


● Sit still in your garden for a while or pause while on a walk - What animals can you hear? What animals can you see? Are there any signs of animal life (nest, rabbit hole, droppings, footprints, feathers, wool)?

● View habitats and animals through binoculars.

● Build an animal home/hotel. Take photos and share.

● Do you have a bird box? Can you make one? What kind of birds are you encouraging to live there?

● Draw a map of your garden, noting animal life and habitats.

● Trace a map of our country and highlight the areas of woodland. Can you make a comment about the map?

● Make bird food. Build a hide and spot the birds that come to visit. Can you identify the birds?

● Using a microscope or magnifying glass, look at the creatures on the ground. Turn over rocks, leaves and logs to discover creepie crawlies.

Remember to return them carefully!

● Could you pond or river dip with an adult? What creatures can you see? Go fishing with an adult and identify your catch!

● What animals visit your garden at night? How do you know?



● Watch a video of a bird visiting and feeding its young – see Spring watch

● Can you make a food chain of our local environment? Can you make a food chain of a different environment (artic, safari)

● Create a life-cycle!

● Find out how to care for wild animals and pets.

Make a care plan.

● Choose you top five animals. Are they carnivores, herbivores or omnivores?

● What came first, the chicken or the egg?


● What is a bird, a fish, a mammal, a reptile and an amphibian?

Performance Arts

 Move as your favourite animals for your friends to guess. Swap and take turns.

 Practise animal calls

 Make animal shadow puppets.

 Make some animal puppets and tell a story. Theme your animals – farm, nesting birds, in the river, by the pond

 Play ‘Food-chain’ tig. Which animal is allowed to chase the next animal/plant for its supper!

● Can you spot new life? Where could you find lambs, calves, chicks, frog spawn, bunnies, ducklings

Design and Make

● Design your own animal. What common features has it got? What does it eat? Can you make its offspring?

● Draw your favourite animal. Can you label its body parts? Can you draw a real-life animal

(observational drawing)?

● Produce an animal collage. Can you include features of its habitat?

● Stick, join, cut textiles and make an animal puppet

(or other creation). Include its features (head, body, wings, legs etc.)


● Make an animal rap!

● Learn animal songs and sing to the class!

● Play ‘Musical Statues’. When the music stops, freeze as animal.

● Play ‘Animal Hokey Pokey’. Suggest animal parts, write them down and add them in the middle of the circle. Sing ‘You put

your …’ select a card from the middle i.e.

‘frog leg’ and continue the song, ‘You put your frog leg in, your frog leg out. In out


History and Geography

● View habitats around the world (oceans, rainforests, jungles, snow, deserts) by reading children’s encyclopaedias and other non-fictions texts.

● Name explorers of the past and the animals they discovered.

● Research a country – what animals live there?

● Visit the Natural History Museum Can you share some interesting findings with us?

● What is evolution? Can you find out about an animal that has evolved?


● Who was Charles Darwin?

● Take part in the Evolution Mega lab survey and go on the hunt for snails! n/viewTakingPart

● Join in with Birdwatch and other surveys.

● Can you record any your bird sightings in a table?

● Can you convert it into a graph?

Creative Writing

● Write a story about your favourite traditional tale animal characters.

● Create an animal diary, based on your animal discoveries outside.

● Write instructions – How to care for hedgehogs … dogs .. garden birds.

● Learn an animal poem and recite to the class.

● Write your own animal poem!

● Create a non-fiction book on pets, birds, mammals, fish etc. Include headings, page numbers, contents page, pictures and facts!

● Label the habitats outside, Laminate and attach.

● Write a recount about your trip to the zoo!


● Weigh your pets! Which animal is the heaviest/lightest?

● Measure your pets! Which pet is the longest/shortest/tallest?

● Can you measure the length of any minibeasts?

● Which animals have reflective symmetry?

● What patterns/shapes can you see in animals?

● Multiply the legs of animals by 2, 3, 4, 5,

6 …

● Where do the animals like to live in your garden i.e. who lives next to … under …

inside … behind … above… Complete these sentences

● Complete your own size related sentences i.e. an elephant is taller than a mouse but shorter than a giraffe.
