LET’S ROCK! WELCOME PURPOSE OUR ROCK STARS RUBRIC WELCOME Rock ‘n’ roll is a style or genre of music that most of us recognize, whether from the U.S. or other countries. You will be learning About three specific “older” rock stars – Elvis Presley, The Rolling Stones group, and Madonna. You will learn about what makes each unique, and compare and contrast their sound to a rock star/group you listen to today. We learn the most about similarities and differences by comparing and contrasting styles. That will be your assignment. PURPOSE OF OUR ROCK ‘N’ ROLL TRIP •Explore three Major Rock Stars from the 1960’s to the 1980’s •Compare and contrast each with a rock star you listen to today (1990’s to present) •Compare and contrast the style of the “old” rock star to that of the “new” rock star using the five elements of music •Connect how history influenced your rock stars THE FIVE ELEMENTS OF MUSIC the song or tune of a composition; usually that part you hum in your head; remember, only compositions with words are called songs MELODY HARMONY two or more pitches sounding simultaneously; the combination of two or more pitches at the same time; chords RHYTHM the pulse and meter in music; how sound in organized in time; how we count in music; how we feel the beat in music; in rock music, the beat is is felt on beats 2 and 4. FORM the architecture of the music; how music is put together; the structure of the music; most rock music is in AABA form TEXTURE the layering of sounds in a composition; can be sparce to thick. Specific types include monophonic, polyphonic, homophonic, and heterophonic. MELODY Melody can be best described as Smooth or Jagged Back to Elements HARMONY Please allow sounds to play to the end Harmony can be described as Consonant or Pleasing Dissonant or Displeasing Back to Elements RHYTHM Please allow all sounds to play to the end Some music has the feel of a march Some music has the feel of a waltz, an “oom-pah-pah” sound Rock rhythm is similar to a march, but we feel the pulse on beats 2 and 4, instead of the first beat Back to Elements FORM Most rock music, especially classic rock music, is composed in an AABA or 32-bar chorus form. Back to Elements TEXTURE Please allow all sounds to play to the end Music has four specific textures – some are thin and some are thick. The four are: Monophonic – Sparce; melody only Polyphonic – Complex; melodies layered together Homophonic – Melody and accompaniment Heterophonic Improvised Back to Elements Madonna Elvis rolling stones Back to slide 2 NOW IT’S YOUR TURN! •Pick your rock star •Compare and contrast •Use no more than 3 PPT slides •Present to class Enjoy the trip! And most of all, Have fun! RUBRIC FOR PRESENTATION SCORING EXCELLENT GOOD NEEDS IMPROVEMENT CONTENT Group uses 3 or more resources Group uses 2-3 resources Group uses 2 or less resources ACCURACY Content is 100% accurate Content is 90% accurate Content is less than 90% accurate PRESENTATION Group uses 3 PPT slides; does not read from slides Group uses 2 slides; Group uses 1 slide; reads from slides reads from all slides 50% of the time