling down, depressed or hopeless 0=Not at all 1=Several days 2= More than half the days 3= Nearly every day Do you have Advance Care Planning? Yes or No If yes-please provide a copy, If no, do you want to discuss this with your physician today? FOR WOMEN: ____ AGE OF MENSES __ ENDOMITRIOSIS ____IRREGULAR/HEAVY MENSTRUATION __ HYSTERECTOMY ___MENOPAUSE _____ AGE __ OTHER FEMALE PROBLEMS _______________________________________ _____________________ DATE OF LAST BONE DENSITY ________________________ DATE OF LAST MAMMOGRAM HOW MANY Pregnancies? _______ Vaginal Births? ________ C-sections __________ Elective Abortions? _______ Miscarriages _______ Do you use birth control? YES No When was your last PAP? ____________________________ If yes, what kind/method? __________________________________________ Any abnormality? ___________________________________________________ Please list any SURGERIES you have had and the dates they were performed. _________________________________________ ____/____/____ ______________________________________ ____/____/____ _________________________________________ ____/____/____ ______________________________________ ____/____/____ _________________________________________ ____/____/____ ______________________________________ ____/____/____ Additional Procedures: __ Colonoscopy (Date) ______________ __ Echocardiogram (Date) ____________________ __ Stress Tests (Date) _______________________ Family History: Please check all that apply and choose from the listed relations below to show history. M- mother, F- father, S- sister, B- brother, Son- son, d- daughter, MGM-maternal grandmother MGF- maternal grandfather, PGM- paternal grandmother, PGF- paternal grandfather __ HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE _____ __ ENLARGED PROSTATE _____ __ FIBROMYALGIA _____ __ HIGH CHOLESTEROL _____ __ KIDNEY STONES _____ __ OSTEOARTHRITIS _____ __ HEART ATTACK _____ __ ALZHEIMER’S _____ __ OSTEOPOROSIS _____ __ CANCER (WHAT TYPE) _____ __ STROKE _____ __ ALCOHOLISM _____ __ ASTHMA _____ __ MIGRAINES _____ __ ANXIETY _____ __ COPD/EMPHYSEMA _____ __ SEIZURE DISORDER _____ __ DEPRESSION _____ __ CIRRHOSIS _____ __ TIA’s _____ __ GLAUCOMA _____ __ IRRITABLE BOWEL(IBS) _____ __ DIABETES TYPE 1 _____ __ CATARACTS _____ __ PANCREATITIS _____ __ DIABETES TYPE 2 _____ __ OTHER _________________ __ HYPERTHYROIDISM _____ __ HYPOTHYROIDISM _____ ADULT VACCINES __ TDAP (Date) __________ __ Pneumonia (Date) ____________ __Flu (Date) ____________ __ Shingles(Date) __________ Please list all VITAMINS OR DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS you use. Be sure to include strength and directions for use. ______________________________ _______________________________ 4 __________________________ 10.25.13 Patient Name DOB ______________________________ _______________________________ ___________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________ __________________________ Please circle “yes” or “no” to each question or check all applicable answers. Social History: Are you Employed? Are you Married? Yes No Single Do you have any children? Retired? What was your occupation? Widowed Divorced Yes No If so, how many? Do you smoke or use tobacco? Yes Nonsmoker Did you quit smoking? Yes When? Do you drink alcohol? Yes No If so, how much/often? If not, are you interested in quitting? Yes No If so, how much and how often Do you suffer from any Mental or Emotional Disorders? __ANXIETY __EATING DISORDER __DEPRESSION __BIPOLAR DISORDER __OBSESSIVE-COMPLUSIVE DISORDER __OTHER Please answer all questions below. PEDIATRICS: Parent’s Marital Status: Married Single Separated Divorced Family members living in household: Mother’s Occupation: Father’s Occupation: Is the child exposed to smoke in the home? Yes No Name of school child attends. Grade: Teams/Clubs: 5 10.25.13 Patient Name DOB Asheville Medicine & Pediatrics Authorization for Release of Information – Compound Release Name of Patient ___________________________________________ Date of Birth ______________ I, ______________________________ authorized to release protected health information about the above named patient in the following manner and to identified persons. Authorized Designees Check each person/entity that you approve to receive information. Description of information to be released. Check each that can be given to person/entity on the left in the same section. Voice Mail- (Home, Cell phone, Emergency Contacts) Results of lab tests/x-rays, Appointment Reminders Other_______________________________ Spouse (provide name and phone number) ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Parent (provide name and phone number) _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Emergency Contacts ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Financial Medical Any Exclusions_______________________________ Financial Medical Any Exclusions_______________________________ Financial Medical Any Exclusions_______________________________ Authorized individuals that are allowed to accompany my child for medical care and/or receive medical results. Please note: Only persons you authorized will be able to accompany your child for treatment. __________________________________ ___________ , ____________________ __________________________ Name DOB Relationship to Child Primary Phone ___________________________________________,__________________________________________________ Name DOB Relationship to Child Primary Phone Patient Rights: I have the right to revoke this authorization at any time. I may inspect or copy the protected health information to be disclosed as described in this document. Revocation is not effective in cases where the information has already been disclosed but will be effective going forward. 6 10.25.13 Patient Name DOB Information used or disclosed as a result of this authorization may be subject to redisclosure by the recipient and may no longer be protected by federal or state law. I have the right to refuse to sign this authorization and that my treatment will not be conditioned on signing. The information is released at the patient’s request and this authorization will remain in effect until revoked by the patient. _________________________________________________________ Signature of Patient or Personal Representative Date ___________________ *Description of Personal Representative’s Authority (attach necessary documentation) 7 10.25.13 Patient Name DOB New Patients & Physical Exams 2 and Up 1. Everyone 12 years and older Over the past two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the followings problems? (Please circle your answers) 0=Not at all Little interest or pleasure doing things? 1=Several days 2= More than half the days 3= Nearly every day 0=Not at all Feeling down, depressed or hopeless 1=Several days 2= More than half the days 3= Nearly every day 2. Hearing Impairment questions (please circle your answers) Do you have any hearing impairment? If yes, please describe No Yes If yes, please advise if you need any special communication assistance today No Yes 3. Vision impairment questions ( please circle your answers) Do you any vision impairment? If yes, please describe If yes, please advise if you need any special communication assistance today 4. No Yes No Yes Patient and Family Medical History regarding Substance Abuse Patient Substance Abuse Family History of Substance Abuse 5. Advance Care Planning Do you have “Advanced care Planning? For more information on Advanced care planning please see the back of this form. If yes, please provide a copy of your information If no, do you want to discuss this with your provider today? Alcohol Other _______________________ None _______________________ Alcohol Other _______________________ None________________________ No Yes No Yes 8 10.25.13 Patient Name DOB Advanced Care Planning Advanced Care Planning is making decisions about the care you would want to receive if you become unable to speak for yourself. This planning may include getting information about the types of treatments that may be available to you, deciding what treatments you would or would not want, sharing your wishes with your loved ones, and completing advanced directives in writing to ensure that your wishes are carried out. This planning is for all ages, as accidents or illness may occur at any age. For further information, please refer to the patient education videos on the Advanced Care Planning website at Your physician will be happy to discuss your advanced care planning at today’s visit if you so desire. If you have completed advanced care planning already, please provide a copy to our office. Patients Signature Date 9 10.25.13