New England Holistic Health Center Wellness for the Mind and Body 155 Sycamore Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033 Tel: (860) 659-3553 Fax: (860) 659-0744 Pediatric Homeopathic Intake Form Instructions for Homeopathic Intake form Please answer the questions on the following pages as carefully, thoughtfully, and accurately as possible. Many of the questions may not seem directly related to your child’s problem or main complaint, however, each one may help determine which homeopathic remedy is best suited for your child. The more specific, characteristic, and/or unusual are some of the most important. Anything that doesn’t apply, write in N/A. Name of Child: ______________________________________ Child’s Date of Birth: __________________________________ Name of parent/ guardian: _______________________________ Today’s Date: __________________________ The following general symptoms pertain to your child as a whole person. Pick the number closest to the weather that troubles your child the most. Which weather conditions is your child most troubled by? Can circle more than one. Cloudy Clear Wet Dry Damp cold Snow (dry cold) 1=least troubled; 10=Most troubled Storms 1-10 ____ Wind 1-10 ____ Fog 1-10 ____ Hot Sun 1-10 ____ Which seasons cause the most trouble? Winter Spring Summer Fall Which is worse being in the: Mountains or Sea shore For the following, 1= not sensitive; 10= very sensitive Rate sensitivity to and/ or troubled by: Bright Light 1-10 ______ Darkness 1-10 ______ Open Air 1-10 ______ Stuffy rooms 1-10 ______ Tight Clothing 1-10 ______ Noise 1-10 ______ Odors 1-10 ______ Drafts 1-10 ______ Is your child generally chilly or warm or neither? __________________________ Which is your child generally most sensitive to, warm or cold?___________ What times of day is your child generally WORST (mood, energy, symptoms)? Worst: ________AM _________PM What times is he/she BEST? Best: ________AM _________PM Which symptoms does your child experience during sleep? Can pick more than one: Teeth Grinding, restlessness, talking, perspiration, frequent urination, excess heat or cold, laughing, snoring, nightmares, recurring dreams, sleepwalking. When your child sleeps, what does he/ she prefer? Can pick more than one: Without covers, partly covered, fully covered (not including head), fully covered (including head), with arms or legs out of covers, without clothing, with a fan or air blowing on them, with window open. What position does he/ she sleep in most often? Right side, left side, on back, on abdomen, knees pulled into chest. How much does your child perspire? Never Sometimes All the time If so, where do you notice your child sweating the most? _______________________________________________ Does your child have difficulty waking? Never Sometimes All the time Does he/ she wake unrefreshed? Never Sometimes All the time Food Desires and Aversions: In the following questions ask your child how much they desire or are averse to a particular food or taste. Please answer from the point of view of their natural desires, not your knowledge of nutrition. For example, they may never eat fatty meat because this is known to increase cholesterol; however they do love the taste of fat. Answer the question that your child likes fat. Strongly desire or crave a food or taste, mark 10. Detest a food or taste, mark 1. Tastes: Foods: Sweet: 1-10 _____ Refreshing: 1-10 _____ Sour: 1-10 _____ Apples: 1-10 _____ Salty: 1-10 _____ Bacon: 1-10 _____ Bitter: 1-10 _____ Bread: 1-10 _____ Spicy (hot) 1-10 _____ Bread w/ butter 1-10 _____ Smoked: 1-10 _____ Butter alone: 1-10 _____ Juicy: 1-10 _____ Cheese: 1-10 _____ Chocolate: 1-10 _____ Oranges: 1-10 _____ Pungent: 1-10 _____ Bland: 1-10 _____ Foods continued: Pastries: 1-10 Fruit: 1-10 Ham: 1-10 Ice Cream: 1-10 Lemonade: 1-10 Milk: 1-10 Oysters: 1-10 Vegetables: 1-10 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Eggs: Fruit (sour): Ice: Indigestible things: Meat: Nut butters: Pickles: Vinegar: 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Fish: 1-10 _____ Pork: Fat (from meat) 1-10 ____ Grains: (pasta, bread, cereal, etc.) 1-10 _____ 1-10 _____ Temperature of food: Which does your child prefer? Warm food Cold food Warm Drinks Cold drinks Does your child notice any specific tastes in their mouth (like metallic, bitter, foul, etc.)? _______________________________________________________ How thirsty is your child generally? Not at all Sometimes Very Mental and Emotional State: How much does your child worry about the following? Mark 10 for the most, 1 for the least. Creative activities/ is very creative1-10 _____ Emotions/ Emotional 1-10 _____ Health, worries about health 1-10 _____ Morals/ past indiscretions 1-10 _____ Worries about Others (family & 1-10 _____ Close friends) well being Religion 1-10 _____ Social life 1-10 _____ Social position 1-10 _____ The future 1-10 _____ School 1-10 _____ Irresolution (not being able to 1-10 _____ decide or stick to a decision) Capriciousness (willfulness, 1-10 _____ changeable and erratic desires that are difficult to satisfy) Selfishness 1-10 _____ Frightened easily 1-10 _____ Never afraid 1-10 _____ Answer as honestly as you can about their personality traits that you’ve noticed. Circle if they are one or the other. If neither fits them, then don’t circle any of them. Stingy Overly generous Thrifty Extravagant Hurried/ impatient Slow Messy Fastidious Calm Restlessness Indolence (lazy) Always busy Shyness/timid Outgoing Anger Mildness Lack of moral sense Guilty No religious feeling Highly religious feeling Obstinate (stubborn) Yielding Heedless/reckless Cowardice Social/antisocial. In regards to being with other people or in company? Aversion (prefers to be alone) Desire for (prefers to be around people) Mark the expression that best describes your child’s feelings about the following issues if applicable: Significant past emotionally traumatic events: Resolved, dwells on past, inconsolable, remorse, guilt. Feeling towards the people your child is close to: Loving, affectionate, indifferent, resentment, hatred. Feeling toward disease/ condition: Optimistic, doubtful of recovery, discouraged, fearful, despair of recovery. Feeling toward life: Love life, indifferent, bored, weary of life, loathing of life, desires death, suicidal thoughts, suicidal disposition. How much does your child have the following symptoms? 1=hardly ever; 10= always. Irritability 1-10 _____ Jealously 1-10 _____ Moodiness 1-10 _____ Alternating moods 1-10 _____ Even moods 1-10 _____ Mark which best expresses your child’s general mood: Morose, sad, apathy/indifferent, happy, excitement, exhilaration. How does your child experience sympathy or consolation? Likes sympathy Dislikes sympathy Better from sympathy Worse from sympathy How is your child in general around others? Aversion to talking Talkative Only talks when prompted Not trusting Trusting Gullible Suspicious Doesn’t respond How often and easily does your child weep? Never Sometimes Often How often does your child experience clairvoyance? Never Sometimes Often How is their level of self-confidence? Lack of confidence average How impulsive is your child? Never sometimes Pride/ Haughty Often How afraid is your child of the following? (1, never; 10, very afraid;) Animals 1-10 _____ Being alone 1-10 _____ Death 1-10 _____ Relative’s death 1-10 _____ Impending disease 1-10 _____ Downward motion 1-10 _____ Evil 1-10 _____ Failure 1-10 _____ Falling 1-10 _____ Ghosts 1-10 _____ Heights 1-10 _____ Insanity 1-10 _____ Misfortune 1-10 _____ Of a crowd 1-10 _____ People Snakes Strangers Darkness Water 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Robbers/ intruders 1-10 _____ Spiders 1-10 _____ Wind 1-10 _____ Thunderstorms 1-10 _____ That something will happen 1-10 _____ Is your child forgetful of any of the following? (1 not at all, 10 a lot) Dates 1-10 _____ Names 1-10 _____ Numbers 1-10 _____ Of words 1-10 _____ Of what someone else just said to you 1-10 _____ Of what you just said 1-10 _____ How often does your child make mistakes with the following? Numbers 1-10 _____ Words (reading) 1-10 _____ Words (speaking) 1-10 _____ Words (writing) 1-10 _____ How sensitive is your child to any of the following? Beauty 1-10 _____ Criticism Cruel stories 1-10 _____ Frightening things Being made fun of 1-10 _____ Music Reprimand 1-10 _____ Rudeness The suffering of others 1-10 _____ 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 _____ _____ _____ _____ How does your child handle conflict usually? Quarrelsome Yielding How is your child in regard to authority? Bossy/ dictatorial Yielding/ fawning How critical is your child of others? Not at all Sometimes All the time How often does your child reproach (find fault, scold, or blame) him/ herself? Not at all Sometimes All the time How honest is your child? Always Lie Somewhere in the middle Always honest How often does your child have the following behaviors? 1=never; 10= all the time Abusive 1-10 _____ Biting 1-10 _____ Breaks things 1-10 _____ Contrary 1-10 _____ Cursing 1-10 _____ Disobedience 1-10 _____ Insolent 1-10 _____ Rage 1-10 _____ Rudeness 1-10 _____ Striking others 1-10 _____ Striking self 1-10 _____ Violence 1-10 _____