A SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON BY: TONYA FOSTER ED 417 SUMMER ‘O1 OUR COUNTRY AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL GRADE 3 OBJECTIVES: STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO... 1. UNDERSTAND WHAT THE AMERICAN FLAG MEANS. 2. EXPLAIN WHAT THE STARS AND STRIPES STAND FOR. 3. RECITE “YOU’RE A GRAND OLD FLAG” 4. DESCRIBE THE FLAG’S COLORS, DESIGN, AND SHAPE. 5. DEFINE WORDS THAT RELATE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG. MATERIALS NEEDED: -GREETINGS FROM AMERICA BY RAY NELSON JR. AND DOUGLAS KELLY -AMERICAN FLAG -LARGE WHITE CONSTRUCTION PAPER -MAGAZINES -SCISSORS -GLUE -CRAYONS WEB SITES: The Unofficial American Flag Homepage www.azstarnet.com/~rgrogan/flag.htm What Do the Colors of the Flag Mean? www.usflag.org/colors.html The U.S. Flag Page www.usflag.org/ The Pledge of Alligence www.usflag.org/the.ledg.of.allegiance.html The American Legion www.legion.org/flagfaqs.htm Student Activities • Social Studies Vocabulary List • Create a collage of the U.S. Flag •Pick out the rhyming words from the story Greeting From America • “You’re a Grand Old Flag” • Journal entry Student Activity 1: Vocabulary 1. Have the students look at the sentences and pick out the correct vocabulary word. 2. The students will correctly spell all the vocabulary words. Vocabulary words: country, history, state, flag, proud, American, patriotism Student Activity 2: Collage of the American Flag Using the construction paper, magazines, scissors, glue and crayons, students will construct their own American flags. Once they finish, they will paste their flags onto a large piece of construction paper for a class bulletin board. Student Activity 3: Rhyming Words The teacher will read Greeting From America to the class while the students pick out all the rhyming words in the story. They will write the rhyming words in their journals then discuss them as a class. Student Activity 4: “You’re a Grand Old Flag” 1. Have the children name one way in which they can show loyalty to their country. 2. Help the children sin “You’re a Grand Old Flag” together. Ask them why it’s important to sing songs about our country’s flag. Student Activity 5: Journal Entry 1. Have the student pretend they are writing a letter to another 3rd grader in another country. 2. They should describe our country’s flag and what it means to them. Presentation Slides Pick out the correct vocabulary word from each sentence. Write it correctly in your social studies journal. 1. People who live in this country are Americans. 2. This is the flag of the United States. 3. Ohio is a state in America. 4. History is the story of what happened long ago. 5. We are all proud to be Americans. 6. Are you an American? 7. It’s very important to show patriotism. Using New Words Read the words below. Use the words to complete the sentences. Write the sentences in your S.S. journal. Country state history flag American patriotism proud 1. Our_____ is red, white, and blue. 2. The United States of America is a ________. 3. What happened long ago is _____________. 4. When we feel _______, we feel happy. 5. Each star on the flag stands for a ________. 6. You are an ____________. 7. The flag is a symbol of _________ and respect. Create a collage of the U.S. flag Materials: Construction paper, magazines, scissors, glue, crayons, markers, popsicle sticks Procedure: 1. Look through the magazines or draw your own U.S. flag. 2. Write “Our Flag” on the top of the paper. 3. Arrange the flag on the white construction paper, then glue it on. 4. Tape your completed flag on the large white construction paper for the bulletin board. Listen to the story Greeting From America. Listen for the rhyming words. When you hear them, record the words in your social studies journal. Rhyming Words 1.What is a rhyming word? 2.What words did you write down that rhymed? 3.What sound do they have that sounds the same? 4.Come up with a 3rd word that rhymes with the words you already have. You’re a Grand Old Flag You’re a grand old flag, You’re a high flying flag, And forever in peace may you wave, You’re the emblem of the land I love, The home of the free and the brave, Every heart beats true, under red, white, and blue, Where there’s never a boast or brag, But should auld acquaintance be forgot, Keep your eye on that grand old flag. In your S.S. journal….. Pretend you have a pen pal from a different country. Write them a letter and tell them what our flag stands for. Tell them what our flag means to you as well. The End