A New World Order Teithard de Chardin is the name we’ve mentioned before. He was a Jesuit priest that was involved in a number of things. “Teithard de Chardin, a French Jesuit priest... eugenitist, Maraist... pantheist, evolutionist (he was heavily involved in the 1912 forgery that was called 'Piltdown Man'), humanist, and a proponent of a one-world government. He was also known as 'The Father of the New Age." He is the Jesuit priest that is pushing the New Age, driving the New Agers into something that they are not really aware of. "Any Teilhardian will recognize in this the spiritual transcendence which he announced so emphatically as the next step in our evolution." - Robert Muller, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness Here Teithard de Chardin is explaining that the next level of evolution is this one world coming together, this new level of spirituality as we’re spiraling towards Godhood. Teilhard dreamed of humanity merging into 'God' and each realizing his own godhood at the Omega point. This belief has inspired many of today's New Age leaders." - Dave Hunt Teilhard quotes are quite interesting to read. "It is a law of the universe that in all things there is prior existence. Before every form there is a prior, but lesser evolved form. Each one of us is evolving towards the godhead. 'I believe that the Messiah whom we await whom we all without any doubt await, is the universal Christ; that is to say, the Christ of evolution." - Teilhard de Chardin Do you remember from the evolution lecture who the Christ of evolution was? If you don’t know what I am speaking about, please watch the DVD on Son versus Sun, the Evolution Debate. Teithard de Chardin says we are evolving to godhood and we are now waiting for the Christ of evolution. Robert Muller had some interesting things to say. He was a former assistant secretary general of the United Nations. He says; "Decide to open yourself to God, to the Universe, to all your brethren and sisters, to your inner self... to the potential of the human race, to the infinity of your inner self, and you will become the universe... you will become infinity, and you will be at long last your real, divine, stupendous self." This is pantheism. Muller who founded this religious character at the United Nations also deeply involved in setting up this worship room at the United Nations is a pantheist, believing about God within you and you just have to evolve to find this true God that is within each one of us. He speaks about this where he says you can become the infinity. You’ll become the universe. At last your real, divine, stupendous self. Again this is the same teaching as the self-help industry which leads so many people to the New Age movement. Robert Muller wrote about the world co-curriculum; "The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey... The school is now certified as a United Nations Associated School providing education for international cooperation and peace." - Robert Muller The curriculum on which Robert Muller’s school is based on comes from Alice A. Bailey. This world cocurriculum is now being filtered around the world and infiltrating the schools leading the schools to believe the works as they are according to Alice A. Bailey. If you don’t know what I am speaking about, then think about Outcome Based Education. Have you heard OBE – Outcome Based Education? In South Africa we have a curriculum 2005, when the United Nations power was so vastly increased. Who was Alice A. Bailey? "Alice A. Bailey, was a High Priest and prophetess of the New Age movement. She received messages from the Tibetan Djwal Khul." She says, this Tibetan Djwal Khul who is actually a fallen angel, a demon, Satan gave her various information that she needs to share with the world. She knew who she was dealing with because she set up Lucifer Trust. All these books, 24 books of esoteric philosophy of Alice A. Bailey were printed and produced and have become part of this Lucifer Trust. With the heat that she received from the public for being called Lucifer Trust, she changed it to Lucis Publishing. This Lucis Publishing company now is the company that prints all the documentation of the United Nations. In fact, the United Nations’ founding doctrines are of those of Alice A. Bailey. She says in her book, Disciples Shepherd in the New Age; "I dedicate myself anew to the service of the Coming One and will do all I can to prepare men's minds and hearts for that event. I have no other life intention." - Alice A. Bailey "First of all, he will come to a world which is essentially one world." - Alice A. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ Here Alice A. Bailey is speaking about the coming one. Do you remember the One that we spoke about with Bono? This is the same ‘One’. It is not Jesus Christ. This is the supreme architect or the Supreme Being, the Coming One. Alice A. Bailey believes in Lucifer coming to give us the light. When he comes back, he will come back to a One World. Remember the Baal Hadad, always back to the same sun symbol; these are just different ways of explaining it. Look at the United Nations emblem. Here you have the emblem and an ancient carving of a sun symbol. Does it look somehow familiar to you, the United Nations embodying something like this? "No human force will ever be able to destroy the United Nations, for the United Nations is not a mere building or a mere idea; it is not a manmade creation. The United Nations is the vision-light of the Absolute Supreme, which is slowly, steadily, and unerringly illuminating the ignorance, the night of our human life... At his choice hour, the Absolute Supreme will ring his own victory bell here on Earth through the loving and serving heart of the United Nations." - Robert Muller, My Testimony to the United Nations Do you see what he says there? At his choice hour – this is Lucifer – the Supreme Being will ring his own victory bell. ‘We won!’ The bible says that Jesus will win. Satan even lies to his own people and Robert Muller says that the United Nations has not been built by man. In other words it is either built by God or Satan. Lucifer Trust/Lucis Publishing publishes all the books and pamphlets for the United Nations. So, who is the Supreme Being that will ring his bell of victory through the United Nations? "Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, said; 'We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government; a one-world religion; under a one-world leader." - Dwight L. Kinman We’ve just identified who that is, the god of the one-world – Lucifer. Do the people on the top level know this? From their quotes you can pick up that they do know it. Do we visually see that they know it? Let’s rewind back to Bill Clinton’s inauguration. "People that are Christians now but were satanists recognize President Clinton's signal at his inauguration as the sign of Satan. That seems fairly [0:09:04] and it is. Clinton communicated what he wanted to the people to whom he wanted to communicate, the whole affair with him flashing the satanic hand signal only took a couple of seconds." - Frits S. Bloodline of the Illuminati They know who they are busy dealing with. Since George Bush came to power, some interesting things have started to take place. Here is the Mail Guardian article on 23rd to 29th June 2006. It says; "Over the past five years... President George W. Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws that have been enacted by Congress since he took office. Remarkably, this systematic reach for power has occured not in secret but in public. Go to the White House website and the evidence is there in black and white...Take for example the renewal of the U.S.A Patriot Act on…" [Pt. 2 of 12] Take for example the renewal of the U.S.A Patriot Act on March 9. In the signing statement... he states that he does not feel bound to report to Congress and would withhold information the disclosure of which could impair foreign relations, nation security, the deliberative process of the executive, or the performance of the executive's constitutional duties. Here George Bush is ignoring 750 laws of the American constitution that have been enacted by congress and he is not doing this in secret. He is doing it publicly. Just go and have a look at the website they say. Not only that, he will withhold the information, the disclosure of which would impair foreign relations, etc. Today the terrorists are being blamed for many things around the world. They are being blamed for causing insecurity; but there is a deeper level to this whole terrorist idea that is not often recognized. In order to get certain laws passed, you have to have certain threats valid and available in the world. This article continues; "Bush signed the overwhelmingly supported congressional bill last year outlawing the torture of detainees. On the face of it the new law was explicit, strengthening what Bush described as 'values we hold dear'... But the signing statement on December 30 carefully undermines that claim. It asserted that 'the executive branch shall construe [the law] in a manner consistent with the constitutional authority of he president... as commander in chief'. In other words, circumstances might arise in which torture might still be authorized.” Let’s just look at what the bible says. The bible says a second beast will come up out of the earth – this is America – and will force world-wide laws that the world has to bow down to the first beast – that is the papacy. Not only that, if you don’t bow down you will be killed. In other words you will go through certain tortures of certain things to force you acknowledge the first beast. These are the times that are coming down the line. You might not want to recognize that this is the true but the bible warns that the times in the end will have tribulations like have never been seen in the world before. This idea of grabbing power – Bush’s power grab – is also recognized and resonating throughout Africa. Here is an article regarding Thabo Mbeki, the president of South Africa regarding his successor, the person who will take over from him. This article says; "Power has already been pulled from society to state, from the provinces to Pretoria and Luthuli House, and from legislative to executive. Within national government, it has gravitated from cabinet to the presidency. The power in this office is now open to abuse..." This idea of fascist symbols inside America where America is a democracy but it is leaning heavily back on its fascias beliefs, the same sort of noises are being made in South Africa. Thabo Mbeki speaking at a dinner in October 2006 to the South African communist party he said the following; "I think that there is this general decline in my graph. At the best level I was described as being intolerant... Then a bit later a dictator... And more recently I am told I am totalitarian... And if I follow the (advice) of ANC comrades, I am bound to reach the point where I am called a fascist." I agree. Unfortunately the people on the ground don’t know this and the democracy, this wonderful experience that we’ve been through, being in one country, is not actually true up at the higher levels. Do you remember what Morals and Dogma spoke to us about? Albert Pike, the highest freemason of all times wrote about the templars having two doctrines; one secret and one well known. The templers where also the people who spat on the cross and defecated on the cross of Christ. "The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism; the other public was the Roman Catholic." - Morals and Dogma, p. 817 This book explains to us that the insider, Johannism (St. John, the diviner) is outsider Catholicism but inside it is secretly luceferian. Why then on March 10, 2007, did our President Thabo Mbeki become a Knight of St. John? Here you have one of the articles about that. As you can see President Thabo Mbeki was made a Knight of the most venerable order of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. He had it done is St. Georges Cathedral in Cape Town with liturgy, full regalia, the cleft cap and all the things. He was even made a Knight of the order of St. John by the Duke of [0:05:28]. It is interesting how this worldwide system which we were warned about earlier in this lecture has got slimy legs all over governments. When South Africa became a democracy we changed our symbols and now we were known as democracy and our Coat of Arms also changed. I’ll bring it up for you on the screen and then notice a couple of things; Firstly you’ll see the phoenix rising out of the ashes. Can you see its wings are up as it rises out of the ashes? Can you see on the top of the phoenix you’ve got the seven sun rays of the sun god Mitra? This is Mitraism, sun worship. Not only that, you’ll see the one eye of the eagle – the left eye. Then you’ve got the triangle underneath the head of the phoenix/eagle and on top you’ve got the capstone. There are so many symbols inside our coat of Arms in South Africa. It is actually shocking. That’s not even to do with the horns or the tasks etc. which has got to do stuff with the arch of the covenant. I will not even go into that. Just on the coat of Arms you can already see there is an allegiance towards sun worship. We’ve even got a province called Mpumalanga which is there with the sun rises, the whole province dedicated to the rising of the sun. go a little bit deeper into the orders. When you do something as a good citizen, you receive an award from the presidency… have a look at these awards, what is known as Order of Companions of [0:07”07]. There you’ll see from their own website the information about it. Can you see the symbol? Does it look familiar? You’ve got the ying yang, the spinning sun symbol of the ying yang. Not only that, on the outside you again have got spinning ying yang and it is all in a shape of an eye. I am not saying it is in the shape of an eye, their own information says; 'Majola' - the watchful eye with hooks at both the top and bottom... is inspired by the universal ying and yang that speak of a meeting point for diverse spiritual energies." This is the highest order that you can receive in South Africa. It is the sun symbol of Lucifer the all-seeing eye. Not only that, if you go to the other orders, you’ve got various of them. There on top left you can see the Baal Hadad. On the bottom left you can see the sun symbol, the sun rising again. On the top right you’ll see sun raising again and at the bottom there is Baal Hadad underneath. What about this one right at the bottom? It also explains: 'Ikhamanga' - The rays of the sun, which denote power, glory, illumination... That is the one on top, coming out of her hair dress. There at the bottom you have the order of the Companions of Oliver Tambo – the all-seeing eye. It has even got a serpent around it. These are satanic symbols inside our government in this wonderful democracy. That is for the Cattle, the Catechumen, the goyam. What about Robert Mugabe? What is he busy with? Why did he have to print a new 200,000 Zimbabwe dollar which is now worth 1 U.S dollar? It might even be 1 Australian dollar. What is he busy with? It becomes very clear that he is busy with what’s called the Hegelian principle. With the layout of the world, according to the New World order, the world has been split into ten regions. All you’ve got to do is go to Zimbabwe and you’ll see it is now called the Jesuit province of Zimbabwe. He is busy fulfilling a very important role. He is not doing a bad job. In fact, he is doing a very good job. He is trying to destroy one country while the supreme power lifts up another country. We happen to be in South Africa which is being lifted up and Zimbabwe which is being pulled down so that you can have two extremes. You have the thesis and antithesis. This is Hegelian principle. If you rub then together you get synthesis. Here you have an image by Gary H. C. he explains on route to global occupation exactly that and there … [Pt. 3 of 12] by Gary H. C. he explains on route to global occupation exactly that and there between region 4 and region 8 you can see that the border runs between South Africa and Zimbabwe. These 10 regions of the world in the New World Order are also hinted about (I will be covering that in a different lecture series); but there is this idea that the first beast, the antichrist gives a certain amount of his power to these 10 leaders that are put in place. When the bible speaks about 10 it means all encompassing. When the Lord wanted to give us some guidelines on how to make sure we are completely covered by his grace, He gave us 10 Commandments. The New World Order has split the world into 10 regions. Revelation 17:12 "The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 17:13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. 17:14 They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings--and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers." A group of people that aren’t kings will be given power as kings according to the will of this first beast. Let’s look for a moment; what does George Bush Snr. has to say about this New World Order? [Video Playing] “There is a drive towards the New World Order from the presidency himself’ Remember that Reagan was the first one to be inaugurated facing the sun symbol – the obelisk – and that he was the one to open channels to the Vatican. From there onwards it’s become louder and louder. George Bush said it. What did Bill Clinton had to say about the New World Order? [Video Playing] ‘There is definitely a new world coming along.’ On January 1st, 2004 shock of all shocks; the Vatican issues its own call - January 1st, the New Year message from Pope John Paul himself. Here you have it from cnn.com; “Pope calls for a New World Order. The respect for international law and the creation of a new international order based on the goals of the United Nations.” Here, the papacy is calling also for a new world order. It knows that it will be ahead of this order and it’s calling for these world powers to bring together the children in Christianity and economics and other religions all together under a new world order. "... the secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat... in order to bring humanity together in a one-world government which they call the New World Order." - Behind a Pale Horse This idea of creating a false threat is what is needed to be able to get us to accept certain rights that we used to hang on to, to give them up. "This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long. We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller, Sept. 14, 1994 We just need the right major crisis and things will start to be accepted like the New World Order. "Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death." Adolf Hitler This idea of terrorism and we need some special events to take place to drive mankind to accept the New World Order is hard hitting. Let’s check because Dick Chaney and Donald Rumsfeld penned down a document called ‘The Project for a New American Century.’ This was the blue print that they’d follow when they won the presidency a few months later. Let’s look inside this document and see what it says; "Our plans will take a long time to accomplish absent from some catastrophic event such as 'a New Pearl Harbor'..." A New Pearl Harbor? Now that the documents have been released it is common knowledge that they knew American government prior to the New Pearl Harbor bombings they would take place. They let it happen because they needed certain things to take place. Here Dick C. and Donald R. say that ‘we need another Pearl Harbor because without a catastrophic event like Pearl Harbor our plans will take a long time to complete. These people are busy driving us like cattle towards accepting a New World Order. If you don’t believe me go and read it up yourself. There it is; A Project for the New American Century. Go and read the document on the website. Then out of the blue, it is interesting to see that, that was written in 2000 and in September 11, 2001, a new pearl harbor happens? Could it be? The terrorist are attacking America we are told. They day that the world changed! Time magazine shows us explosion as a second plane hits the second tower. There were three major events that day; 1. It was the Twin Towers, where the planes hit the towers 2. The plane hitting the Pentagon 3. Flight 93 that crashed in the open Those were the three main events. Trying to uncover what hit the pentagon has been an interesting exercise. There were three images (still images) of the security cameras that were released by the C.I.A. They actually released four but one of them was black. On the top left you see there, it says September 12, 2001. The date is wrong; but there you see the Pentagon. Then you see the next one is blank. The next one September 12, 2001, you see the explosion and then a bigger explosion. The one frame which this camera should be able to use to identify how the plane hit or what shape the plane was, etc. is black. Isn’t that weird? Go to any of the satellite images of Pentagon on that day and you’ll see something very strange. When a Boeing or an aero plane crashes, it leaves debris everywhere – wings and motors and engines and wheels etc. If it hits a building like the Pentagon as an example, there is just rubble everywhere as this thing explodes. Have a look at the satellite image and ask yourself; where is the wreckage? Can you see any wreckage? Interestingly there is absolutely no wreckage. This is a graphic which has been put together to show the damage on the Pentagon. There you can see a certain section of the Pentagon that was hit. Do you notice the problem here, that there are no impact areas for the wings? The grass hasn’t been churned up. Not only that, there is no visible damage where the tail hit the building. Something else hit the pentagon that exploded. Not only did it explode, it went through the five rings from the outer ring right through into the center, you’ve got a pentagon as well; there is the hole it made as it shot through these five bomb reinforced walls and super concrete walls as it shot through and exploded into the middle of the Pentagon. They explained that what made the hole all the way through these five layers was the nosecone of the aero plane. That is absolute rubbish because the nosecone is of such a flimsy material … [Pt. 4 of 12] rubbish because the nosecone is of such a flimsy material that gets absorbed like that even if it hits grass, never mind hitting a building. Very strange is there is no wreckage. There is no where we can find or identify what hit the pentagon. What about Flight 93? Here is an image of a plane that crashed out in the open. Do you see the wreckage that’s left behind? Do you see the trail? That is the type of trail that should have been left across the lawn at the pentagon, but there is no aero plane, there is no trail, there is no burning, there is nothing. It just disappeared. The same happened with Flight 93 where on the left is a type of image that you should have had. All we find in Flight 93 is a hole in the ground. There the people are walking around this hole; maybe 10 meters in diameter and maybe 4 or 5 meters deep – a hole in the ground. There is no debris and nothing to be seen. If you go to a satellite image and you look back down again and ask yourself, ‘where is the wreckage of this plane?’ Somebody took a photo of the explosion that took place when the plane Flight 93 hit the ground. Does that look like a fire ball that is burning continuously as the flames consume the petrol or does that look more like a missile hitting the ground with a single explosion? If it isn’t a missile or some other device then where is the wreckage? Where is the plane? Where are the people that were on the plane? I find it incredible that they were able to trace the DNA of every single person on these flights even though there was no wreckage and there is absolutely no trace of any bodies or human lives. That is the Pentagon; it is very strange they could find out all the details, all the DNAs and everything of all those people as well but yet there is no wreckage. This is the same with Flight 93. What about the main events of day? Twin Towers There is an idea that the Twin Towers were hit by these planes and that the explosions and the burning jet fuel caused these buildings to implode. There are some very deep problems with that theory. Firstly, the buildings fell down at free-falls speed. What that means is if you were to throw a base ball out of the top of a building and you were to watch the start of the collapse of these buildings, they’d hit the floor at the same time. The idea is that the floors caved in one on the other – pancake, pancake, pancake as they went to the ground. If that was the case, they estimate the calculating that, that would be the case that this building, just one of them or both of them would have taken 45 seconds to hit the ground. In fact it took less than 10 seconds for the entire building to become nothing. Also there were 45 still columns in the middle of each World Trade Center Tower and these had the floors pancake on each other stood up. They would have remained firmed and in place if the floors had pan-caked around them. These pillars were removed and somehow destroyed in this process. Here is an image which I would like you to look at. From a construction company about how to pull a building; what they call pull a building is a word that they use in demolitions. They speak about pulling a building. ‘Is the building ready? Right, pull it!’ What they do is they press a button and in controlled demolitions you see the building implode into itself. It is called pulling a building. What do you notice on this building here on the History Channel? Can you see these horizontal explosions as the support columns are blown out? Here is another one. There is a more vertical image of another building being pulled. Can you see there the two explosions as it pops out of the side of the building? These horizontal explosions, the center columns, the support pillars are being exploded so that this building can collapse. What do you notice on this image of the Twin Towers? Obviously you see at the top the building starting to crumble. There are various things that could have happened up there. But what do you see at 30 or 25 storey below the actual events? There is a horizontal explosion? This is where the building seems to have had some sort of internal explosive used to remove and destroy the internal structures of these buildings. Over there is another one - how these buildings one by one were imploded. I will give you another couple of other examples. There you can see these horizontal shootings of the cement as it comes out and the various explosions go off. Here are six images from 147 to 203 as you can see on one level - that red square - explode in its entirety before the whole building comes to collapse. That is what the images tell us, but this gives some severe problems because if there were explosions within the World Trade Center, that means that they would have had to have pre-planned explosives layout, in other words it takes months and months of planning to bring down a building. Surely they couldn’t have had that sort of access to the World Trade Center? The terrorists didn’t but the Americans did. This is where this becomes sinister. All we have to say is we know that there were two planes that hit the World Trade Center – one in the South Tower and the other in the North Tower. After that the buildings came down; but where are the other explosions if those horizontal plumes coming out the side were actual explosions? Surely there must be people that heard other explosions. Let’s find out. These are eye witnesses’ accounts from September 11th 2001. The question is asked: Were there other explosions? [Video Playing] [Pt. 5 of 12] [Video Playing] One example after another, experience after experience of people saying something else was going on here. They are not sure what but they hear ‘boom! Boom! – as if they plan to take down the building. That is exactly what was done. In this situation with the World Trade Center, with the 45 center columns that were there to keep the building up, each one of them right through to the top was neatly somehow sectioned off in 10 meters sections – sort of 30 ft. This is long enough to get on to a track. Before any forensics could be done, all the steel was loaded onto trucks and ships and shipped off to the Far East. Not only that, the entire building was pulverized. That can only take place in an explosion. Then there is a special explosive type device that is used to destroy steel, the foundation of steel. What it causes is molten steel. These firemen don’t understand it. Eight weeks later there were still molten steel at the bottom and yet jet fuel only burns at 600+ degrees and it needs 1200 degrees to start melting steel. Very strange things took place, very strange. The people say again and again ‘I was on the eighth floor and was rocked to the floor.’ Where did that hit? How many floors up? These are many floors up in the hundreds. Here on the eight floor is an explosion which rocks them to their feet. There are also images - and I will not put all the video clips in now – of the ground floor lobby areas of these buildings as the firemen were taking down images of what was going on, some of them walked around with cameras and news media etc. All the marble had been blown off the lobby of the walls. All the windows of the lobby had been blown out. One gentleman says there was a huge explosion in the lift. He opened the door and there was this poor man with his skin that was ripped off, etc. There were certain things happening in those buildings which had nothing to do with the planes. Then those two buildings came down but there was a third building that fell – the World Trade Center building number 7. Here is an image of what happened. [Video Playing] “It was the one that wasn’t a surprise” – That is an interesting comment. Can you see how these building falls in on its own footprint? That is only possible if is done via controlled demolition. A building that falls over maybe on the one side then it crumples as it leans against another building. This building in perfect symmetry fell on to its own footprint. This can only be done with months and months of planning and preparation. Larry Silberstein Is the guy who rents out this property. He is the lease holder. He is a gentleman who a couple of months before September 11th spent weeks negotiating with the insurance companies to protect the World Center Buildings from terrorist acts. Not only did he get his way, when the World Trade Center fell he claimed for his insurance policy something like $7 Billion. Then he put in a second claim because he said the two buildings were two separate terrorist attacks. From his $150 million or whatever he spent on insurance, he got billions of dollars return. Then he is also the lease holder for building number 7. On national television when they asked him what happened in building number 7 he says something amazing. Remember; what do you call a person who demolishes buildings? What do you call it when you demolish a building? They pull it and then everything falls in. Larry S. as you’ll see in this interview hints about the idea that there has been so much loss of life and the fire couldn’t be contained but as this video clip starts just watch the humongous fire which destroyed this building. You’ll see it’s only two tiny little fires on two floors that could have been put out by just a few fire engines. Watch this video clip and listen carefully to what Larry S., the lease holder of these buildings says; [Video Playing] Larry S. says to his people ‘we’ve had so much loss of life. Maybe we should just pull it. They made a decision to pull it and then we watch the building collapse.’ Does that sound like a freak accident? No, these are planned demolitions. Just like Dick C. and Donald R. said that they need a new Pearl Harbor, and that Hitler said terrorism is a perfect example of how to get people to be in fear of their own lives, this is what we are seeing at the moment. In this magazine Facts in German it says; "Das Bose sitxt Im Pentagon" - the evil is sitting inside the Pentagon. On the back of that BBC world who’s got all these channels and information and videos of 9/11, Richard P. who is the head of BBC world said this fantastic thing in 2007, February. "We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage... So if someone has got a recording of our output, I'd love to get hold of it. We do have the tapes for our sister channel New 24, but they don't help clear up the issue one way or another." They’ve somehow lost all the coverage of 9/11? BBC world! It doesn’t make sense. On October 26th, 2001 George Bush signed what is known as the U.S.A Patriot Act. This was allegedly proposed five days after the September 11 tragedy. Five days after the 9/11 he puts forward a bill. Not only is it virtually impossible to put together a bill that quickly but to get it debated and passed that quickly is not possible. The bill had to be written well in advanced … [Pt. 6 of 12] quickly is not possible. The bill had to be written well in advanced and it had to be planned and laid out waiting for a major problem. When the major problem came they could justify the passage. This Patriot Act virtually decimates the constitution’s foundations. Interestingly, looking back in 8 years America had three huge tragedies, terrible things that took place – Waco, Oklahoma City and September 11. Every time the government of America’s answer was that they had to increase the governmental powers and the liberties and by doing that erode the constitutional freedoms and liberties. World wide we felt this, I don’t know what you might call it in your country. In South Africa we speak about the [0:00:51]. Every time you want to do anything anywhere like at the bank; you want to open up a new bank account, you have to prove where you live, you have to have water and lights bill, they can trace your bank account in this new laws. These things are stemming from the world government coming together. But in order for them to have control of everything we have to give up certain of our rights as was laid out in the American constitution. "The best way to honor Pope John Paul II, truly one of the great men, is to take his teaching seriously; is to listen to his words and put his words and teachings into action here in America. This is a challenge we must accept." - George Bush America was founded by running away from the pope. They were running away from persecution. Today George Bush says we have to accept the challenge of promoting the pope’s doctrine/ideas. Then history was made when the entire state of America bowed down to the pope. "President Bush... his wife, Laura; his father former president George Bush; former president Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice... knelt in a pew in front of the body; bowing their heads," U.S.A Today, April 7, 2005 This image was one which had never been seen before; the whole of America bowing down to the beast. Does this sound like biblical prophecy? The first beast that comes out of the nations and the sea and the second beast that comes out of the earth and the second beast would drive the whole world to acknowledge the first beast. The whole world bows down, wanders after the beast. Here the same people – Laura, George, George Bush Snr., Clinton, Condoleezza Rice and other officials are standing in reverent homage to the pope as he lies in state as another image as never seen before in history. "World leaders kneel in homage to the Pope." - Vatican City, April 8, 2005 "George W. Bush made history yesterday as the first American president to attend a papal funeral, kneeling in silent prayer before the Catholic leader..." Not only did these leaders of America bow down to the pope, but the whole of America had their flags at half-must. Protestant America, supposedly Protestantism lowered their flags to half-must and this false prophet that we discussed in the two lectures ago now starts to explain who its self is. Protestantism has its flags at half-must in America. November 14, 2004 this article among others is written; "Church and state merge under Bush.” This is the fulfillment of prophecy. As we lead closer and closer to then end of time the walls between church and state have to be broken down. Various things have to be put in place. One world government has to take place. These things are all underway and a couple of years ago, George Bush removes the walls between church and state. "Church and state merge under Bush.' Cardinal [0:04:33] became Pope Benedict XIV. He calls his new red-hearted men or men in red hats, his new cardinals and amazingly enough as it says in the bible the second beast, America will twist the whole world to acknowledge the first beast. Rhatsinger who was the head of the inquisition and head of the doctrinal issues of the Roman Catholic Church gets removed and put in as pope. Who takes over Rhatsinger’s position? Interestingly enough, it is an American. Rhatsinger takes an American and places him. Do you remember that 1984 was the first time that America had channels opened between itself and the pope? Do you remember Billy Graham saying in an interview in the previous lecture that there will be pretty amazing things said in the news about our relationship as Americans or Protestants to the Vatican? Here for the first time the highest official in the Vatican under the pope is an American. "While Pope Benedict XVI is busy filling the shoes of Pope John Paul II, a quiet American is trying to do the same in Benedict's old job." - Time Magazine So, the head of the inquisition, the people that enforce catholic doctrines is an American. "Pope Names American to Key Post: ...Archbishop William J. Levada of San Francisco, 68, will be the highest ranked American ever at the Vatican... He is widely viewed in the church as sharing Benedict's conservative theological and social beliefs." - Washington Post How close are we to the end of time? We are very close. What will the final conflict be all about? I will not tell you because I will keep that for the next lecture. But here is Pope Benedict in the Vatican in St. Peters having his mass. On Christmas day in 2005, 25th December, Benedict said an amazing thing. In his Christmas message he said the following; "Men and women of today, humanity come of age yet often still so frail in mind and will, let the Child of Bethlehem take you by the hand! Do not fear; put your trust in him! The life-giving power of his light is an incentive for building a new world order based on just ethical and economic relationships...A united humanity will be able to confront the many troubling problems of the present time; from the menace of terrorism to the humiliating poverty in which millions of human beings live; from the proliferation of weapons to the pandemics and the environmental destruction which threatens the future of our planet." In his Christmas message, 2005, Pope Benedict puts out the call for a New World Order. He does exactly as what the Pope did just under two years before him. The world is coming towards a one world government – a New World Order – where it will acknowledge the Pope as the head of this religious and secular system in order to do that various networks have to be set up around the world to bring this information in to the system so that this ‘big brother’ idea can become a reality. This is not conspiracy theory these are facts. Watch this clip with me and see whether these facilities are in place already to be able to trace all the information around the world. [Video Playing] Let me show you another clip and it will expound on this idea. [Video Playing] Once you understand the language, you’ll realize that 13 satellites around the world… who is in charge of this? 13 is where this number 6 + 7 comes from. ‘I am at 6 th as 7th, I am not sure’ – have you heard that statement? 6 and 7 together makes… [Pt. 7 of 12] together makes 13. This is the combination of good and evil – the evil number of 6 with the good number of God, the right eye-left eye, black-white, the dark side-good side etc. This is satanic. They are busy building up a system by which mankind will bow down to Lucifer. Their big tram card at the moment is terrorism. Terrorism world-wide: We’ve got Hanif who’s just been locked up in Australia for a period of time and then he’s being released because they couldn’t find anything; but they kept him for almost a month out of suspicion. Not only that, when they kept him locked up, this is an idea that is not just happening in America where the torture bills can still happen if somebody is jeopardizing America, this is now being filtered world-wide. Maybe I should show you this article because if you understand the language, then this now will make sense. Remember George Bush’s government, Chaney and Donald R. said ‘we need a new Pearl Harbor and through terrorism we can now create the One World Order.’ Who will be the head of the One World Order? It will be the papacy. "Vatican calls verbal attack on Pope 'terrorism.'" - May 2nd 2007 Amazingly enough, even the speaking about the Vatican is now starting to be identified as terrorism. In other words what we’ve been doing and the knowledge that you now have will soon be recognized as terrorism. I don’t know how long I will be able to do these lectures. What I do know though is that if you have this information and you know of other people that need to get this before the Lord comes, it becomes your responsibility to make sure they get it. The pope says Vatican calls verbal attack on Vatican and Pope 'terrorism’ and the world is bowing down to what the pope says, therefore the world will enforce according to the American force of enforcing anything that the first beast now starts to say. On 11th July, 2007 a world wide decree was issued by the Vatican that declared; Pope declares Catholicism the only true church. This is the reiteration of what was done in 2000 when Benedict said the same thing, when he was cardinal Rhatsinger, except this time he adds on a little sting at the end of the tail. It says; "The timing of the document came less than four days after Benedict visited another key aspect of the Vatican II reviving the old Latin mass." Benedict is busy reviving the old Latin mass, this occult, satanic ritual by which you transubstantiate Jesus Christ putting Him into the body and blood of Jesus Christ into the Eucharist. We’ve been through all of these things. If you don’t know what I am speaking about, get these lectures. Fill your mind with this information. Again a couple of weeks ago the pope says the Catholic Church is the only true church. All other Christian denominations are just ecclesiastical communities he says. David S. who is director of planetary initiative at the United Nations says; "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian initiation... The light that reveals to us the presence of the Christ comes from Lucifer. He is the light-giver; he is aptly named the Morning Star because it is his light that heralds for man the dawn of a great consciousness!" - David Spangler Men! These guys are effective! The problem is worship. They know it. The highest people know that they are channeling exactly as the bible says. They will follow the beast and they worship the dragon who gave power to the beast. They are worshiping Lucifer. Revelation 18:1-4 is the cry that comes from heaven. Revelation 18:1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 18:3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. The most difficult things for people, especially conspiracy theorists to get around is the idea of what is the actual reason behind the New World Order. It is not about power. It is not about money. It is about worship, worship of Jesus Christ versus the worship of Lucifer. Lucifer is just using them and he is using conspiracy theories as well. If you do not understand the entire picture of grounding your beliefs back in the word of God, then you run a risk of getting involved in what David I. thinks about this false dimension and the immortality of the soul. We’ve covered all of these aspects through this lecture series so that you can realize that this is not conspiracy theory. Psalm 110:5 The Lord [is] at Your right hand; He shall execute kings in the day of His wrath. 110:6 He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill [the places] with dead bodies, He shall execute the heads of many countries. I don’t want to be in Thabo Mbeki’s shoes. I don’t want to be in Gordon Brown’s shoes, Tonny Blair’s shoes, George Bush’s shoes or anyone of the leaders of the countries. The bible says these people have come together and spoken against me. They will be destroyed according to his judgment. Ecclesiastes 3:17 I said in my heart, "God shall judge the righteous and the wicked, For [there is] a time there for every purpose and for every work." Isaiah 26 speaks about this difficult time that is lying ahead for God’s people. Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. 26:21 For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. Matthew 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. There are momentous times lying ahead, stupendous times. All we know is that every article and everything that’s said either by America or Rome shows how close we are really getting to the end of the world. In the next lecture we’ll be landing back on the bible. We took off a long time ago. It has been a bumpy ride, but now we’ll put it all into context when we discuss the three angels’ messages. Thank you. [Pt. 8 of 12] In this lecture we are going to be looking at the idea of a New World Order. This is often the topic of discussion amongst conspiracy theorists. This idea that there are global elites that wants to take over the world. In line with that it’s often seen as something which is for the people that are looking for trouble. That is not quite correct because if you go slightly back through the lectures and you even go right back to where we looked at lecture 2 ‘Who Is God’, lecture 3 ‘The Structure of Prophecy’ and you bring from there onwards this idea of the whole world wandered after the beast and worshiped the dragon who gave power unto the beast. In order for that to be true various things have to be in place to channel that worship through to the dragon. A New World Order is not some big idea of power mangling and money channeling. That is just the foundation for what the real war is about. This war is about worship. It is not about power on earth. It is not about money. It has got to do with the war that happened in heaven. It is continuing on earth but now it is a war of deception. I will dive straight in to make sure that you see that the New World Order is a well known fact. It is a documented fact at all levels of society. "The Order's working and involvement in America is immense. The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes." - Felix Frankfurter, U.S Supreme Court Justice Here again we have this realization that there is some undercurrent. Remember the Jesuit said from this room I not only this country and that country, but china, the whole world is controlled without anybody knowing how it’s managed. "I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within." - General Douglas MacArthur This is maintained by Mayor John F. of New York. He said; "The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'International bankers.'" - Mayor John F. Hylan, New York City Here you have this pointing towards what Garry H. C. was saying about freemasonry somehow controlling the world banks. "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the largest centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson. In politics nothing happens by accident; if it happens, you can be sure we planned it that way." - President Franklin Roosevelt Again I remind you of the previous lecture where I showed you the pope sitting with George Bush in front of the image of founder of the Jesuit movement Ignatius Leola. Nothing happens by chance. If it happens you can be sure that it is planned that way. "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people." - Theodore Roosevelt It is this government that is the problem, this hidden one that has slimy legs all over the nation. It is that government that the bible is warning about which will drive the world to acknowledge the first beast – the antichrist beast – and bow down in reverent worship to the dragon. This is the Jesuit movement in its various forms; you’ve got the Knight Templars, the Round Table with the builder burgers in the Council of Foreign Relations and all these secret organizations driving the world to accept this one world leader. "Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." - President Woodrow Wilson Can you imagine a president saying that? There is something so powerful and so secret, so well organized, so interlocked that you are almost too scare to speak about it. That is why Bill Clinton came into power said; "By the time you become the leader of a country, someone else makes all the decisions. You may find you can get away with virtual presidents, virtual prime ministers, virtual everything." - President Bill Clinton Even Bill Clinton acknowledges that there is something else going on. If you want to become the leader of a country, and when you get to become the president you realize that you actually not in control, somebody else is pulling the strings and you become the marketing material, the person who stands in front of the cameras with different ties and you do certain handshakes and make sure that the people get the right signals but the real government is not the one you see on the camera. "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this county - the United States of America - are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most craft, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars in Europe." - Marquis de Lafayette "The organization of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is a complete military despotism, of which the Pope is the ostensible [i.e apparent] head; but of which the Black Pope [Superior General of the Jesuits] is the real head. He not only has command of his own order, but directs and controls the general policy of the [Roman Catholic] Church]. He [the black Pope is the power behind the throne, and is the real potential head of the Hierarchy. The whole machine is under the strictest rules of military discipline..." - Thomas M. Harris, U.S Army Brigadier General Wherever you are, if you are the president, brigadier general of the U.S army of mayor of New York, you understand that there is some influence of the Jesuits and that they’ve got their slimy legs, this undercurrent of government which is actually leading America twisting it back towards Rome. I’ve showed you these images before but I’d like to show you them again for the last time in the context before we go and put this into the order of the three angels’ messages in the next lecture. Here you have the images of the Jesuit generals. I have shown you Peter Hans Kolvenbach who is the current Jesuit general, the general of the Jesuit army of Ignatius Leola. From 1946 to 1964 Jean Baptiste Janssens was the Jesuit general. He is a friendly looking man, don't you think? He was the Twenty-seventh Superior General of the Society of Jesus. He was in command of; - The Sovereign Military Order of Malta - Scottish-Rite Shriner Freemasonry - The Order of the Illuminati - The Knights of Columbus - The Knights of the Ku Klax Klan - B'nel B'rith (Jewish freemasonry) - The Nation of Islam and its private army called 'The Fruit of Islam' - The Mafia Commission - Opus Del and a host of lesser brotherhoods. Amazingly enough, remember we said the head of freemasonry and read their quotes? The head of freemasonry and the head of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) is one and the same person. He pulls the strings and the secret governments are driving the world through under currents. What else can we see in the media? "The Jesuits Order, therefore, stands before us as the embodiment of a system which aims at temporal political domination through temporal political means, embellished by religion, which assigns to the head of the Catholic religion - the Roman Pope - the role of a temporal overlord, and under shelter of the Pope-king, and using him as an instrument, desires itself to attain the dominion over the whole world.” The pope that you and I see is the pope-king and is the instrument of the Jesuits order to gain dominion of the whole world. Napoleon Bonapate also acknowledged this and understood that there was something going on. He said; "The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of the army, not the mere father of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power - power in its most despotic exercise - absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms; and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses... The General of the Jesuits insists on being master,… [Pt. 9 of 12] …master, sovereign over the sovereign. Whenever the Jesuits are admitted, they will be masters, cost of it what may...” – Napoleon Bonapate What about coming a bit close to time? "I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the last 49 years, they would move on Washington; they would not wait for an election... It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States." - 1957, George W. Malone, U.S Senator But surely that is not possible. These leaders in the world, the David Rockefeller and various people at the highest levels must be there to support the system sure? Let’s ask Mr. Rockefeller what he says. In 2002 he said; "For more than a century, ideological extremists, at either and of the political spectrum, have seized upon well-publicized incidents, such as my encounter with Castro, to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists,' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."" - David Rockefeller Here from his own admission they admit that their family – the Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan amongst others are part of elitist groups that are called internationalists that are working to undermine the founding characteristics of the constitution of the United States to bring about a one world government. But it is done through finances. "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws." - Mayer Amschel Rothschild That is why the Federal Reserved bank today is not owned by the United States Government. If you ask anybody on the street who prints the bills, they’ll say ‘uh! It’s the government.’ Inherently we understand that the government should be in control of the money. They should be the one that have the backing, the authority to print the bills but it is not. It is a privately owned firm. There is no federal and there is no reserve to the Federal Reserve bank. It is privately owned by the European Nobility families like the Rockefellers, the Morgans and the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds are the guardian of the Vatican’s treasury. These fingers go in everywhere. J. F. Kennedy tried to undermine the monopoly (of the Federal Reserve) that they had over America’s money. We know what happened to him. Just a little bit of research, once you understand the languages of these people and their secret signals, the research will lead you to the realization that Jesuit Cardinal Francis S. is the man who was responsible for the killing of John F. Kennedy. Interestingly enough, he reports directly to Jesuit General. "[The Jesuits] are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty. Nothing that stands in their way can become so sacred as to escape their vengeance... [In 1769] During the night preceding the day appointed for the public ceremony of announcing the abolition of the Jesuits, [Pope] Clement XIII was suddenly seized with convulsions and died, leaving the act unperformed... Cormenin... records this event in the terse and expressive words; 'The Jesuits had poisoned him."" - R.W Thompson Nobody stands in the way of a Jesuit, not even their own mother. If their mother is a problem to them, they will have their mother removed. Their family doesn’t exist. Nothing exists, not even the pope, the white pope, the one we see. He will be removed if he is not playing the right game. Interestingly when you look into history and you look into the media and today, you always see the pope dressed in white and the people in black – submission to the authority of the pope. He is always the man in the middle. Here is an image of him with the Trilateral Commission – another secret organization that is working towards one world government. Do you see him in the middle there with all the people submitting to his authority? The same with B'nai B'rith, Jewish freemasonry – the man in white in the middle controlling all the others. "The most powerful clique in these elitist groups [such as DFR and Trilateral Commission] have one objective in common - they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and national independence of the U.S. A second clique of international bankers is the CFR... comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in control of global government." - Chester Ward This understanding that something is going on at all levels is recognized by people in the United States system. Not only that, the conspiracy theorists pick this up and they run around with it like David I. and say people are leading us to a one world government. All they want is power, money, control etc. That is what it looks like to the average person on the street. The real reason behind though is Lucifer is trying to get us to worship him. Unless you understand that you have to ground your beliefs in what the bible say you’ll never understand the true reason for this one world government. I’ll be getting to the final ways these things come together in the lecture entitled The Final Confrontation. We’ve got the whole world leading up towards a one world government with all power under one man and this entire structure, this thing that we are busy with at the moment will come to our head and we’ll have to find out exactly where does it come to our head? What is this all about? That is in the lecture entitled The Final Confrontation. For the moment though, let’s continue on this idea of the Jesuits working through these systems. You saw that the Jesuits’ General was in charge of all the different legs of these systems. Builder Burger is one example of these systems. Watch this clip with me. It will give you some insights into how powerful and the influence of these people – how powerful they really are and how they fit in. [Video Playing] It seems like they are even able to shut down the media to be able to have these meetings in secret. Is this possible? [Video Playing] [Pt. 10 of 12] [Video Playing] Isn’t that amazing? By being able to infiltrate the Builder Burger meeting they were able to predict Margie Fetchers political future. They were able to predict various international events. How powerful are the Builder Burgers? Are they even able to somehow get involved in choosing presidents? Let’s find out. [Video Playing] Incredible! Those clips just show you the power of one group called the Builder Burger group. The queen of England is known as the Queen of the Builder Burgers. An example which has just come this morning to light about how powerful these people are has been the [0:03:44] take over of the Dahl Johns. This happened yesterday on the news and yet when I looked this morning just to go on the net and read up about this I couldn’t find anything about it. These are headline news - $5 billion was spent to take the Dahl Johns and the Wall Street Journal under the power of [0:04:06]. This is a media mogul, someone who’s got over 100 newspapers, TV channels, you name it. Now he controls the Dahl Johns and the Wall Street Journal and yet the very following day after this $5 billion take over, I could only find two places where this was mentioned on the internet. The one was the Wall Street Journal. It had little subtexts and the other one was bbcnews.com where it had a little subtext – not CNN, news.com.au or any of the none players had anything. It is not front page news; it becomes a little subtext on two of them. Here you have the image from Wall Street Journal; “Murdock wins his bid for Dahl Johns, August 1st, 2007. Bankrupt family agrees to a $5 billion offer after the deal on 5th. This is how R. Murdock News Corporation sealed a $5 billion agreement to purchase the publisher, the Wall Street Journal after three months of drama...” News headlines about who’s now going to be owning and controlling the Dahl Johns and the Wall Street Journal. Nobody can dig deeper to find out because the person on top just closed the tap and it’s done. "... if you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus are one and the same person!" - James Parton Looking at a temple of freemasonry, all you have to do is have a look at a close-up just above the door; there you’ll see the Masonic chevrons and you’ll see the symbol of the covering cherubs, except these cherubs have got goat’s feet. Above the Masonic court of arms you’ve got the Arch of the Covenant with the covering cherubs. Do you remember who the covering cherub was? It was Lucifer in heaven and he fell down to earth. Here he is claiming to be one of the covering cherubs but this time with the goat’s feet. That is why masonry ask the question; "Who was Nimrod?' The answer is; ... One of the Founders of Masonry...Nimrod was a Mason himself..." Can you remember what Nimrod did? We’ve been through this in the previous lectures. He was the one in the bible who build the Tower of Babel. Masonry today claims him as the founder of the freemasonry movement. Let’s just stop for a moment and look at some of the graphics of these spiral types’ buildings. You’ll see there, whenever the Tower of Babel is depicted, it is depicted as a spiral. There is another one, a sort of a pyramid structure built in a form of a spiral. There you have three or four different ones, different shapes but always in the shape of a triangle or a pyramid and in the form of a spiral. If you notice for a moment, can you see that there is something missing on all of them? Can you see that the capstone is missing or something missing on the top? Let me rewind to a previous lecture called Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism - All Roads Lead to Rome – where I showed you the spiral that is being built in modern times. This tower of Babel has got a certain person on top that Mary. Here are some images of her. You’ll get them in South Africa and all over the world. Here is even one in Lebanon which is a Muslim country. They speak about: Hail, Holy Queen – the queen of this religious power. We also saw in this lecture the Isis which was worshiped in Egypt was called; 1. Holy Isis, universal mother 2. Mother of Gods 3. Queen of heaven 4. Virgin mother The same Isis that was worshiped in Egypt is the same Isis that is worshiped today as Mary in Catholicism. She is called; Holy Mary, Mother of God, Virgin of virgins, Queen of heaven. This is according to Helena Patrovna Blavatsky who is the founder of the Theosophical society, who says Lucifer is the Logo, the serpent, the savior; there is no divine power except that is his. "... Cyril, the Bishop of Alexandria... openly embraced the cause of Isis, the Egyptian goddess, and had anthropomorphized her into Mary, the mother of God; and the Trinitarian controversy had taken place." - Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled There is the foundation of this whole trinity verses anti-trinity, one trinity versus another trinity. It comes from Alexandria where the Bishop of Alexandria, Cyril, anthropomorphized Isis (made her human) into Mary. Today people are bowing down to Mary not knowing that they are actually bowing down to Isis. "... mankind... causes [the] daily and hourly the Fall and sin of the 'Celestial Virgin' - which thus becomes the Mother of gods and devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving, beneficent deity to all those who stir her Soul and heart. But in antiquity and reality, Lucifer... is the name of the angelic Entity presiding over the light of truth as over the light of the day. Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, the 'Holy Ghost' and 'Satan', at one and the same time, " – Blavatsky [Pt. 11 of 12] He is the right eye-left eye, male-female, good-evil, the Holy Ghost and Satan at one and the same time. He is the one with his fingers to the white moon and his fingers to the dark moon – that is Lucifer. "Lucifer represents... Life... Thought... Progress... Civilization... Liberty... Independence... Lucifer is the Logos... the Serpent, the Savior. It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God." - Helena Petrovna Blavatsky According to the secret esoteric inner hidden teachings, of the theosophical society and freemasonry, it is Lucifer who is the Logo, the serpent, the savior, the combination of good and evil and in female form. This is Mary at the top of the pyramid/triangle. You’ll see over and over, Mary fulfilling the triangle, being put on top of the spiral. She is the completion of the pyramid – Lucifer in female form. Let me give you another image and start to explain why I am showing you all of these. Here you have to Tower of Babel. Can you see the capstone is missing? Here you have the spiral and Mary is on top of the spiral. Can you see the link between Mary being the fulfillment of the triangle of the pyramid? Where have you seen this structure before, this pyramid with the capstone that’s slightly raised up or away? Here is the image. [0:01:35] It comes from a one dollar bill. You’ll see it there on the bottom left – In God We Trust, the god of the All-seeing eye at the top of the triangle. You’ll also notice in that pyramid of [0:01:50] there are 13 levels – again this occult reference. If you count the stars and you count this and that, you’ll find many 13s on the one dollar bill. Jesus Christ was symbolized as the original foundation cornerstone in the bible. 1 Peter 2:6 … Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. 2:7 … the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, Here is a representation in 1 Peter 2 about building some sort of a building, a temple as an example and there is one piece that doesn’t fit anywhere and the builders have thrown it to the side. At a later stage they cannot find another stone that fits anywhere. Then they pick up this one that they’ve discarded and they are able to put this one cornerstone as the call it, the head of the corner in this position. This is referred to in other places in the bible as well. Psalm 118:22 The stone [which] the builders refused is become the head [stone] of the corner. Mark 12:10 And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner: Luke 20:17 And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? 20:18 Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. Here throughout the bible is a cornerstone that’s been thrown away. We know a cornerstone… if you look at a building, it is the one right at the bottom on the corner of the building. Here this cornerstone has been thrown away. Then later on in time, there is one position in this building that they just cannot find a stone to fit. They pick up this one and it fits. It becomes the head cornerstone or the head of the corner. Not only that, Luke 20 describes that when you fall on this stone, you break, or if the stone falls on you, you are crushed to powder. Question: What form does this stone have to be in order for you to break when you fall on it? It would have to be sharp on one side. What other shape would it have to be in order to crush whatever lands on top of it or whatever it lands on top of? It would have to have a flat surface. This is a chief cornerstone, the cornerstone of a building that didn’t fit anywhere else. Here is the cornerstone… if they are building a pyramid for example and you’re trying to find the stone but you can’t use it anywhere, you throw it to the side. There is only one place that this cornerstone can go and that is on top. Exactly in line with Luke 20 it says anybody who falls on this stone will be broken, and if the stone falls on him he will be crushed. This is pointing towards Jesus Christ. Who are they pointing to –the chief cornerstone being on the one dollar bill or in the male form with the left eye or on the top of the spiral/pyramid in female form? They call Lucifer and Mary, God. They are waiting for their chief cornerstone to come down and complete his work here on earth. Why am I telling you all of this? It is because I want you to understand that in the next lecture we’re going to land back on the word. We’ll start putting this all into context. If you understand that the spiral/pyramid/the Tower of Babel is about to be completed when Lucifer comes and puts himself as the chief cornerstone on top. This is what they are aiming for but the bible says Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone. Go with me to Europe for a moment and have a look at the European parliament. Here is the image. This is what the building looks like from the outside. What does it look like? Can you notice anything interesting? You’ll see that it’s built in the shape of a circle. Not only that, that it is been built as if it seems like incomplete. Here are other two images of it. Here on the water looking towards the building… can you see it looks as if it’s not complete and that it’s been built in the form of a spiral? An aerial photograph of it shows very clearly that it is in the form of a Baal Hadad, the sun worship symbol. Not only that, the spiral building is taking quite radical effects. Here you have the Baal Hadad with the spiral building in the middle. Who is the head of the spiral building? Mary or the all-seeing eye of Lucifer, male-female is the head. What they are doing here at the European parliament is that they are building another Tower of Babel, but surely that can’t be. God said we don’t want this. This is not according to the plan. I don’t want this. From now on you’ll speak with different languages. I can’t tell you that they are busy doing it. It looks like the building is in the form of a Tower of Babel. Let’s have a look at a marketing [0:07:36] that was put up not so long ago. Here it is. it says; Europe, Many tongues, one voice. As you can see on it, they are busy the Tower of Babel. Not only that, you’ll see that there are 12 stars – twelve around one, the idea of twelve disciples around Jesus Christ. What they are busy doing here is building a new Tower of Babel. When this was issued, one of the leading politicians in France said at the time ‘we are building the New Tower of Babel and this time we’ll succeed.’ They are continuing on from Nimrod’s days the idea of building a Bab-el, another gate to God. Bab means gate and El being God. Europe, many tongues, one voice; I beg you a pardon! God said many tongues, many voices, many nations. ‘No, no. you are not quite right God. Let’s come together underneath the European Union.’ Revelation 17:3 … and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The bible refers Babylon to as the harlot, a woman, a prostitute. A woman represents a church – either a righteous/true church or the false church. Here interestingly enough on the 2 Euro is exactly that text depicted – I saw a woman sit upon a beast, full of names of blasphemy. Can you see there she’s riding the beast and it is a prostitute with bear breasts and she is holding something in her right hand? Der Spiegel even took it further. They know the signals and the symbols. Der Spiegel is the German Time magazine. The said [0:09:47] – and there you see this beautiful woman riding the beast, the harlot, prostitute. These people understand exactly what they are busy with. They are busy building a new Tower of Babel… [Pt. 12 of 12] Tower of Babel and the church, the woman will be riding this beast who is the nation as predicted in the biblical times. Have a look also at the European identity card. There you have it on the left hand side. This is the new European identity card. You’ll see the writing is the way you’d read it in German. If you turn it upside down and make it a little bit clearer you’ll see blatantly the goat’s head. These are all subconscious signal pictures which are being put in front of the cattle and the catechumen for us not to recognize but the insiders know what is going on. When chancellor Kohl met Chancellor Schroder, they gave a very loud signal picture – a Masonic handshake. It is the same as the Duke of Kent when he was in Cape Town unveiling one of his cornerstones/plucks. There you see him holding the thumb on a finger giving the Masonic handshake. "Preliminary Draft of a World Constitution, 1948, introduced in Congress by Senator Glen Taylor in 1950. He said the following in 1950. '...The age of nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they surrender their arms." Isn’t that incredible? In 1950, they already had got to the point where they could start acknowledging one European power or one world power. At about the same time, the late ‘40s after the Second World War, the United Nations started up. We’ll be going to some depths into that just now. Here, just a fraction of the moves that were made to advance the planet deeper and deeper into global centralized governance; European Economic Community (EEC) European Union (EU, evolved from EEC, Euro Currency) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which evolved from that North American Community Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC) evolved into the Pacific Union Organization of African Unity (OAU) evolved into African Union I use the word ‘evolve’ there specifically because that is the basis of this idea – ‘we are evolving into the godhood’. I will show you the quotes just now. I am not saying it, they are. Today we are looking at a world government, a World’s Bank, a World’s military, a World’s justice system and a single currency. That is the plan. Not only that, in order to do that, this will be filtered through three or four different organizations. You have the European Union, American Union, Pacific Union and the African Union. These come together under the Nations, States and Regions and the enforcement of this is for strict human control through biometrics, Microchips, banking etc. This idea of One World Order is really about to take place. We are very close to this happening. The wall of separation between church and state that was erected by secular humanists and other enemies of religious freedom has to come down. Those opposing our views are the new fascists." - Keith T., Time Magazine, January 1995 Here, just like Rick Warren threw blame on God when he said God loves all types of music, here he says ‘it is the secular humanists and enemies of religious freedom that set up the wall of separation between church and state.’ No, it was set up to make sure that religious freedom is maintained. Now, those people that are trying to keep the wall up are going to be called the new fascists. "I agree that national sovereignty is the root of the evil." - Philip Jessup, a CFR member and World Court Justice After the Second World War, this League of Nations was put together. It was started up and sort of mutated and grew into the United Nations. Here you have the image of the United Nations headquarters in New York. D. Griffins explains something which is not often recognized. "The Constitution of the U.S.S.R. is almost identical to the Constitution of the UN!" - Des Griffin Did you know that, that the United Nations’ constitution is the same as the communist’s government of the U.S.S.R? They were able to get things working there to make sure that they work before they implemented them in the United Nations. The United Nations seems to be such a democratic organization. Currently, yes, but it is busy leading towards a one world government. "Trygve Lie, the first official UN Secretary-General was a high-ranking member of Norway's Social Democratic Labor Party, which was an offshoot of the Third Communist International. Dag Hammarskjold, the second Secretary-General, was a Swedish socialist who openly pushed communist policies, and U Thant, the third Secretary was a Marxist." - David Allen Rivera There are some fundamental problems to this United Nations system is that is the case. Did you know that inside the United Nations there is a prayer room? The prayer room itself is something to be acknowledged in its arrogance of what it’s leaning towards. "The Meditation Room is ... shaped as a pyramid without the capstone. Inside, the room is dimly lit, but coming from the ceiling is a narrow but concentrated pinpoint beam of light which radiates down to a bleak stone alter. On the wall straight ahead is a breathing, modernistic mural that is dynamically endowed with occult symbolism, containing twenty-seven triangles in various configurations, a mixture of black and white and colored background, and a snake like vertical line. At the center is the all-seeing eye, which grips the millions of annual U.N. visitors with its stark, beckoning image of suspicion and omnipresence." Here, inside the United Nations, set up by Robert Muller is the worship room, very much similar to the worship room of the gods which you have in demon worship - a worship room that is in a form of a triangle without the capstone. Does this sound familiar now? The United Nations is leading us towards a global religion, a one world religion, not only one world politics and one world economic things, but also one world religion. Here you have it; In the name of world peace the U.N appears to have embraced a sort of religious universalism that views all religions as equals and is seeking ban proselytizing.” You can’t have Jesus Christ as the only savior. You’ve got to take Him down and put Him next to Allah and Buddha… That’s why you can’t prove most prophecies out of the new bibles because the new Christian bibles are welcomed at the U.N. You can’t prove the sanctuary out of it, you can’t prove that you have to be an adult when you accept baptism, you can’t prove the prophecies exit, and you can’t prove that you have to be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. That is why these are welcomed at the U.N along with the Koran, the Buddhist things, Shamanist documentation etc. They are all the same thing. Jesus Christ has to be taken His throne and put down. Some of the most popular in the world are the proponents of this idea of one world religion, that all religions are the same. Here is an image of Nelson Mandela receiving the body of Christ. Catholics will know that you can only receive the Eucharist or the body of Christ if you are a Roman Catholic. So, this is obviously an admission that he is Roman Catholic. Not only that, when they were married, him and his younger wife, they received Shiva dot on their foreheads – the eye of Shiva, the all-seeing eye of the Hindus. There you can see him with his dot of Shiva having a different religious ceremony. He then went to the Jewish people and had another ceremony with the Jews, letting the Jewish community know that he is in acceptance with their religion. Then he went out back into the Hindus and he had another religious ceremony with them, also regarding his wedding. So, he is helping to guide mankind to accept a one world religion. But he is such a good guy. Yea, he is a good guy, but we don’t often know what these people are involved with at top levels of hidden secret organizations. I will go into more depth about the United Nations and I will also expound on this idea of who is doing what, where and how in the second half of this lecture. Thank you.