Literary Analysis Task (LAT)


Name ______________________________Date_________Block_______S#________

Literary Analysis Task (LAT) - Literary Fiction

Prose-constructed Response (PCR)

Topic: Dystopian Society in Literature

You have read two short stories focused on how dystopian societies control and oppress the lives of their citizens.

These are:

“Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

“Primary Law” (Author Unknown)

Consider how the main character in each story reacts to a dystopian society, which makes them “equal” by force. React to the incidents that occur, and write an essay in which you analyze how each author portrays the negative impact that a dystopian society has on its citizens.

You do not need to compare and contrast the characters from the two texts.

You may consider each one separately. Be sure to include evidence from each story to support your analysis and understanding.


Make sure to use the PCR format provided including the BEES acronym to complete your prose-constructed response.

Literary Analysis Task PCR Grading

______ (10) Introduction including background information and claim statement

______ (20) Evidence provided (including direct quotes to support claim)

______ (20) Explanation of evidence is relevant and thorough

______ (20) Effective conclusion including authors’ message and call to action

______ (10) Each paragraph logically organized to PCR structure

______ (10) Stems applied throughout

______ (10) Conventions (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.)

______ (100 pts.) Total

Literary Analysis Task PCR Writing Format and Checklist

Introduction Paragraph

Stem to introduce both texts (In the short stories “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. and “Primary Law” by an unknown author…


Identify the problem or conflict


Provide the background information needed


Claim Statement – Restate the question and identify the theme/common thread.

This is your purpose for writing!

Paragraph #2 (Passage #1 – “Harrison Bergeron”)


B am

– Book title (or other text), author, make your point in 1-2 sentences.

Stem (In “Harrison Bergeron”…)


E – Provide EVIDENCE from the text that supports your point (including

direct quote/in-text citation)


E – EXPLAIN how your evidence supports/relates to/backs up your point

Stem (

This shows…, This proves…. because…)



– Write a SUMMARY SENTENCE to close your paragraph

Stem ( Therefore,…, Overall,…)

Paragraph #3 (Passage #2

– “Primary Law”)


B am – Book title (or other text), author, make your point in 1-2 sentences.


(In “Primary Law”…)



– Provide EVIDENCE from the text that supports your point (including

direct quote/in-text citation)


E – EXPLAIN how your evidence supports/relates to/backs up your point

Stem ( This shows…, This proves…. because…)


S – Write a SUMMARY SENTENCE to close your paragraph

Stem (

Therefore,…, Overall,…)

Conclusion Paragraph

Stem (In conclusion, both characters …)


Restate your CLAIM or purpose for writing (Last sentence in 1 st paragraph)

 Discuss the author’s overall message and why is it important


SO WHAT? Call to Action


End with a strong statement that makes the reader THINK (Clincher)
