Poisonwood Bible Comprehension Questions

Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible Comprehension Questions
Book Two: The Revelation/ The Things We Learned
Orleanna-- In Orleanna’s introduction to this book, she makes two new revelations that lead
the reader to a greater understanding of both brought the prices to the Congo, and the
aftermath of their stay there. What were these revelations?
-What new things are the Price girls learning? How are they adapting to their new
-What important realizations does Leah come to from the game of “Mother May I?”
Ruth May:
-What happens to Ruth May in this chapter? What are the circumstances? What revelations
are brought to Ruth May and the reader as a consequence?
- Why has Kingsolver chosen Ruth May to be the source of these revelations?
-Who is Anatole? What is his attitude towards the Price’s and their mission in the Congo?
What is his purpose in this chapter?
-What revelation does Rachel make to the reader about the nature of her parent’s relationship?
-Why does Nathan break Orleanna’s plate? What does the plate symbolize? What does it reveal
about his character?
-What drama unfolds surrounding Adah in this chapter? What conflicts does it reveal?
Leah 2:
-Who is Nelson? Why is he sent to live with the Prices? By whom is he sent?
-What is the “kakakaka”? How does it affect the Prices?
-Why does Nathan say he let Methuselah go? Why is this ironic?
Ruth May 2:
-What types of things does Ruth May learn in this chapter? Who is she learning from?
-What is the significance of the owl? What does it lead to?
-What understandings does Ruth May come to?
Rachel 2:
-What news do the Underdowns bring to the Prices? What revelations does it lead to?
-Analyze the following quote: “Your king Baudouin is living off teh fat of this land, is what he’s
doing, and leaving it up to penniless mission doctors and selfless men like my husband to take
care of every simple need. Is that how a father rules? Hell’s bells! And he didn’t expect
trouble?” -- Orleanna (p. 106)
-What revelations are made about Nathan’s true character in this chapter?
Adah 2:
-What conclusions does Adah come to on the topic of religion?
-What observations does she make about the villagers?
-What revelations does Adah make to the reader about the fate of her family?
Rachel 3:
-What is the point of this short chapter? Are there any revelations? If so, what are they?
Ruth May 3:
-What is the point of this short chapter? Are there any revelations? If so, what are they?
Leah 3:
-What are Leah and Nathan’s reactions to the independence ceremonies they attend?
-What revelations are made?
Adah 3:
What is the point of this short chapter? Are there any revelations? If so, what are they?
Big Picture Questions:
Look back at the titles, epigraphs and subtitles of each book. What is their significance?
What was Book Two’s revelation?
What specific things did each character learn?
What is Methuselah’s purpose in the novel?
The name “Methuselah” means, “When He Is Dead It Shall Be Sent” (Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament
Proper Names). How does this enhance Methuselah’s function in the novel?
The Price girls make many Biblical allusions in this “book”. What are they? What parallels can
be made to their lives?