
Correctional Systems & Practices
Hybrid Course
Semester Hours Credit: 3
Lecture Hours: 48
Course Dates/Times: March 23 – May 15, 2015/
In Class sessions – Tuesdays: March 24, 31; April 7,
14, 21, 28; May 5, 12, with additional weekly CTC
Blackboard discussions and assignments
Instructor: Tameka Leonard
Office Hours: By Appointment
Instructor Email:
Phone: 642448468
Tameka Leonard received an Associate degree of Applied Science in Criminal Justice and a
Bachelor’s degree in Sociology. She was a Military Police officer in the Air Force for five years
and an Individual Mobilization Augmentee for three years. After her military duty, she went on
to work for the Colorado Department of Corrections, for three years, where she worked in the
housing units of both male and female prisons.
A. This course is a study of the role of corrections in the criminal justice system. Topics
include organization and theory of correctional systems, institutional operations,
management, alternatives to institutionalization, treatments and rehabilitation, and current
and future issues.
B. This course is not chronologically dependent upon other Law Enforcement courses. It
is an elective course for the Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice degree
C. This course is occupationally related and serves in preparation for careers in law
enforcement, criminal justice, and corrections.
D. Prerequisite(s): (None)
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Upon successful completion of this course, Correctional Systems and Practices, the student will
be able to:
A. Identify the organization and role of corrections.
B. Distinguish operations and procedure within correctional programs.
C. Appraise rehabilitation, alternatives to institutionalization, and future issues.
A. The instructional materials identified for this course are viewable through
Required Student Textbook:
Siegel, Larry J. (2014). Corrections Today-CTC Custom Cover. (2nd Ed.) Publisher:
ISBN: 9781285921310
B. References:
1. Carlson, Peter M. and Judith Simon Garrett, Prison and Jail Administration:
Practice and Theory, Gaithersburg, MD: Jones & Bartlett., 2000.
2. Clear, Todd R. and George F. Cole, American Corrections, 6th Ed, Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth Pub, 2002.
3. Silverman, Ira J. and Manuel Vega, Corrections: A Comprehensive View, 2 Ed,
St. Paul, MN: West Pub. Co., 2001.
Your first responsibility is scholarship. The grade you receive for this course will
not be the grade of the instructor, but rather the grade you and you alone make.
You should attend class regularly in both face-to-face and online Central Texas
College (CTC) Blackboard classes. Online attendance involves logging into your
Blackboard class and participating in discussions, submitting assignments, etc. Be
prepared to also take any unannounced quizzes relating to text assignments and
lecture material presented from the beginning of the course. Please refer to ‘Class
Attendance and Course Progress’ under the Academic Policies section in our current
CTC Course Catalog.
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You are encouraged to give your best effort throughout the course. From the
beginning, you should plan for a steady, organized, and continuous effort, which in
the long run will prove more effective for your final grade than a last minute crashcram policy. Your course grade is not determined solely by exam grade. Such
factors as class participation, initiative, attendance, and individual research papers or
projects will be considered in grade computation.
From time to time, special library and/or outside assignments will be made to
members of the class individually and/or in groups. You are expected to read all
assignments and fulfill your responsibilities to any group assignment.
You are expected to read all assigned material and bring your textbook/reading
materials to class. Keep informed on all assignments, especially after an absence.
Good class notes are indispensable for earning a good grade, since both the material
assigned and that discussed in class will be the basis for examination material.
Scholastic Honesty: All students are required and expected to maintain the highest
standards of scholastic honesty in the preparation of all coursework and during
examinations. The following are considered examples of scholastic dishonesty:
Plagiarism: The taking of passages from the writing of others without giving
proper credit to the sources.
Collusion: Using another’s work as one’s own, or working together with
another person in the preparation of work, unless such joint preparation is
specifically approved in advance by the instructor.
Cheating: Giving or receiving information on examinations.
Special Work: A term paper or other project, per requirements of the instructor, will
be required. The subject must be appropriate for the course material. Check with
the instructor when you have made a selection. The value is indicated in the
semester grade computation and has considerable weight on your final average.
This course has been developed as a hybrid course. Hybrid courses combine face-to-face
classroom instruction with assignments and interaction with instructor via CTC
Blackboard. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that they have access to CTC
Blackboard and that they are familiar with the contents and assignments. It is also the
student’s responsibility to log into CTC Blackboard at least once a week to ‘attend’ the
online class portion and to participate in the online Blackboard discussions and
assignments. Failure to do so will violate the attendance policy and will have a negative
impact on the course grade.
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The course will meet for eight weeks--once a week--for a three-hour face-to-face session.
In addition, instructional strategies will include weekly CTC Blackboard assignments and
discussion boards to accomplish the remaining instruction per week.
A. There will be a minimum of two major examinations and a written paper or project as
1. Mid-term exam on 14 April
2. Final exam on 12 May
3. Paper or Project due on 12 May
A student must be present for all examinations. Students who know in advance that
they will be absent from an examination due to valid reasons must arrange to take an
early examination. Unexpected absences due to illness or extenuating circumstances
will require the student to see the instructor about individual make-up work.
Students without excused absences will be given a zero for the missed examination.
Examinations will consist of both objective (true/false, multiple choice, fill in-theblank, and matching) and subjective (short answer and essay) questions. Students
must be able to communicate both orally and in written form, thus some questions
requiring the composition and writing of an essay answer will be required.
The final grade in this course will be based on the following:
Assignments & Quizzes
Discussion Boards (mandatory)
Term Paper/Term Presentation
Mid-term Exam
Final Exam
Total possible points:
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100 points
200 points
200 points
200 points
100 points
200 points
1000 points
A=4 pts/sem hr
B=3 pts/sem hr
C=2 pts/sem hr
D=1 pt/sem hr
F=0 pts/sem hr
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A. Tuition refunds are made only in the case of class cancellation or official and timely
withdrawal from CTC or from a course. Please refer to the current course catalog for
more details.
B. GoArmyEd students should contact their education counselor before withdrawing and
are required to withdraw through the GoArmyEd portal.
Please note: a military withdrawal does not override CTC’s grading policy.
For self-pay students, refunds are computed from the date the Application for
Withdrawal or Refund is filed with the CTC Field Representative or designated Student
Services Officer. Special conditions apply to students who receive federal, state, and/or
institutional financial aid.
Tuition and fees paid directly to the Institution by the Veterans Administration, Title
IV (Financial Aid Programs, a sponsor, donor, or scholarship shall be refunded to the
source rather than directly to the students.
C. Course Withdrawals, Student Responsibilities: It is the student’s responsibility to
officially withdraw from a course. The instructor cannot initiate a withdrawal based upon
a student’s request. Rather, students must initiate the withdrawal with the designated
Education Center Representative, through the CTC Field Representative or the Student
Services Officer for that region.
Applications for Withdrawal will be accepted at any time before the completion of 75%
of the course, after which time the student will be assigned an “FN”- “Failure for Nonattendance.”
D. Incomplete / Course in Progress Grade Policy: An “IP” or “Incomplete” grade may be
assigned by an instructor if a student has made satisfactory progress in a course with the
exception of a major quiz, final exam, or other project. The “IP” grade may also be
assigned based on circumstances beyond a student’s control, such as personal illness,
death in the immediate family, or military orders. Notice of absences, with supporting
documentation, may be required by the instructor. The instructor makes the final decision
concerning the granting of the incomplete grade. With an “Incomplete” grade, students
are required to complete a set amount of work before the instructor will submit an official
letter grade.
E. Cellular phones, beepers, and other electronic devices will be turned off while the
student is in the classroom or laboratory unless the student is using the device for class
purposes. No texting or social networking is allowed during class.
F. Instructor Discretion: The instructor reserves the right of final decision in course
G. Civility: Individuals are expected to be cognizant of what a constructive educational
experience is and respectful of those participating in a learning environment. Failure to
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do so can result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
The instructor has the right to change the course schedule. Any changes will be
announced in class. If the student misses a class period and changes are announced, it is
the student’s responsibility to receive the missed information from a classmate or the
Hybrid courses combine face-to-face classroom instruction with assignments and
interaction via CTC Blackboard. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that they
have access to internet so that they may communicate, via CTC Blackboard, with the
instructor. The class is broken down into eight sessions. See below for course outline.
Session 1- (23-28 March) Intro and Chapters 1, 2 & 3
i. Class will meet face to face on 24 March (1800-2100)
ii. CTC Blackboard discussion board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time)
iii CTC Blackboard peer response to discussion board posts is due by Saturday midnight
(European Time)
iv. CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time)
A. Unit One: Course Introduction and Chapter 1, The Correctional System
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
a. Describe course requirements and grading.
b. Understand the reasons why we punish.
c. discuss the theories of punishment.
d. Identify the ideas found within Enlightenment thinking and how they influenced
e. Define the early prison reformers and what they contributed.
f. Understand how the Pennsylvania and Auburn models differ from one another.
g. Explain how reformatories contributed to the rehabilitation model,
h. Discuss the purpose of corrections.
i. Explain the relationship between corrections and the criminal justice system.
j. Understand the extent and consequences of prison overcrowding
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 1
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
B. Unit Two: Chapter 2, Sentencing and the Correctional Process
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
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a. Explain the role of the court team in the sentencing process.
b. Explain what is meant by indeterminate sentencing.
c. Explain what is meant by indeterminate sentencing.
d. Describe the role of sentencing guidelines.
e. Know what is meant by truth-in-sentencing.
f. Identify the most serious issues in sentencing.
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 2
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
C. Unit Three: Chapter 3, Community Corrections: Diversion and Probation
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Explain what is meant by the term community corrections act.
b. are the main types of diversion programs and identify their advantages and
c. Understand the advantages of being placed on probation.
d. Explain the risk assessment models and their current emphasis.
e. Understand the various ways probation is administered.
f. Understand the legal rights of probationers.
g. Evaluate the effectiveness of probation and identify some of the promising programs in
probation services.
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 3
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
Session 2 (30 March- 4 April) Chapters 4 & 5
i. Class will meet face to face March 31 (1800 - 2100)
ii. CTC Blackboard discussion board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time)
iii CTC Blackboard peer response to discussion board posts is due by Saturday midnight
(European Time)
iv. CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time)
D. Unit Four: Chapter 4, Intermediate Sanctions
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Understand the benefits of intermediate sanctions.
b. Identify the continuum of intermediate sanctions.
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c. Identify the sanctions that stand alone and what they contribute to intermediate
d. Identify the sanctions as an add-on to probation and what they contribute to
intermediate sanctions.
e. Understand the relationship between restorative justice and intermediate sanctions.
f. Evaluate the effectiveness and future of intermediate sanctions.
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 4
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
E. Unit Five: Chapter 5, The Jail: Detention and Short-Term Confinement
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Describe the purpose of the jail.
b. Explain the bail process, pretrial release, and preventative detention.
c. Identify the makeup of the jail population.
d. Discuss jail administration and structure.
e. Compare the new-generation jail with more traditional jails.
f. Describe jail-based treatment programs.
g. Explain the legal and administrative issues of jail confinement.
h. Discuss the future trends of the jail.
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 5
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
Session 3 (6 - 11 April) Chapters 6 & 7
i. Class will meet face to face April 7 (1800 - 2100)
ii. CTC Blackboard discussion board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time)
iii CTC Blackboard peer response to discussion board posts is due by Saturday midnight
(European Time)
iv. CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time)
F. Unit Six: Chapter 6, Correctional Institutions
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Identify the extent to which prisons mirror the larger society.
b. Describe the age, gender, and racial makeup of those sent to prison.
c. Discuss the federal jurisdiction over prisons.
d. Explain whether state jurisdictions are similar from one state to another.
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e. Know how many prisoners are housed in private facilities and whether there is
common agreement on the effectiveness of these facilities.
f. Understand the security types of correctional institutions.
g. Describe what prisons look like.
h. Define the basic responsibilities of a correctional administrator.
i. Explain the proactive management style.
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 6
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
G. Unit Seven: Chapter 7, The Prison Experience: Males
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Understand the relationship between classification and institutional security.
b. Discuss the difficulties of confinement for male inmates.
c. Review the characteristics, norms, and language of “Big House” prisons of the past.
d. Consider the changing social structure of prisons, including gangs, racial tensions,
contraband, and sex in prison.
e. Present the forms of violence that take place in prison settings.
f. Offer explanations for why violence takes place.
g. Examine the changing roles and challenges of correctional officers in men’s prisons.
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 7
c. Mid-term exam
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
Session 4 (13-18 April) Chapter 8
i. Class will meet face to face on April 14 (1800 - 2100)
ii. CTC Blackboard discussion board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time)
iii CTC Blackboard peer response to discussion board posts is due by Saturday midnight
(European Time)
iv. CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time)
v. Midterm
H. Unit Eight: Chapter 8, The Prison Experience: Females
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Identify the main reason for the rise in the imprisonment of women.
b. Identify the findings of the classic studies of social structure in women’s prisons.
c. Discuss the contemporary studies of women doing time in prison.
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d. Understand that providing sufficient programs for incarcerated women with children is
e. Identify the serious issues of health care in women’s prisons.
f. Identify why professionalism is important in women’s prisons.
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 8
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
Session 5 (20 - 24 April) Chapters 9 & 10
i. Class will meet face to face April 21 (1800 - 2100)
ii. CTC Blackboard discussion board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time)
iii CTC Blackboard peer response to discussion board posts is due by Saturday midnight
(European Time)
iv. CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time)
I. Unit Nine: Chapter 9, Prisoner’s Rights
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Understand what is meant by the term prisoners’ rights.
b. Discuss the foundation of prisoner’s rights.
c. Identify the First, Fourth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendment substantive rights that
the courts have awarded inmates.
d. Understand the legal services that are available to inmates.
e. Understand the rights that have not been given to inmates.
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 9
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
J. Unit Ten: Chapter 10, Correctional Programs and Services
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Identify the role of treatment and services in prisons today.
b. Discuss classification for treatment.
c. Understand the individual-level treatment programs.
d. Identify the group programs held in prisons.
e. Discuss inmate self-help programs.
f. Evaluate the quality of prison programs for inmates.
g. Evaluate the quality of prison services for inmates.
h. Understand how treatment in prison can become more effective.
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2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 10
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
Session 6 (27 April – 2 May) Chapters 11 & 12
i. Class will meet face to face April 28 (1800 - 2100)
ii. CTC Blackboard discussion board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time)
iii CTC Blackboard peer response to discussion board posts is due by Saturday midnight
(European Time)
iv. CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time)
K. Unit Eleven: Chapter 11, Parole and Release to the Community
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Understand parole practices today.
b. Know how the parole board functions.
c. Identify the rules of those parolees released to the community.
d. Understand the procedures involved in the revocation of parole.
e. Be able to identify why people fail on parole.
f. Identify some of the rights that ex-offenders have lost.
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 11
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
L. Unit Twelve: Chapter 12, Special Prison Populations
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Understand the problems of inmates with substance-involved history.
b. Be aware what challenges and problems sex offenders bring to the prison.
c. Know some of the issues terrorists present to the correctional system.
d. Understand the prison experience of HIV inmates.
e. Identify the world faced by chronic mentally ill inmates while they are in prison.
f. Understand the plight of elderly inmates while incarcerated and what is involved in
their care.
g. Understand the problems faced by illegal immigrants in U. S. prisons.
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 12
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
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Session 7 (4 - 9 May) Chapters 13 & 14
i. Class will meet face to face May 5 (1800 - 2100)
ii. CTC Blackboard discussion board posts are due by Thursday at midnight (European time)
iii CTC Blackboard peer response to discussion board posts is due by Saturday midnight
(European Time)
iv. CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Saturday midnight (European time)
M. Unit Thirteen: Chapter 13, Capital Punishment and the Death Row Inmate
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Describe what public opinion is concerning the death penalty.
b. Be able to compare the importance of aggravation versus mitigation concerning the
death penalty.
c. Discuss the position of the U. S. Supreme Court concerning the death penalty.
d. Identify the position of the Supreme Court concerning the importance of race and the
death penalty.
e. Discuss the Supreme Court’s rulings on the execution of mentally impaired inmates
and juveniles.
f. Describe how correctional officers working on death row regard their jobs.
g. Identify how inmates on death row adjust to their situation.
h. Evaluate whether the death penalty deters murder.
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 13
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
N. Unit Fourteen: Chapter 14, The Juvenile Offender
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Identify the early development of juvenile justice.
b. Understand the disposition of probation, including how it is administered and by whom
and recent trends in its use.
c. Distinguish between community treatment and institutional treatment for juvenile
d. Know the nature of aftercare for juvenile offenders and comment on recent innovations
in juvenile aftercare and reentry programs.
e. Understand how the juvenile is transferred and tried in adult court.
f. Be able to identify the plight faced by juveniles sent to adult prisons.
2. Learning Activities:
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a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 14
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
Session 8 (11-15 May) Chapter 15
i. Class will meet face to face on May 12 (1800 -2100)
ii. CTC Blackboard assignment/project is due Tuesday May 12
iii. Final exam and term paper/project due
O. Unit Fifteen: Chapter 15, Today’s Corrections Professional: Characteristics, Challenges, and
1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will:
a. Know how far professionalism has brought corrections.
b. Be able to define professionalism and the need of it.
c. Identify how correctional administrators can foster professionalism.
d. Know the present challenges for advancement in professionalism.
e. Define the major challenges facing corrections in the present.
f. Identify whether punishment or reform will dominate the future landscape of
2. Learning Activities:
a. Classroom lecture/discussion
b. Reading assignment: Chapter 15
c. Homework and other assignments designated by the instructor
P. Unit Sixteen:
1. Review for final exam
2. Final exam
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