
He Is Coming Again
January 11, 2015
Acts 1:8-11
The ascension of Jesus
A. Last words (9a)
B. Going, going, gone (9b)
C. Staring in belief (10)
D. The angel’s question (11a)
E. The angel’s proclamation (11b)
God’s central stage – the Mount of Olives
A. Jesus ascended from Mount of Olives. (Acts 1:12)
B. The Glory of God left the temple from the Mount of Olives.
C. The Messiah will come again to the Mount of Olives and the Eastern Gate.
The Second Coming of Christ
A. Jesus is coming for us.
B. The Rapture and The Second coming
A. Rejoice that He is coming back for you.
B. Wait in energetic anticipation. Be found about the Master’s business, not napping.
C. Look for his return.
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He Is Coming Again
January 11, 2015
Acts 1:8-11
Discussion Questions:
1) Have you ever had an experience when you were able to hear someone’s lasts words? What was that like?
How did it impact you? Should we view Jesus’ words recorded in Acts 1 in a different light, knowing that He
left after saying them? How should that affect our understanding of what He said?
2) Have you ever seen something so amazing you just stared in disbelief? What was it? Why do you think God
sent two angels to talk to the apostles at that moment? Does this sort of thing happen today?
3) How important to you is the Rapture (the teaching that we will be suddenly taken up to be with Christ) or
the Second Coming of Christ? In your spiritual background, was this something that was a big deal or was it
ignored? Do you find the whole “end times” topic scary, fascinating, addictive, or something to run from?
Why does this seem to hit a popular nerve (e.g., the Left Behind series)?
4) Why is the Mount of Olives so special? What is the significance of God using that particular bit of ground as
a ‘launch pad’? Can ground be holy or sacred? What makes it holy? Should Christians treat the Mount of
Olives with special regard? Have you given it much thought before?
5) How do you respond emotionally to the Rapture? Does that change your everyday perspective or is that
something you presume to be true but it seems so far away? Do you really believe that Jesus could come
back for us today?
6) How do Christians live in an indefinite state of alert? How do you stay alert for 2,000 years? Do you think
most Christians’ lives reflect the earnest belief that Jesus could come back at any moment? Why or why
not? Does the fact that it has been 2000 years discredit the notion of the imminent return of Christ? What
about your own life? What would have to change to live in a state of alert or readiness?
7) How does your heart respond to the promises of Christ that He is coming back for us? Does that feel true to
you? How do you handle it when Scripture proclaims something to be true that doesn’t align with your
8) What would you do this week if you knew Jesus was coming back? What keeps you from doing that now?
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