Guided Notes

Crimes and Criminal Law
Crime 
Every crime is defined by specific _______________________.
_________ elements must be _______________________________________________________ for
the accused criminal to be found guilty.
Elements of Crimes
The prohibited act was done _______________________________,
__________________________, and ____________________________.
Latin for "__________________________________"
The ______________________ for committing the crime
The wrongful act or lack of action that comprises the ___________________
elements of the crime according to criminal ________________________.
Latin for "____________________________________"
*** Strict liability crimes - crimes that do not require mens rea for a person to be found guilty.
 Example:
Crime Classes
Crime for which the punishment is ____________
than 1 year in prison (sometimes just a monetary
Crime for which the punishment is ___________
than 1 year in prison
State vs Federal Crimes
State Crimes
MOST crimes
Federal Crimes
Specific crimes
 __________________ of federal ______________
 ______________________
 ______________________
Crimes that occur on _________________________________________
Parties to a Crime
Person who commits the crime
Helps the principal commit the crime - can be charged and convicted with the
_________________________________ as the principal
Someone who orders the crime or helps the principal, but is not _______________
during the crime - can be charged with the _______________________________ as
the principal
Someone who has knowledge of the crime after it occurs and helps the
principal/accomplices ___________________ or ____________________________
- CANNOT be charged with same crime as the other parties
Types of Crimes
Crimes of Omission Failure to stay at the scene of the crime
Failure to pay taxes
Preliminary Crimes -
Asking another person to commit a crime
Having the intent to commit a crime and taking some “substantial step”
to committing the crime
An agreement between two or more people to commit a crime
Crimes Against Property
Unlawful taking and carrying away of property
Unauthorized entry into any structure with intent to commit a crime
Unlawful taking of property by force or intimidation
Taking vehicle without permission with the intent of returning it
Taking vehicle without permission with no intent of returning it
The use of force or intimidation to steal a car from a driver
Willful destruction of or damage to property
Willful and malicious burning of property
Use of threat to obtain the property of another (blackmail)
Unlawful taking of property by someone to whom it was entrusted
A person falsely makes or alters a writing or document with the intent to
Crimes Against People
Killing of one person by another
Homicide that is premeditated (planned), intentional, and done with
Killing that is done with malice and intent, but without premeditation
Homicide that occurs after the victim has done something to the killer
that would cause a reasonable person to lose self control.
Homicide that takes place during the act of committing certain felonies
Most states recognize felony murder as 1st degree murder.
Homicide without intention
Death due to criminal negligence (reckless carelessness for others
Killing that is justifiable or excusable
Any attempt to carry out a physical attack on another person
Unlawful use of physical contact inflicting injury on another person
A person repeatedly follows or harasses another person and makes
threats, causing the person to fear death or injury
Sexual intercourse without consent
No consent if victim is unconscious or mentally incompetent, or if drugs
or alcohol impair victim’s judgment
rapist uses weapon or other force to compel the victim to comply
rapist is known to victim, does not need to involve the use of drugs
intercourse between an adult and a minor, minors are incapable of
giving consent.
 In NC, the legal age of consent is ___________.
 It is illegal for a person _____________ to have sex with a
person __________________, regardless of consent.
 Concerning those who are 16 or17, it is not considered statutory
rape if the partner is within ________ years of the minor's age.
Serial killer -
Usually committed over a period of time with cooling down periods between.
Sexual fantasies often coincide with the killings but can also be caused by anger, thrill, financial gain, or
attention seeking.
Crimes and Drug Abuse
 ______________________ drug
o _______________ qualities
o _________________ the central nervous system
o _________________ motor control
o __________________ good judgments
___________________________________ abused drug
___________________ (blood alcohol content)
o 21+  _____________ = criminally under the influence while driving
o >21  anything above __________________ is criminal
Controlled Substances Act 
_________ groups depending on _____________________________, potential of
___________________________, and potential of __________________________.
Methamphetamine 
Ice, speed, chalk, crystal, glass, crank, fire, tweak, trash, etc
Made from ___________________________________________ (a decongestant) and toxic ingredients
like lye and drain cleaner
 Smoked, snorted, injected, or swallowed
Initial "high"
Surge of __________________________ (pleasure) in the brain (10x the normal
______________________ blood pressure and heart rate
Short-term effects
________________________, mood swings, decreased appetite, paranoia, aggression,
loss of motor control, jerky movements, irritability
Long-term effects
__________________________________ by tissue destruction
________________________________ by tooth grinding and lack of saliva production
______________________ by itchy skin and acne
Marijuana 
________________________ - slows the central nervous system
________________________ - alters perception
Smoked or eaten
Calms body by decreasing neural activity, inducing a ______________________ sensation
Impairs ___________________ and ____________________ abilities
The Push for Marijuana Legalization
 Government makes money by _____________ the
________________________ drug
product and saves money by ______________
More _________________________ = unsafe
__________________________________ users.
________________________ change of drug
Less harmful than ______________________ or
Scientifically studied _______________________
____________________________ done to user
(lung cancer and killed brain cells)
getting in the hands of ______________.
________________________ smoke
_______________________________ would lose
a lot of their business
______________ could _____________________
safety and distribution of the drug
Drug Related Crimes
 _______________% of arrested individuals are under the influence of one or more drugs at the time of
Willful possession of an illegally controlled substance
Willful possession of an item with the primary function of drug use
Willful selling, delivering, or providing illegally controlled
Willful cultivation or manufacture of an illegally controlled
Crime Trends
Why do people commit crimes?
Why are crime rates falling?