South Central Asia Notes

South Central Asia
The Subcontinent of Asia
The Subcontinent of Asia
1. South Central Asia is known as the subcontinent of
2. A subcontinent is a large landmass forming a
distinct part of a continent.
3. The subcontinent is somewhat cut off from the
rest of Asia by two mountain ranges, the Hindu
Kush and the Himalayas.
4. The Himalayas are the highest mountain range in
the world, with more than 30 of the world’s
highest mountains – they are often referred to as
“the rooftop of the world”.
5. At 29,029 feet above sea level, Mt. Everest is the
highest point on the earth.
Physical Geography
1. Arid mountains and deserts
stretch throughout much of
Afghanistan and Pakistan.
2. Below the Himalayas:
To the west you find the Indus
River Valley and the Great Indian
Desert or Thar Desert.
The Ganges River Basin in the
The Brahmaputra River in the
east (running through
The Deccan Plateau covers the
center of the subcontinent and
are flanked by the steep slopes of
the Western and Eastern Ghats.
Pakistan and the Indus River
The Ganges River
Washing in the Ganges
Deccan Plateau
Eastern and Western Ghats
The Monsoons
1. Much of the subcontinent’s climate is
controlled by the monsoons.
2. The monsoons are seasonal winds that bring
warm winds and rain in the summer and
cooler, drier air in the winter.
3. The monsoons are important for agriculture
but also cause severe floods.
Monsoon Flooding
The Indus River
1. The Indus River Valley is
home to one of the world’s
earliest civilizations.
2. Around 1700 B.C. the
Aryans invaded from the
west through the Khyber
Pass, and conquered the
Indus River Valley
3. The Khyber Pass is a 33
mile long passage through
the Hindu Kush Mountains
– it separates Afghanistan
and Pakistan.
4. Over the following
centuries, numerous other
people moved through the
pass and invaded India.
Khyber Pass
1. The subcontinent is home to two of the world’s major
2. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion that revolves around a
strict caste system, or social hierarchy.
3. Buddhism developed from the teachings of Siddhartha
Gautama and involved knowing the Four Noble Truths
and following the Eightfold Path.
4. Hinduism remains the main religion of India today but
Buddhism did spread to the countries around it.
5. Islam is the main religion of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
6. Religion has caused major conflicts in this region in the
past and is still the source of major tension today.
The Caste System
1. India is the largest and most populous country
of the region – its also the second most
populous country in the world – 1.2 billion
2. Poverty is a huge problem India:
1. Three fourths of India’s population lives in rural areas
as subsistence farmers.
2. Half of India’s population is illiterate – can’t read or
3. Indian cities are overcrowded with large areas of
India’s Slums
Home of the Taj Mahal
• Built in 1632 as a tomb for
emperor Shah Jahan’s wife
• Built with white marble that
seems to change color
depending on the sunlight
hitting it
• Fun Fact: It is rumored that
Shah Jahan had the TM’s
architect hands cut off after
building was done so he
would never build anything
else like it!
India’s Independence
1. India was a major colony of Great Britain at one time.
2. The British treated them harshly and many Indians
wanted their independence but rebellions were
always put down.
3. In the early 1900’s Mahatma Gandhi led the people
of India in nonviolent resistance against the British
government – they used boycotts and peaceful
4. This peaceful movement drew support from other
countries and in 1935 India received its
Mahatma Gandhi
The Partition of India
1. In the 1940’s, conflict between Hindus and
Muslims led to India being partitioned –
divided into parts.
2. India became the home of the Hindus and
Muslims were moved to East and West
3. East Pakistan later became Bangladesh.
4. Over a million people were killed in the
partition of India.
1. Bangladesh is a low-lying country that is
home to almost 155 million people – it’s the
most densely populated country in the world.
2. Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in
the world and because of its low-lying land.
3. Farming is the main economic activity of
Bangladesh – rice is its main crop.
Nepal and Bhutan
1. Nepal is dominated by the
Himalayas and is home to Mt.
2. Although Nepal is a Hindu
country, according to legend it
is the birthplace of Buddha.
3. Economically, Nepal relies
primarily on subsistence
farming – only one-fifth of its
land is arable.
4. Most of Bhutan’s is
mountainous and most of its
population are Buddhist.
1. Afghanistan is geographically
diverse, with mountains, fertile
valleys, semiarid plains and
2. Local ethnic groups isolated
themselves against protection
from invaders, which led to
very distinct cultures.
3. When Afghanistan was formed,
it was supposed to be a buffer
state between Russia and
British India.
1. In the 1980’s, the Soviet
Union invaded
Afghanistan – the U.S.
aided the Afghans in order
to help contain the spread
of communism.
2. When the Soviet’s
withdrew, the Taliban – a
radical Muslim group –
took control of the
country and imposed
harsh, Islamic rule.
3. One of the leaders was an
extremist named Osama
bin Laden – his group was
called Al-Qaeda.
Osama bin Laden
1. On September 11, 2001,
Al-Qaeda attacked the
2. In response, an
international coalition
led by the U.S. launched
military attacks on
Taliban and Al-Qaeda
strongholds in
3. The Taliban were quickly
defeated but Bin Laden
wasn’t killed until May 2,
Afghanistan Today
1. Afghanistan is very poor due to continued warfare
and lack of foreign investment.
2. Afghan farmers grew poppies, which were used to
produce heroin – these drugs were sold to support
the terrorist cells that operated there.
3. Today, Afghan farmers are converting to other crops
and the country is attempting to create a
democratic government, but the situation is still
4. U.S. troops are scheduled to pull out of Afghanistan
in 2015- The troops are serving a non-combat role