ESPAÑOL 3 Sra. Kuhn 2013 - 2014 Classroom Rules Spanish Binder A 2” 3-ringed binder with dividers is required. 1. Arrive prepared and on time: Have your binder, pencil, pen and paper everyday. When the bell rings, be in your seat, completing the warm-ups from the Label dividers: board. * Calentamiento (warm-ups) 2. Be respectful. For example, no talking while I am talking or while another student is talking. No one will be allowed to slow down the entire class due to disruptive behavior. * Vocabulario (vocabulary) * Apuntes (notes) 3. Use polite, appropriate language * Verbsheets 4. Turn off/mute all cellphones during instruction. Cellphones will be taken up if they are being used during instruction. 5. Keep desk area clean. Conference: 4th Period =10:44 A.M.-11:32 A.M. 1st infraction Verbal warning 2nd infraction Verbal warning 3rd infraction Parents will be contacted 4th infraction After school detention (20 minutes) 5th infraction Student will be sent to the principal’s office COURSE CONTENT Textbook:Spanish for Mastery 3 Course Description: This is a continuation of an introduction to the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures through speaking, listening, reading and writing activities. Additional supplies: Pen or pencil Index Cards *Spiral for class notes Loose-leaf paper Highlighter Spanish dictionary (optional) for home use Grades: 60% Tests, Projects, Writing Assignments 40% Daily work/ Homework, Quizzes, participation (warm-ups) 20% - Daily work/homework, Quizzes 20% - Participation & warm-ups Retesting. Test grades below 70 may be retested within a week of receiving the failing grade. Parent Portal: Tardies. Students arriving late will report to the office to get a tardy slip. Participate: Participate in class by answering class questions, asking questions, completing warm-ups, singing, and participating in group activities. Keep organized. We will regularly refer to past handouts. Being organized is one of the keys to making good grades. Raise your hand for assistance. Bathroom/Hall Passes. Each six weeks you will be given 4 “personal passes” to be used for going to the office, restroom, etc... As you ask permission to leave the room, have your pass ready to put in the box on my desk. Anyone who is able to save all of his passes will earn an extra “100” daily grade at the end of the six weeks. Paper heading: Please include your name & last name, date, and class period at the top of every assignment. Otherwise, 5 points will be deducted for daily grades and 3 points for test grades. If someone is failing, he should attend tutorials until his grade is brought back up to passing. If you feel lost and need a little extra help, come by before or after school. When someone is having trouble, working on a one-to-one basis always helps. Giving me advanced notice of attending tutorials will assure my availability. Here are some ways you can encourage your student’s success in Spanish: Handwriting: If I can’t read it, it will be counted wrong. Cheating: Anyone cheating (or helping others to cheat) on daily work or tests will receive a zero. Spanish builds on itself much like math. If you have not learned one lesson well, you will not be ready for the next. I will be more than happy to help you in or outside of class to stay caught up on your comprehension. Check your student’s grades regularly on the parent portal found on the PWHS website. Offer to quiz your student on his/her vocabulary list. Contact me anytime you have a question or if you just want to check on your student’s performance. See that your student completes his/her homework. If your child does not do well on a quiz or test, insist that he/she requiz or re-test. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Make-up Work. Copy what you missed before class the day you come back, or when the class is working quietly on something. Pick up any missed handouts/ notes from the front table. You will have one day for each day absent, plus one, to complete your work. Once a week has passed the grade is a zero. Late Work. Late work may be turned in the day after it is due with a deduction of points. After this deadline, the missing grade will be recorded as a zero. Class will usually be conducted in Spanish. Contact Sra.Kuhn E-mail: School phone: 940-798-3845 ext. 437 Conference: Rm SCI 18 8th period (2:43-3:28) Study hints: Pay attention in class. Study everyday for at least 15 minutes outside of class. Practice what you’re learning with a friend from class— exchange phone numbers and practice! Make flashcards (and study with them!) to help you learn vocabulary. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have read the syllabus for Spanish Class and I understand the rules, procedures and requirements. ________________________ Student’s name __________________ Date _______________________ Parent / Guardian Name __________________ Date Parent Phone number _________________________ Parent e-mail _____________________________________________