Journalism I Parent Letter

Journalism I
Room 106
William Cutler
Contact Info:
704-873-2181 (school)
Welcome to Journalism I. My name is William Cutler and I am a graduate of
Appalachian State University (English-Secondary Education B.A.) entering my
seventh year of teaching. This year I will also be advising the Legend yearbook and
War Cry newspaper, so opportunities to participate in each publication will be
available during the school year. Below are a few items of importance which I want
each student and parent to get to know before the class takes off. The document will
also serve as an initial grade which each student will need to return to me by Friday,
August 30.
WIHS School and Classroom Rules
1. Be on time
(this means entire body in the classroom before the tardy bell)
2. Be prepared
(Have all materials and text ready when tardy bell rings. School policy states that
failure to comply will result in SWAG Detention. Failure to go to detention will result in
ALC the following day. BE PREPARED!!!)
3. 3 bathroom passes per nine weeks
(Failure to comply will result in SWAG Detention)
4. All WIHS rules will be followed- check online handbook (school website)
5. Classroom rules:
-Talk only at appropriate times
-Respect for others and their property
(includes classroom property like textbooks, desks, etc.)
-Mr. Cutler dismisses class, not the bell
-Food and drink are not allowed, however, water is fine
Class Behavior
As stated in each student’s handbook, classroom behavior is based largely on a set of rules and
standards that students are expected to meet. In this classroom school policy and rules apply
When a student is in class, they are expected to participate in all classroom activities and
assignments. Failure to participate will result in a lunch detention.
Students in my class are also expected to be respectful of all individuals as well as to be respectful
of each individual’s learning opportunity. This means that disruptions of any type that disrupt the
class’s goals or activities will result in a lunch detention. Disruptions include but are not limited to
the following:
-Refusal to participate in class (not working on current assignment)
-Sleeping in class
-Reading or working on non-Journalism related books or assignments
-Insubordination of classroom assignments
- Not being prepared for classroom activities (not having pencil, paper)
-Blurting out during a lesson without being called upon
-Talking to others during inappropriate times
If all the above could be stated in one sentence, it would read, “Students who do not respect others
or the learning opportunity available will be punished accordingly.”
All classroom disruptions, problems, or plain violations of the rules will be dealt with on an
individual basis. With that said I tend to deal first offenses an after-school session with myself, then
all other offenses are directed towards school administration.
Class Materials
1. Pen and Pencil
2. Paper
3. 2 inch or larger 3-Ring Binder
4. Camera (if available, DO NOT PURCHASE ONE JUST FOR THIS
CLASS; phones are acceptable)
Since the main goal of this class is to prepare students for future journalistic endeavors,
classroom activities and lessons will be based around the writing skills, journalistic ethics, and
professional demeanor of reporters and editors. There will also be quizzes and tests, the former to
check on reading comprehension and grammar (aligned with the AP Stylebook), the latter covering
specific unit materials. All work will be turned in on time or be penalized ten points each day late.
If a student misses a day it is up to them to get the make-up work from me. Depending on
the assignment, all make-up work will be turned within a week of the student’s return or it will be
counted as a zero. However, each absence will be treated as an individual case based on the
circumstances, and when the student meets with me a timetable will be set. Any missed quizzes or
tests must be made up within three days of the absence.
I look forward to the upcoming semester and I encourage any parents and students with
further questions to e-mail or call the school.
William Cutler
Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date:________
Parent Signature: __________________________________________ Date:________