S T . A NTHONY OF P ADUA C HURCH Founded in 1892 Served by the Order of Friars Minor, Franciscan Province of the Immaculate Conception, since 1926 OFFICE 28 STATE STREET, TROY, NEW YORK 12180 PHONE: 518-273-8622 FAX: 518-273-2731 OFFICE HOURS Monday – Thursday: 8:30 to noon & 1:00 to 3:30 (Closed noon to 1:00 for lunch) Friday: 8:30 to noon – summer months closed on Fridays Closed Saturday, Sunday & holidays. NEW PARISH WEBSITE www.stanthonystroyny.com PASTORAL STAFF Father Mario F. Julian, OFM – Pastor Email: marioj1054@aol.com Brother Philip Hira, OFM – Hospital & Parish Ministry Father Jun Segura – Hispanic Apostolate Deacon Jerry Christiano Deacon Moises Gutierrez – Hispanic Apostolate Deacon Charles Z. Wojton Christopher Lohr – Sacristan Email: sacristan4@aol.com Denise Mahoney – Finance Director Email: churchdenise@aol.com PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL President: Paul Dellio PASTORAL FINANCE COUNCIL Kelly Salerno – Trustee Dr. Frank Lanzillo – Trustee Rich LaRose – President Gene Sestito ROARKE CENTER 107 Fourth Street, Troy Phone: 273-8351 An outreach for people in Troy; offering its members crisis intervention and advocacy. PARISH REGISTRATION NAME:______________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________ PHONE:________________EMAIL:________________________ WOULD YOU LIKE ENVELOPES: YES_______NO______ LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 10:00 am – Spanish 12:00 noon 5:30 pm There is no 5:30 Mass on the following weekends: New Years, Easter, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & Christmas. Monday through Thursday: 7:15 am & 12:10 pm Holy Days: as announced RECONCILIATION Monday – Thursday: from 11:30 am to 12:00 noon Saturday: from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm PASTORAL CARE Please call to arrange for pastoral visitation including Anointing of the Sick and Communion calls to the hospitalized and homebound BAPTISM Please call to schedule Baptism. MARRIAGE Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Couples must attend a one- day Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation program. PERPETUAL NOVENAS St. Anthony of Padua: Tuesday, after daily Masses. Our Lady of Lourdes: Wednesday, after daily Masses. St. Anne: Wednesday at 4:00 pm. St. Jude: Thursday, after daily Masses. ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH 416 Third Street, Troy LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 8:30 am 10:30 am 12:00 noon - Latin Monday through Saturday: 8:00 am Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 12:00 The mission of St. Anthony of Padua Church is to minister spiritually, sacramentally and physically to all who enter our door. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 16, 2014 SATURDAY, February 15 4:30 Bill Warren (b’day) – Grace & Pam Anthony Morin (b’day) – wife & family Rev. John Minkler – Family Gennaro LaPietra – Wife, Concetta Helen Murray – Lou & Rachel Perfetti Dennis Carroll – Catherine Houlihan Charles Hewitt – wife, Linda Catherine Cioffi – Family Christopher Burchell (anniv.) – Barth Family SUNDAY, February 16 9:00 Pat Hartman – Wife Anne Radliff – Janet Matusie Thomas Schermerhorn – friend, Michael Dinova Michael Esposito (64th anniv.) – Michael, Nancy & Carmela Anne Radliff – Jack Lowe James Laird (30th anniv.) – son, James 10:00 Spanish 12:00 Justine Francese - Family Anthony & Josephine DeFazio – Grandchildren Frank Julian – Joe & MaryAnn Julian Amelia Cossack – Family Joseph Schillaci – daughters, Rosemaire & Cecilia 5:30 Frank Julian – Mary Turino MONDAY, February 17 President’s Day – Office & Church Closed TUESDAY, February 18 7:15 For the parishioners of St. Anthony’s Church 12:10 Special intentions to St. Anthony – Anthony Clemenzi WEDNESDAY, February 19 7:15 David Skiba (anniv.) – Mother & Father 12:10 Sophia Jacques (b’day living) THURSDAY, February 20 7:15 For the sick & homeless 12:10 Karen Campana – Mary Turino FRIDAY, February 21 - NO SERVICES SATURDAY, February 22 4:30 Charles A. Hewitt – Mr. & Mrs. George Smith Rose & Saverio Gori – Family Janine Fazioli (living b’day) – Lorraine Denny Carroll – Yolanda & Ransen Caola Kay Kane – daughters, Pat & Bonnie David Skiba – Family Margaret Miller – Deacon Chuck & Dolores Wojton Mary & Louis Cocco (anniv.) – Family Catherine Cioffi – Bill & Rosemary Fagan Ray Darling (1st anniv.) – Ann Marie & Bob Coulombe SUNDAY, February 23 9:00 Thomas Schermerhorn – friend, Michael Dinova Anne Radliff – friends & co-workers @ DSS Charles E. Radliff - Family Evelyn T. Laird – Son, James Angelo Corina – Anthony & Doris Corina Charlie & Mrs. O’Neil – Anthony & Doris Corina Anthony & Vincent Cavallo – Jean Cavallo 10:00 Spanish 12:00 Epifiano & Mary Nora Jacques – son, Richard & family Francis Agostina – Buddy & Michele McAvoy Blessed Mother favor rec’d - Katherine 5:30 For all assemble here this evening New Bishop for Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Rev. Msgr. Edward B Scharfenberger, a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn, New York has been appointed by Pope Francis to be the tenth bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, New York. Bishop-elect Scharfenberger succeeds Bishop Howard J. Hubbard who has led the Diocese of Albany for 37 years. Bishop Hubbard reached the mandatory retirement age of 75 on October 31, 2013 and submitted his letter of retirement to Pope Francis at that time. He was instructed to stay on until the appointment and installation of a new bishop. Bishop-elect Scharfenberger was born in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn on May 29, 1948. He is the son of Edward and Elaine (Magdal) Scharfenberger of Warwick, New York. His parents are 93 years old. He has four siblings: Miriam Muse (Glenn) of Warwick; James Scharfenberger of Warwick; Dr. Dennis Scharfenberger, MD (Anna) of Warwick, and Lois Sheptuck (Deacon Paul) of Edison New Jersey. He has four nephews and two nieces. One nephew, Jonathan, is deceased. Bishop-elect Scharfenberger attended Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Elementary School in Ridgewood and graduated from Cathedral Preparatory Seminary High School, Elmhurst in 1965. He entered Cathedral College of the Immaculate Conception in Douglaston and graduated as an English major in June of 1968. The following fall he was assigned to study theology at the North American College in Rome, Italy where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Sacred Theology (S.T.B. summa cum laude) from the Pontifical Gregorian University in 1972. Bishop-elect Scharfenberger was ordained a priest on July 2, 1973 in St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome, by Bishop James A. Hickey, later Cardinal-Archbishop of Washington DC. He served as Parochial Vicar (Associate Pastor) at St. Stanislaus Church (Maspeth) and St. Ephrem Church (Dyker Heights) until 1976. He then was assigned to return to Rome for further studies. In 1977 he earned his S.T.L., summa cum laude, in Moral Theology from the Academy of St. Alphonsus. He was then assigned to the Catholic University of America where, in 1980, he earned his J.C.L. summa cum laude in Canon Law. He then served in a number of capacities in the Diocesan Tribunal of Brooklyn for 20 years. Between 1986 and 1990 he attended Fordham University School of Law where he earned his J.D. in May of 1990. He is admitted to the bar in New York (1991). Between 1993 and 2002 he served as the Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Brooklyn. A Judicial Vicar usually oversees the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal and serves as chief canonical advisor to the bishop. During his years at the Diocesan Tribunal he also exercised pastoral ministry at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Forest Hills and at St. Matthew Church in Dix Hills. He has been the Administrator of the Diocesan Board of Mediation and Arbitration for the past 15 years as well as chaplain of the Kings County Catholic Lawyers Guild. He has served as instructor in Moral Theology at the diocesan Pastoral Institute and as an Adjunct Professor at St. Joseph’s College. St. Anthony’s Capital Improvements Campaign Parish Information Offertory Gifts Last Week: 2/8/2014 & 2/9/2014 Mass Attendance Collection 4:30 231 $ 1,429.00 9:00 157 $ 1,017.00 10:00 106 $ 216.52 12:00 165 $ 1,258.05 5:30 85 $ 478.40 Total Collection: Candles: Donations: $ 4,398.97 $ 242.22 $ 125.00 Thank you for your continued generosity. Thanks also to those who, for whatever reason, cannot bring your envelopes to Church on a regular basis, but who either bring them to the Friary or mail them to us. Money counting team for Tuesday, February 18; Tom & Janis Lumley, Nancy Russomanno, Jean Cavallo, Betty Bott & Michael Esposito. EXTRA HELP FOR THIS GROUP PLEASE, Thank you. OFFICE & CHURCH CLOSED Monday, February 17 – President’s Day holiday Roarke Center Food Pantry Blessings on each of you who so faithfully remember your less fortunate brethren. We are asking for your generosity to bring the following items, canned meats like hash, beef stew, chicken, Spam, turkey Spam, or canned fish like tuna. Also pasta products with meat or fish, like tomato sauce with clams. Always the following can be used: pasta, spaghetti sauce (meat sauce), coffee, toilet paper, personal hygiene products of all types, laundry detergent, dish soap, canned vegetables, fruit and soups in cans with pull tops. There are boxes in the rear of the church for your offerings, or you may bring the foodstuffs directly to the Roarke Center. Contributions to St. Anthony’s Church for 2013 are in the entrance of the Church. If you have not picked yours up – please do so; we will be bring them back to the office next week. Special Collections for February & March: March 2 Monthly March 9 Black, Native American & Latin Mission March 30 Catholic Relief Services Annual Appeal The Campaign will continue into 2014. Please prayfully consider making a donation. There are several ways you can make a donation: there are envelopes in the Church you can mail in, put it the collection basket, or hand it to Fr. Mario. Fr. Mario has a square on his phone where you can use your credit or debit card with a swipe of the card it goes directly to the special account set up for this project and we have a link to PayPal on our website. www.stanthonystroyny.com St. Anthony’s Capital Improvements Campaign is ongoing! Updates will be provided. We have raised $ 29,984.75 our first goal is $100,000.00 Please prayerfully consider supporting your parish’s Capital Improvements Campaign! Brother Philip is looking for Eucharistic Ministers who would like to volunteer some time in the hospital-giving communion to patients. Please contact him at the friary 273-8622. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED “INN FROM THE COLD” During the months of October – April, Joseph House organizes a program at different churches to provide shelter for the homeless in the winter. We are looking for volunteers to take care of homeless who come into this facility during this time. If you are interested, please contact Brother Philip at the parish house 2738622. Activity of the Week Choose one of the following activities as a way to further reflect on the Sunday readings: • Discuss what radical obedience might mean. What does obedience require? How can one be radical in practicing obedience? Then have each person relate how he/she might specifically practice obedience in a radical manner. Sirach lived in a culture that did not support his religious values. Do your family members feel supported in religious values by today’s culture? How or how not? What is the solution? How can values be upheld when the culture opposes them? How does the domestic Church, or family, support its members? Make a plan for supporting each other in times of opposition to the culture. ST. PETER’S CEMETERY is located on Oakwood Ave., Troy; it has been in the care of St. Anthony’s Church since St. Peter’s Church closed in May of 2009. Those of us working in Catholic Cemeteries perform a ministry of service. The Cemetery is a sacred place, and burying the dead is a corporal work of mercy. There are available plots for sale. If you would like more information, you may call Denise in the office 273-8622. Multiple plots sold will be discounted.