Name Period ______ Renaissance Open

Name _______________________
Period ______
Renaissance Open-Agenda Quiz
Part I Fill in the blank with the
best word to complete the
+9 points each (90 points)
Humanism Secular Scholarship Commerce Papal
1) The learning of students other scholars is _____________.
2) The belief that people were important is ______________ .
3) Trade and business is called _____________________ .
4) The Pope was the ruler of the ____________States and the
Catholic Church.
5) Keeping government separate from religion is called
Black Death
Renaissance Man
6) The Bubonic Plague also called the __________________ was
responsible for the death of almost 2/3 of Medieval
7) A rebirth in learning, art, and culture is called a ___________ .
8) The everyday, native, language of a person is their ________ .
9) Teaching or speaking negatively about someone’s religion is
____________ .
10) Someone who excels at more than one thing
is called a ______________________ .
SHORT ANSWERS Here’s a little formula to think about… (Indent) In sentence #1
identify your position and explain what it is. In sentences #2 and #3 elaborate on an
example of what you mean. In sentence #4 explain the effect it had. Use at least two
vocabulary words, specific names or details. Please UNDERLINE them so I can give you
full credit!! MY(you can’t use it now-sorry!) example would look like this…
Refrigeration would have been a great advantage during the Renaissance.
Many people ate rancid meat and spoiled food. If Leonardo DaVinci could have made a
refrigerator, it would have been a helpful invention because many people got sick or
died from food poisoning and bacteria. If food could have lasted longer people might
have been healthier, and the monarchy might not have been able to scare the peasants
into letting the clergy get so powerful.
Not enough + 0
Somewhat +1
Sufficient +2
Proper indent, grammar, mechanics,
punctuation, conventions
Actuate reason
Elaboration and details
Explanation of effect
Use of 2 specific content and vocab.
Part II + 10 points In a short paragraph, using full sentences, explain how
ADVANCES in science, technology, or ideology during the Renaissance Era
changed the way people lived in Europe.
Proper indent, grammar, mechanics,
punctuation, conventions
Actuate reason
Elaboration and details
Explanation of effect
Use of 2 specific content and vocab.
Not enough + 0
Somewhat +1
Sufficient +2
Make sure your first and LAST name
and SS period is on your test!
Thank you for doing the best you can!
Please return the computer to its neat
position, push in your chair, and return
to class. Remember to thank the library
staff, and be excellent in the hallway. If
you have to go to the bathroom, stop in
quietly on your way back!