CURRICULUM VITAE OF Nontobeko Gwamanda Objective : A growth-orientated position towards a life-career. Profile : Success-orientated with high energy and positive attitude, with a strong sense of responsibility and self-motivation, great problem solver and team player with the ability to work independently. Creative, flexible, willing to learn and efficient. PERSONAL DETAILS Surname Name Date Identity Number Race Gender Marital Status Citizenship Drivers Licence : Gwamanda : Nontobeko : 1986-01-04 : 860104 0290 089 : African : Female : Single : South African : Code 8 CONTACT DETAILS: Postal Address Physical Address Cell Phone E-mail Address : : : : C4107, Illovu Township, Winklespruit, 4145 P.O Box 28008, Illovu 1, Winklespruit, 4145 072 759 2525 EDUCATIONAL/ACADEMIC DETAILS High School Level Name of the School Highest qualification obtained Year obtained Tertiary Education (1)Name of the Institution Name of the qualification : Amanzimtoti High School : Grade 12 : 2004 Year completed Courses Passed : : : University of KwaZulu-Natal : Bachelor of Social Sciences (Geography and Environmental Management) 2009 Level 1 Human Environments-Geog 110 Environmental Systems-Geog 120 Introduction to Sociology-Socy101 Research Methods in the Social Sciences-Socy103 Introduction to Political Sciences-Pols101 Introduction to Global politics-Pols102 Introduction to SA Society-Socy102 Introduction to English Studies-Engl102 Level 2 Political Ecology –POLS205 Geography of urban and rural change-GEOG220 Geographic Information systems-ENVS211 Environmental Assessment and auditing-ENVS224 Biophysical Environments of Southern Africa&Climate Change-ENVS210 Political Science-Issues in international Affairs-POLS201 Classical Sociological Issues-SOCY201 Environmental Philosophy and Ethics-ETHS204 Social Change-SOCY202 Level 3 Environmental Management-ENVS322 Sustainable Cities and Development-GEOG330 Contemporary Sociological Theories-SOCY301 Contemporary Theory-theorist(s)-SOCY302 GIS&Remote Sensing-ENVS316 Land Issues and Rural Development in SA-GEOG314 Geography of Health-GEOG321 Environmental law-LAWS4EL Tourism Studies-GEOG301 (2)Name of the Institution Year Degree Registered : : : University of KwaZulu Natal 2009 Master of Town and Regional Planning (Non Degree Purpose) degree was Modules Registered : Integrated Development Planning Urban Spatial Policy Environmental Planning Current Studies Name of the Institution Year Degree Registered : : : University of South Africa 2010\2011 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Development Studies (to be completed this year)-proof Modules Completed : Modules Registered : Not completed due to appointment at Ugu District Municipality Of registration attached. Dissertation Topic: Proposed Research Area Contemporary Development and Debates Issues-DVADEBT Governance and Development-DVAGOVJ Human Security and Development-DVASEC Research Methodology in Development Studies-HMDVA81 Research Report in Development Studies-HRDVA82 Sustainable Development: Policy, Practice and Environment-DVASUS4 : Development Debates&Issues (Land Reform, Climate Change, PostDevelopment, Value Chain analysis) Certificates Obtained : : Disaster Management Risk Reduction Workshop Basic Fire Fighting Certificate Disaster Management Information Management System Workshop Microsoft Word 2000 – 2007 version Microsoft Excel 2000 – 2007 version Microsoft PowerPoint 2000- 2007 version GIS:gps Pathfinder,ArcView,ArcMap,arcGIS,CAD(all version 9.3) REMOTE SENSING: Edras and Idrisi (Version 9.3) Competency Computer Literacy : GIS Software’s : EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1. Name of Employer Component Duration Position Held : : : : Duties : Duties include the following: Facilitating all practical’s and tutorials for 2nd and 3rd level GIS students Responding to queries that students might have during practical periods and assisting them in doing practicals. Invigilating and Supervision. Taking down student problems and advising lecturers on a way to enhance students. Marking student’s scripts and reporting on the performance of students to the HOD. 2. Name of Employer Component Duration Position Held Duties University of KZN School of Environmental Management. 14 of February 2009 until 31 of August 2009 Environmental Systems Tutor Sustainable Cities and Development Practical Demonstrator. Geographic Information’s systems Practical Demonstrator. : University Of KZN. : School of Environmental Sciences (Reasearch component) : 2 years-01 November 2008-03 September 2009 : Field Worker: Research component : Duties include the following: Conducting a both quantitative&qualitative research in Inanda area, Kwa-Ximba&Kwa-Nongoma relating to woman and gender issuesProfessor Bob (UKZN), using GIS to select the study areas. Capturing the data-Data entry and coding. Analyzing data&producing an outcome. 3. Name of Employer Component Duration Position Held Duties : : : : : Ugu District Municipality Corporate Services 1st of September 2009 until to date (2 years) Geographic Information’s Systems and Information Communication Systems contract worker Duties include: Liaise with the provincial Disaster Management Centre regarding updating our data and maps and also disseminating all the relevant data to the centre for record keeping, especially for water Division. Acting as an officer for District Disaster Management Information Management Systems, nominated as an operator for the system working with Aurecon. Conducting Information Management Systems Practitioners Forums throught Ugu District, facilitating Training for the System. Providing knowledge to the centre between areas of Environment, planning which lead to Disasters for Sustainability. Updating maps and buffering Disaster Zone areas, managing the input and output of data. Creating maps and printing maps for dissemination. Ensuring Public Participation, conducting Community meetings Preparing and monitoring quality control standards and requirements of spatial and tabular data capture, storage and use. Analyze processes, develop action plans and implement viable GIS solutions to the entire Municipality. Monitoring, analyzing and improving performance of application software. Working with Departments to implement automation of tasks. Assisting co-workers with data creation and collection including the principals and practices of GPS. Compiling data from legal documents(Deeds, files)map files, outside developers, survey notes and other sources, using information to produce digital maps, plans ,overlays, digital maps,plans,overlays,GIS layers and cartographic for municipality and other departments. Data capturing on DIMS, GIS website, asset management and other GIS Information. Conducting research around the District on hazards or Risks relating to& leading to Disasters. Duty of the District DMC is to ensuring a transformed and a sustainable environment-ensure preparedness, prevention and mitigation of a disaster through plans that are in place. Convening Local Disaster Management Advisory forums and attending to district and Provincial /disaster Advisory forums. Conducting historical, scientific, Geographical and Environmental research for risks, hazards and Disasters in order to compile a sound document on the possible contemporary hazards. Liaise and work with relevant stakeholders and role-players in risk assessment and disaster mitigation. Liaising with community leadership (Councillors, Amakhosi, Izinduna&religious leadership) on issues concerning the communities. Participate as the facilitator in all Environmental and Disaster Education & Awareness campaigns, outreach programmes and public awareness’s and ensuring means of verification. Conduct Risk Assessments, Awareness campaigns, Training, disaster management Advisory Forums individually in the Ugu North Local Municipalities. Attending Vulamehlo Municipality IDP forum on behalf of Disaster Sector. Acting as a Training facilitator to local Municipalities on Disaster Management programmes, implementation, compliance and monitoring. Ensure Risk Reduction by drawing new programmes viz Volunteers Co-unit, Training of communities, stakeholder, councilors and Traditional Leadership on Disaster Management Reduction Plans and their roles and responsibilities. Planning of programmes according to SDBIP, IDP and reviewing of a Disaster Management Plan for the district and assisting Local Municipalities in reviewing District and Local Disaster Management Plans. Acting as an umbrella for all Disaster Management programmes to all stakeholders, Government Sector Departments and emergency Services in Disaster Related Programmes. Presenting findings and outputs of programmes to a Local and a District Municipality’s, Local and District Advisory Forums. Coordinating and facilitating community based outreach programmes and issuing Training and Education on Disaster Management thought the district. Responding upon Disaster occurrences through provision of relief stock, dissemination of information and early warning systems and convening JOC, VOC forums where necessary through the District. Working with the disaster Management Consultants on the following issues/projects: Part of the planning team of the Ugu district disaster centre, manage and manipulate spatial data. Assist with mapping, digitizing, locating, data capturing, analyzing and interpretation under the guidance of the specialist. Reviewing risk assessment reports for all 6 respective local Municipalities Working with the Ugu Environmental Services on the following issues/projects (these projects were done as part of an experience with Ugu Environmental Services) Management of the EIA and administration processes for the municipality projects, including commenting on behalf of local municipalities who does not have environmental management personnel. Evaluate and assess relevant documents submitted in terms of EIA regulations with the Environmental Services Section. Review and provide comment on environmental issues identified through the execution of other Municipality requirement e.g. EMPR’s with the Ugu Environmental Services Department. To respond to emergency situations such as waste treatment works and Coastal issues with Ugu Environmental Services. To carry out investigations, including sites inspection of facilities in co-operative partnership with other regulatory authorities. Looking at Scoping Reports, EMP’s and looking at application from respective consultants with the Ugu Environmental Services. A member of the Ugu Coastal working Committee. Preparing presentations on behalf of Disaster Management Centre to be utilized in Environmental workshops and Trainings. Confining policies of ISO 14001, ISO 9001. Ensure Environmental Management Systems, and developed EMS Frameworks for consultants. Ensure compliance is enforced to the private and public entity. Ensure EIA’s regulations throught all projects around the District. Transferable skills Excellent interpersonal, communication and thinking skills Organizing skills, planning and group facilitation skills, Very good numeracy and personal, Invaluable information and functional skills, Analytical and critical problem solving skills with strong ethics, Personal and personnel management skills, Well developed organizational and functional ability, Ability to multitask effectively and be a team player Ability to Maintain High Standards and Perform Efficiently Under Pressure. REFERENCES Makhosi Gobhozi Ugu District Municipality-Disaster Management Supervisor Tel No: 0396822414\0823324000 Khethiwe Dlamini Ugu District Municipality-Environmental Services Officer Email: Tel no: 039 6883382\0761457334 Sillas Njoya-University of Kwa-Zulu Natal GIS Lecturer Email:] Tel no: 0732190187