Guidelines for the Writing Contest and Prompts

Translation Theme Semester Writing Contest Information Sheet
Sponsored by LSA Student Government and the Department of Political Science
Translation Theme Semester Writing Contest:
“How Do You Translate Justice?”
Fall Semester 2012
Monday, November 26th: entries due
Thursday, December 6rd: Winners are informed and announced
Monday, December 10th: Prizes awarded at Theme Semester: Translation Showcase
Students are invited to respond to one of the following two prompts, either explaining how
they undertaken a project in justice, or how they understand the idea of justice.
The idea of social justice may seem like a very lofty and daunting challenge. Yet every day,
people across the country and across the globe are making a difference by taking an idea
they had to help the world around them and putting it into practice. Whether it has been in
your neighborhood or somewhere across the world, by yourself or with others, amazing
individuals have taken an idea and made it reality. How have you translated an abstract
idea of justice into a reality that affected those around you? How did this practice of
“translation” affect your understanding of justice?
Policies and legislation influenced by social activism and political action not only have
effects on the government but also on individuals. Identify and describe a specific social
movement or political organization/ institution that has influenced policies or legislation.
How has this “translation” between social activism and institutional practice affected you
individually? How has this experience changed your understanding of social justice?
Essay Evaluation Process
A committee a committee comprised of LSA faculty, and chaired by a member of the
Department of Political Science will judge the essays based on both their content and
writing style.
Translation Theme Semester Writing Contest: “How Do You Translate Justice”?
Fall 2012
Essays can be submitted up until Monday, November 26th 2012 at 4 PM.
In order to ensure impartial review, please do not put your name or other personally
identifying information on the essay itself. In a separate document that you should submit
along with your essay, please include: the title of your essay, the writer’s name and email
address, and a telephone contact number.
Limit of one entry per person.
Essays submitted should respond to one of the two prompts provided.
The contest is not limited to LSA students. Any undergraduate student at the University of
Michigan may participate.
Send the essay and the accompanying identification sheet in a pdf format to:
o Prizes of up to $200 will be awarded in the form of Visa Gift cards.
 Winners will be announced by Thursday, December 6th, 2012.
 Prizes will be awarded at the LSA Theme Semester Translation Showcase Monday,
December 10th, at 4:00 PM in 2435 North Quad.
Essay Requirements:
 All essays must be typed in English
 Please submit the essay in pdf format
 Prompt 1 Documents (see below for information) must also be submitted electronically, in
pdf format, together with your essay and contact sheet..
 Please use size twelve font, in any style that is easy to read (e.g., Times New Roman,
Garamond, Arial)
 Essay may not be longer than 1000 words
 If your essay responds to prompt 1, please provide documentation of your personal
involvement in the project you describe. This may include evidence such as
photographs, testimony from people who have worked with you, documents from an
organization, financial statements, etc. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate
to e-mail Dan Premawardena at (
Post Contest
 Prize-winning essays may be made public, with permission from the writer.
*If you are concerned about these guidelines, do not hesitate to contact Dan Premawardena at