Secondary CLR Fellows Fall Semester Day 1 Agenda 8:00-8:15 Welcome and Opening 8:15-10:30 An Overview of Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning (CLR) 10:30-12:00 An Overview of Standard English Learner Languages and a Focus on Linguistically Responsive Teaching 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-2:00 An Overview of the Secondary CLR Fellows Project 2:00-2:30 Materials Distribution and Overview 2:30-3:00 Homework Review, Reflection, Evaluation, and Dismissal Interactivity: Lotería How to Steps: • -Find a person who can answer the question in the lotería (bingo) square. 1. -Each participant must culturally appropriate (verbally/physically greet one another from a cultural perspective) one another prior to speaking to one another. 2. -When you are finished filling out your lotería card—yell LOTERIA and take your seat. 3. -When the song ends, please take your seat promptly 4. -We will debrief afterwards “California is committed to equity and access for all learners.” Continuum of English Proficiency Who do we serve? Over ½ of all of California’s students are in the process of mastering Standard English English Learner: EL Long Term English Learner: LTEL Standard English Learner: IFEP & EO All of California’s students are in the process of mastering Academic English Mastery of Standard English: EO IFEP, RFEP Mastery of Academic English & Gateway to Higher Education We’re on the Radar!! Bulletin 5951 Instructional Minutes ELA / ELD Framework Chapters 2 and 9 Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy Chapter 4 LAUSD Master Plan p. 83 Guiding Principles for the Instruction of SELs SELs possess a variety of linguistic and cultural abilities that are viewed as assets. Focused instruction for these students builds on their cultural and linguistic strengths, and provides meaningful access to a curriculum that is standardsbased, cognitively complex, rigorous and coherent. All teachers are teachers of both language and content LAUSD Students English Learners 157,000 Long Term English Learners 38,000 LAUSD Classrooms Dual Language and Bilingual Programs 79 programs Standard English Learners 157,000 Reclassified English Learners 138,000 Meaning Making Language Development Content Knowledge Effective Expression Foundational Skills Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy Defined • “The use of cultural knowledge, prior experiences, frames of reference, and performance styles of ethnically diverse students to make learning encounters more relevant to, and effective for, them. The pedagogy teaches to and through the strengths of these students.” Dr. Geneva Gay Rings of Culture Age Directions: Identify a potential behavior that is associated with each one of these rings of culture. -Whip Around Gender Religion Class Nationality Ethnic Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy (CLR) CLR Informs the Instructional Context for Learning within the ELA/ELD Framework Five CLR Pedagogical Areas When looking at instruction from the what and the how perspective there are five general areas that we have identified where CLR can have immediate impact by increasing student motivation and engagement. Increasing Student Engagement and Decreasing Classroom Management Challenges (Responsive Management) Expanding Academic Vocabulary (Responsive Vocabulary) Using all types of Texts Culturally and Linguistically (Responsive Literacy) CLR Infusing Situational Appropriateness with Language and Behavior (Responsive Language) Creating an Inviting Learning Environment for Student Success (Responsive Environment) Four Areas for Infusing CLR Pedagogy • Responsive Classroom Management • • • Use of attention signals strategically: Use of movement activities strategically: Collaborative opportunities (extended beyond protocols) • Responsive Academic Literacy • • • • Use of CR text and media Connected to the standards and unit theme Use of engaging read-alouds Use of effective literacy strategies • Responsive Academic Vocabulary • • • Evidence of leveling vocabulary words (tier 2 and tier 3) Evidence of reinforcement/practice activities Use of vocabulary acquisition strategies (word structure, apposition, context clues, synonym replacement) • Responsive Academic Language • Code-switching opportunities • Sentence lifting/Retellings/Role playing/Teachable moments • Revising (phonetics, markers, syntax, and vocabulary CLR Instructional Areas Responsive Vocabulary Responsive Management Responsive Literacy Responsive Language Responsive Environment CLR, What It Looks Like! 5 Instructional Areas of CLR Novice Expert Self Assessment: Decide where you’d place yourself in a line from novice to expert. Cooking Dancing Responsive Vocabulary Responsive Management Responsive Academic Literacy Responsive Academic Language Responsive Classroom Environment Reflective Writing on the 5 CLR Pedagogical Areas CLR Classroom Resources Personal Thesaurus Protocol Posters MELD Mainstream English Language Development New Ways of Talking About Language Language Diversity Language Deficit Language Focus & Collaborative Learning Across the Curriculum • The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) call upon all academic content teachers to focus on academic vocabulary, oral language, and discourse patterns that are essential for participation in academic work within their disciplines. • The CCSS recognize that students need to develop skills to collaborate in academic work – skills for teamwork, active and skillful participation in discussions, and inquiry-based collaboration. CA ELA/ELD Framework Chapter 9 ELA/ELD Framework Access and Equity California’s Diversity -Standard English Learners (pp. 4-13) Planning for and Supporting the Range of Learners -Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching (pp. 49-53) Instructional Practices for Supporting Students Experiencing Difficulty Reading Who are Standard English Language Learners? Standard English Learners (SELs) are those students for whom Standard English is not native, and whose home languages differ in structure and form from the language of school. These students are generally classified as EO or IFEP but do not speak Standard English. In LAUSD, Standard English Learners include students from the following groups: African American speakers of African American English (AAL) Mexican American speakers of Chicano English (MxAL) Hawaiian American speakers of Hawaiian Pidgin (HAL) American Indian speakers of Rez English (NAL) “Identification” of SELs • Identification of SELs does not take place in the same manner as the identification of ELs. The identification of SELs is done for the purposes of intervention and enrichment, not for purposes of program placement. SELs participate in the Mainstream English Program or other parent choice • To identify a probable SEL, educators must engage in two types of screenings. – Linguistic Screening – Academic Screening Linguistic & Academic Screening Teachers identify the use of home language features in student speech with the Linguistic Screener and or other language assessment tools. Teachers identify academic areas of performance that are below proficient for each Probable SEL Probable SEL New Ways of Talking About Language Language Difference = Language Deficiency Student writing samples that exhibit AAL or MxAL are examples produced by students who are following the grammatical patterns of their home language which are different from Standard English. Standard English They are going to Disneyland. Miles swims everyday. It’s cold. He doesn’t have any friends. Possible AAL Responses Linguistic Features (Explicit) They is going to Disneyland Linking Variable Is/are swim Present Tense Singular Verb (col) Consonant cluster and “L” Sound don’t , no Multiple Negation Writing Sample #1 was written by an African-American SEL, and Writing Sample #2 was written by a Mexican-American SEL. 1) Highlight examples of language difference present in each of the writing samples. 2) Use the snapshots of the Language Screeners provided to identify ( ) the language patterns being followed in each writing sample. Standard English He doesn’t have any friends. Possible MxAL Responses Linguistic Features (Explicit) don’t , no Multiple Negation What would we do without electricity? In 2009, Kamkwamba shared his moving story of perseverance, curiosity, and ingenuity in the memoir The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. Let’s talk about the Patterns we see Multiple Negation Concepts of Is / Are (Linking Variables Consonant Cluster ld moad = mold Multiple Negation Writing Resources Language Resources Professional Reading List • Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning, Sharroky Hollie, Publisher: Shell Education. • Notice and Note: Strategies for Close Reading, Kylene Beers and Robert Probst, Publisher: Heinemann • Notice and Note Literature Log • Building Academic Language: Meeting Common Core Standards Across Disciplines, 2nd Edition, Jeff Zwiers, Publisher Jossey Bass • Reading for Their Lives, Alfred Tatum, Publisher: Heinemann SEL Languages African American English (AAL) Chicano English (MxAL) Hawaiian Pidgin English (HAL) Native American English (NAL) EL’s and SEL’s EL •Limited to no comprehension of English vocabulary •L1 is Spanish •Categorical funding and systematic approach available • 2nd Lang. Learners •Live on same street •Suffer cultural invasion SEL •Comprehends English vocabulary •L1 is AAL, MxAL, HAL, NAL) •No categorical funding or systematic approach available to meet needs AAL Phonology • Consonant Clusters tes (test), ask (ax), cold (col) • Vowel Sounds tin (ten) pin (pen) • Th Digraph dis (this) dat (that) mout (mouth) • Reflexive R caw (call) Ca’ol (Carol) MxAL Phonology • Clusters lef (left), ris (risk), cris (crisp), slep (slept) • Cluster Variation harware (hardware), mesum (met some) • V & Z Sounds fuss (fuzz), race (raise), lifes (lives), safe (save) MxAL Phonology • Vowel Pairs /I/ /i/ pin (pen), din (den), tin (ten) • Syllable Stress tooday (today), deecide (decide), reefuse (refuse) • Circumflex Intonation Doont be baaad (Don’t be bad) AAL Grammar • Past Tense Marker (ed) She visit us. • Possessive Marker That my sister car • Plural Marker (s) It only cost 99 cent AAL Grammar • Present Tense Copula Verb She pretty. Who dat? • Multiple Negation He don’t have none. • Habitual/Durative Be They be buggin. She be at church. MxAL Grammar • Prepositional Variation He was sitting in the couch. (He was sitting on the couch) • Indefinite Article (Regularization) She has a umbrella (She has an umbrella) MxAL Grammar • Serial Negation I don’t know no stories (I don’t know any stories) • Intensifiers (all & barely) She’s all mad (She’s very angry) I barely got $5 (I only have $5) Interactivity: Linguistic Case Scenario • Pick an elbow partner • Please read the case scenario silently and discuss (5 minutes). After you have discussed the case scenario have one partner record the evidence (5 minutes). • We will debrief whole group Discourse Patterns English AAL MxAL Secondary CLR Fellows Project Overview