Soarian: Patient Access
Learner Guide
Soarian Revenue Management
Learner Guide
© 2012, BJC HealthCare (St Louis, Missouri). All Rights Reserved
Proprietary & Confidential
Soarian Revenue Management
Cheat Sheets – Quick Step Function Guides ................................................................5
Logging in to Soarian..........................................................................................5
View Encounter Details .......................................................................................5
Check In a New Patient ......................................................................................5
Check In an Existing Patient ................................................................................8
Quick Check-In...................................................................................................8
Check In Newborn ..............................................................................................9
Pre-Admit (Adult) ...............................................................................................9
Pre-Admit (Newborn)........................................................................................ 10
Continuation Visits ............................................................................................ 10
Change Patient Status – Transition .................................................................... 11
Change Patient Status – Revise ......................................................................... 12
Change Patient Status – Cancel and Resume ..................................................... 12
Revise Encounter Details................................................................................... 13
Record a No Show ............................................................................................ 13
Reverse a No Show .......................................................................................... 14
View Patient ..................................................................................................... 14
Add/Revise Person ........................................................................................... 14
Revise a Person................................................................................................ 15
Cancel Check Out ............................................................................................. 15
Cancel Encounter ............................................................................................. 16
Find a Patient’s Location ................................................................................... 16
Transfer Patient ............................................................................................... 17
Swap Patient .................................................................................................... 17
Check Patient Out ............................................................................................ 18
Downtime ........................................................................................................ 18
EDM ................................................................................................................ 19
The What’s What of Worklists .................................................................................. 21
Census Worklist................................................................................................ 21
Soarian Revenue Management
Encounter Prep Worklist ................................................................................... 21
Today’s Scheduled Encounters Worklist ............................................................. 21
Today’s Encounters Worklist ............................................................................. 22
Unviewed Eligibility Response Worklist ............................................................... 22
Missing or Incomplete MSPQ Worklist ................................................................ 22
Incomplete Check In Worklist............................................................................ 22
Encounters In Progress Worklist ........................................................................ 23
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words ...................................................................... 24
What is a: Patient, Encounter Location, Encounter Provider, Clinical Service? ....... 24
Encounter Breakdown ....................................................................................... 25
Soarian Revenue Management
Cheat Sheets – Quick Step Function Guides
Logging in to Soarian
1. Click on Siemens Soarian Train icon on your desktop
2. The Login screen will appear. Enter your user ID and password. Don’t forget
the “sf” at the end of your username
3. Click the Logon button
4. Turn on your CAPS Lock because all work in Soarian is done in all caps
View Encounter Details
1. Click on the View Encounter Details link from your homepage.
2. A dialog box appears. If you know the ENC# or the ECD# you can search by
those identifiers. If not, click the Find Patient button to search by patient
3. Once you have filled in your identifying information, click on the Search button.
4. A list of patients who match your search will populate. Place a checkmark in
the box next to the appropriate patient, and click Select.
5. Place a checkmark in the box next to the appropriate encounter, and click
6. View the information by clicking on the folders at the bottom of the screen. Use
the tabs on the top of each folder to help navigate the folder.
Check In a New Patient
1. Find the Check Patient In link from your homepage.
Soarian Revenue Management
2. Enter the appropriate search criteria for your patient. You can use social security
number, last name, date of birth, etc., to narrow your search results.
3. From there, click Search.
4. If you find no matches in the results, click the Add New button.
5. Next you will see a screen asking you for the appropriate Encounter Location
and Encounter Provider. Choose the correct pair by placing a check mark in
the box.
6. Click OK.
7. You are now in the Check-In form, in the Patient Demographics folder. You
can tell you are in the Patient Demographics folder because it is GOLD and
BOLD. Use the tabs to navigate within the folder. Fill in all necessary information
in each tab.
a. Name Tab:
i. Fill out the patient’s first and last name.
b. Address and Telephone Tab:
i. Enter the street address and zip code (the zip code will populate
the state, city, and country for you).
ii. Enter the telephone number and click on the Add/Update Phone
button to save it. Click the checkbox next to “preferred phone” if
you want to mark it as the preferred number.
c. Personal Information Tab:
i. Enter the birth date.
ii. Select the gender.
iii. Select the patient’s preferred language.
iv. Select the marital status.
v. Select the religious affiliation.
vi. Select the race.
vii. Select the ethnicity.
viii. Add a contact or contacts (by clicking the “add contact” button),
ix. Add employment information (by clicking the “manage
employment” button).
d. Care Providers Tab:
i. Add a Care Provider by clicking the Add New button and selecting
a provider role, and entering the provider name, putting a
checkmark in the box next to the correct provider, and clicking
e. Clinical History Tab: You do not need to fill this section out, as you will fill
out the MSPQ later if your patient has Medicare.
Soarian Revenue Management
f. Patient Documentation Tab:
i. Enter that the HIPAA Privacy Statement was provided, the date
it was provided, and that you collected the patient’s signature.
g. Relationships Tab:
i. Here you can add relationships for the patient by clicking the
Add New button and searching for the relationship. You can also a
new person if the person you search for is not found.
ii. Mark what the relationship of this person is to the patient.
iii. You can also add the addresses and telephone number of the
iv. Make sure to select a gender for the relation.
8. Click on the next form, Encounter Details Form.
a. About This Encounter Tab
i. Make sure the date and time are correct.
ii. Enter the Reason for Encounter.
iii. Select the Encounter Source.
iv. Select the Admission Type.
v. Enter the diagnosis code, or mark it as missing.
vi. Select the Current Clinical Service.
b. Health Professionals Tab
i. Click the Add/Edit Assignments tab to enter the
admitting/attending health professional, or any other needed.
c. Financial Responsibility Tab:
i. Select the guarantor as self, other person, or organization.
ii. Mark that you collected the benefits assignment certification
iii. Select that you have had the patient sign the release of
information statement.
d. Incidents Tab: Only fill this out if an incident was involved.
e. Encounter Prep Tab: Check here for notes left by the scheduler.
9. Click on the next form, Insurance.
a. Click the Manage List button to create a new policy.
b. Choose the payer/plan from the Quick Pick dropdown menu, or add one.
c. Enter the Policy #, Group Name, Group Number and any other
information you have.
d. Click on Manage List and Initiate Eligibility Response.
e. Click on Manage List again to View the Eligibility Response.
10. Click Done and then Yes when you are finished with the encounter.
11. Capture any signatures or print any artifacts.
Soarian Revenue Management
12. Click Done.
Check In an Existing Patient
1. Find the “Check Patient In” function on your homepage.
2. Enter the appropriate search criteria, then click Search.
3. Use the checkbox to select the appropriate EL and EL, then click OK.
4. Move through the Check In Summary form, filling out the required information.
5. Once completed, click “done”
Quick Check-In
Note: Unidentifiable patients can be checked in using the “Unidentifiable” option.
Check that box, and use the format your hospital has for the patient’s name until their
legal name is known.
1. The home page, find the Quick Check In task and click on it.
2. Choose the appropriate encounter location/encounter provider.
3. Click the Find Patient button to look up your patient
4. Enter as much information about the patient as possible, and click the Search
5. Choose your patient from the matches listed, or add a new patient if you do not
see your patient there.
6. Fill out the needed information on the Quick Check In – Gender, Date of Birth,
Arrival Date/Time, Attending HP.
7. After filling out the needed fields, click Done.
8. The Finish Check In dialog box and Print Artifacts screens will follow. Capture
any signatures and print any artifacts needed.
Soarian Revenue Management
9. Click Done.
Note: To complete a Quick Check In, find your patient on the Incomplete Worklist.
Finish the check in in using the instructions above (new or existing).
Check In Newborn
1. From your Soarian Homepage, select the Census Worklist.
2. Fill in the appropriate information in order to locate your mom patient.
3. Click on the appropriate patient’s name.
4. Select Check Newborn In.
5. Fill out the necessary information on the summary page.
Name: Babygirl or Babyboy
Last Name: Mom’s Last Name
Birthdate and time
Reason for Encounter
Clinical Service
Admission Source
Enter the Admitting Diagnosis
Attending & Admitting: Make sure you pick a doc with rights
Guarantor: Mom’s Name
6. Most of the other folders will have complete information in them. However, make
sure to go to the Pt Demographics Folder and put in the Race and Ethnicity.
7. Finish your complete check in by clicking Done.
Pre-Admit (Adult)
1. Find the Pre-Admit function on your homepage under tasks, and select it.
2. Now enter the needed information to find your patient. If the patient is new, you
can also select the “add new” button to enter their information.
Soarian Revenue Management
3. Enter the EL and EP.
4. You will get a dialog box asking for the encounter start date and time. Enter the
information. (Make sure date/time is in the future)
5. Proceed through the Schedule Encounter Summary form and populate the
needed information.
Pre-Admit (Newborn)
1. Find the Pre-Admit Newborn function on your homepage and select it.
2. Enter the appropriate search criteria to find and select the mother.
3. Check the box for the mother’s correct encounter and click Select.
4. Populate the required fields:
 First Name: Newborn (or OneNewborn, TwoNewborn if twins)
 Last Name: Mom’s last name
 Gender
 Start Date and Time
 Clinical Service
 Level of Care
5. Click Done.
6. When you are finished, click Yes.
Continuation Visits
Note: There must first be an initial visit in the system to check in a continuation visit.
1. From the “Check Patient In” function, I will enter the appropriate search criteria
and select my patient.
2. Put in the date and time (must be past or current.
3. Highlight the correct treatment series and click “select” to proceed with the
check in.
Soarian Revenue Management
4. Progress through the form, verifying and populating fields.
5. Click Done when finished.
Change Patient Status – Transition
Note: Remember, a Change Patient Status Transition allows the user to move from a
lower level of acuity to a higher level of acuity. It is movement in only one direction. It
is usually OP to IP.
Examples: OP to IP (ED to IP, SDS to IP, OBS to IP)
1. From the homepage, find the Encounters in Progress Worklist
2. Select the Encounter Provider and Encounter Location. You can also narrow your
search by dates and clinical service.
3. Select a patient.
4. This will bring up a dialog box for you to choose the function to perform. Select
Change Patient Status: Transition.
Note: You will come to the Patient Status Change Transition screen. Here you can
view details of the existing encounter as well as the new encounter’s details. Note that
the ECD# remains the same between encounters.
5. Move over any details you wish from the old encounter to the new encounter.
6. Click Next.
7. You are now in the Check In screen. View and populate the appropriate fields to
check in the encounter.
8. Click Done at the bottom right hand of the screen when you are finished.
9. Click Yes.
10. Click Done.
Soarian Revenue Management
Change Patient Status – Revise
Note: You will use Change Patient Status – Revise to move between different
encounter providers at the same level of acuity and from a higher level of acuity back
down. In other words, movement can be lateral as well as down.
Examples: IP to OP, OP to OP (SDS to OBS, ED to SDS, ED to OBS).
1. Click on the Change Patient Status Revise function.
2. Locate your patient.
3. Choose the EL and EP combination that is appropriate for our revision, and click
4. Populate and/or revise the fields to reflect the changes.
5. Click Done when finished.
6. Click Yes.
Change Patient Status – Cancel and Resume
Note: You will use the Cancel and Resume option when a mistake has been made– for
instance, a Transition was done, and now the patient needs to go back to the original
1. Find your Change Patient Status – Cancel and Resume function on the
2. Look up your patient.
Note: You will be taken to the Change Patient Status – Cancel and Resume screen.
The left side of the screen displays the information of the selected encounter. This
encounter is the one being cancelled. The right side of the screen displays the
encounter to be resumed.
3. If Location Assignment or any other census activities should move to the
Resumed Encounter, check the box then click the arrow.
4. Verify the encounter to be resumed is correct, and click Done.
Soarian Revenue Management
Revise Encounter Details
Revise Encounter Details allows you to see the history and to make changes to things
like a phone number or the clinical service. It is the preferred method of updating
patient demographics and insurance information.
1. First, find the “Revise Encounter Details” function on your homepage and click on
2. Next, look up the patient. You can do so using their encounter number,
encounter common data number, their name (click on Find Patient), or by
using the additional search options.
3. Once you have looked up your patient, make sure the checkbox is selected for
them, and click Select.
4. You will then get a list of encounters for that patient. Click the correct one, and
click Select.
5. Revise any necessary fields. You can also use the Maintain Encounter History
button to change Location Assignment, Clinical Service, and Level of Care. And,
you can use the Revise Encounter Date/Time to revise the date and time of the
6. Click the Done button when finished.
7. Click the Yes button to finish.
8. Click Done again on the Encounter Artifacts page.
Record a No Show
You can No Show a patient when their encounter is in a “scheduled” status. A No Show
indicates that the patient did not show up for the appointment, and also did not cancel
the appointment. The date and time of the scheduled encounter must be in the past.
1. Select Today’s Scheduled Encounters Worklist.
2. Select criteria for your results.
Soarian Revenue Management
3. Choose a Reason for the Missed Encounter from the dropdown.
4. Click Done.
5. Click Yes.
6. Click Done.
Reverse a No Show
1. Select the Reverse No Show function.
Note: Only encounters with a status of “No Show” will be returned.
2. Choose the correct encounter
3. Click Done.
4. Click Yes.
View Patient
This function allows you a view only access to information related to a patient, such as
patient demographics and patient insurance. You cannot make any changes or
revisions, nor will you be able to view encounter specific information.
1. Select the View Patient function.
2. Enter the appropriate search criteria.
3. From the return results, select the correct patient and click select.
Add/Revise Person
This function allows you to add/revise a person regardless of the role they play in the
system. You can add/revise a person who is not necessarily a patient, outside the
context of an encounter.
Soarian Revenue Management
1. Select the Add/Revise Person function.
2. Complete the person search to Select or Add New.
3. Use the tabs to populate or revise the fields.
4. Click Done.
Revise a Person
You can use this function to update person/patient information. You can update any
patient demographic information as well as insurance.
Note: This function updates the MPI with the new patient information.
1. Select the Revise Patient function.
2. Enter the appropriate search criteria and select the correct patient.
3. Once complete with your revisions, click done.
Cancel Check Out
This function is given only to certain users, usually managers.
1. From the Soarian Financials Home Page, select the Cancel Check Out function.
2. Use the needed information to find the patient’s encounter (ENC, ECD, Patient’s
Name, etc.).
3. Click Search.
4. Click Select to choose the right patient.
5. Select the correct encounter.
6. Click Done.
7. Click Yes.
8. Click Yes.
Soarian Revenue Management
9. Click Done.
Cancel Encounter
This function is given only to certain users, usually managers.
1. From the Soarian Financials Home Page, select the Cancel Encounter function.
2. Use the needed information to find the patient’s encounter (ENC, ECD, Patient’s
Name, etc.)
3. Click Search.
4. Click Select to choose the right patient.
5. Select the correct encounter.
6. The Cancel Encounter Screen will appear.
7. Fill out the needed information (like the Reason for missed encounter field).
8. Click the Done button when finished
9. When finished, click the Yes button.
Find a Patient’s Location
This function provides view-only access to inpatient locations. It is great for a front desk
clerk or volunteer.
Soarian requires a patient’s partial last name as the minimum amount of data to initiate
a search.
1. From the homepage, click on Find a Patient’s Location
2. Look up your patient with whatever information you have available.
Soarian Revenue Management
Transfer Patient
In this function you can move a patient from one bed to another within a single
encounter provider. You can change the patient’s level of care, clinical service, and
attending doctor. The change can be effective in the past or present.
Note: Changes of location can sometimes mean Level of Care and/or Clinical Service
must change in order to post the appropriate room charge on the encounter.
Note: Transfers between distinct units of the facility (from Medical Units to Mental
Health Units, as one example) should not be performed for billing reasons. The patient
should be discharged from one unit and readmitted to the receiving unit.
1. Begin from the Census Worklist
2. Select the encounter locations to be included and click ok.
3. Select the patient and select Transfer Patient.
4. Fill out in the NEW section to the right, any information that has changed.
Swap Patient
In this function you can switch beds between two patients. This function is mainly used
to accommodate patient preference or eliminate a conflict between patients in the same
location. It can be effective in the past or in the present.
Note: If patients are swapped between different units of the facility, Level of Care
and/or Clinical Service may need to be updated to post the appropriate room charge for
the patient.
1. Find a patient on your census worklist.
2. Select the Swap Patient function.
3. You can use a location or a patient to swap with.
4. Review the information and click done to complete.
Soarian Revenue Management
Check Patient Out
Check-out provides a means to indicate the end of a patient’s encounter – a discharge.
1. From your home page, select the Census Worklist.
2. Choose the patient location, location group, and clinical service.
3. Select the patient name hyperlink of the patient you would like to check out.
4. Click Check Patient Out.
5. Verify the information.
6. Click Done at the bottom right hand of the screen.
7. If you are finished, click Yes.
8. You are then brought to the Print Artifacts screen. Select any artifacts you would
like to print. Click Done.
Downtime occurs when Soarian is unavailable. During this time, you will document
things on paper. Once Soarian is available again, you will begin the process of
Downtime Recovery.
The three downtime functions are:
 Check Patient In (Downtime Recovery)
 Check Newborn In (Downtime Recovery)
 Pre-Admit (Downtime Recovery)
These functions include fields to manually enter identifiers, like ECD numbers. A list of
ECD, encounter, and medical record numbers (for new patients) to be used during
downtime will be available in your registration area.
After Soarian becomes available, the Check Patient In (Downtime Recovery) function is
initiated to record work that was done manually while the system was down.
Soarian Revenue Management
Check In Patient – Downtime Recovery
Click on the Check Patient In (Downtime Recovery) function
Find your patient.
Select your EL & EP
From here, we fill out the information needed.
Check Newborn In – Downtime Recovery
Pre-Admit – Downtime Recovery
EMD, or Enterprise Document Management, is the software embedded within Soarian
used to scan insurance cards, photo IDs, and other patient documents. You can also
view previously scanned documents and collect signatures.
Scanning in EDM
1. The Capture button on the Print Encounter Artifacts screen takes you over
to EDM for scanning purposes.
2. From there, you can insert the document (upside down and backwards) into the
3. Click on the appropriate Quick Acquire Profile to scan the document into EDM.
When finished scanning, the document will be displayed on the screen.
Collecting Signatures in EDM
EDM is also where you will have the patient initial for HIPAA and sign the Authorization
for Treatment on the signature pad.
1. The Capture button on the Print Encounter Artifacts screen takes you over
to EDM.
2. Click on the appropriate Quick Acquire Profile.
Soarian Revenue Management
3. Once the document comes up on the screen, click anywhere on the blue and
yellow section, and the signature pad will ask the patient to initial or sign.
Viewing Documents in EDM
Soarian Revenue Management
The What’s What of Worklists
Census Worklist
The Census Worklist is a list containing all patients on the current census for that
Encounter Location. A patient has to be checked in to a bed in the system to be on this
you can get to via this worklist:
Revise Encounter
Transfer Patient
Swap Patients
Check Patient Out
Change Patient Status – Transition
Check Newborn In
Encounter Prep Worklist
The Encounter Prep Worklist displays encounters that are scheduled to occur and their
status (complete or incomplete).
It is designed to help you organize and monitor the tasks that occur prior to the start of
an encounter.
Encounters remain on this worklist until they are Attended/Checked In or Cancelled.
you can get to via this worklist:
Revise Encounter
Cancel Encounter
Today’s Scheduled Encounters Worklist
This worklist shows you all encounters scheduled for that day. Encounters qualify for
this worklist if their status is scheduled and the start date is the current date.
Soarian Revenue Management
Encounters remain on this worklist as long as they are in Scheduled status for the
current date, and are not re-scheduled for another day
At the end of the day, users can determine the disposition of any encounters remaining
on the list.
you can do via this worklist:
Check Patient in
Revise Encounter
Cancel Encounter
Record No Show
Today’s Encounters Worklist
This worklist is similar to the Today’s Scheduled Encounters Worklist, except that is
shows all of today’s encounters, despite their status.
In other words, it shows you the scheduled encounters, as well as the attended,
cancelled, etc.
Unviewed Eligibility Response Worklist
This worklist shows you all of the unviewed eligibilities for a certain period of time.
When you go into this worklist, you are asked to choose a time frame to view, as well
as an encounter location/provider combination.
Missing or Incomplete MSPQ Worklist
If an MSPQ was not filled out, or started but not completed, the encounter will end up
on this worklist.
Incomplete Check In Worklist
When a check in is started, but not completed, it will be on this worklist. This is where
you would find your Quick Check Ins and complete them.
Soarian Revenue Management
Once you find your patient, you can click on them, and then click on Complete
Check-In, and finish your check in. Once your check in is complete, it will fall off this
Encounters In Progress Worklist
Contained on this worklist are any encounters that are currently in progress. That
means they are checked in or attended. Scheduled encounters do not appear on this
list, as they are not considered “in progress” until they are checked in or attended. Most
of your encounters on this list will be for the current day. However, ED, IP, OBS, OPB
could be on this list from earlier dates, and will be on it until they have been checked
Soarian Revenue Management
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
What is a: Patient, Encounter Location, Encounter
Provider, Clinical Service?
Soarian Revenue Management
Encounter Breakdown