
Greek word “psyche” = mind or soul
“logos” = study of
The science that deals with the
behavior & thinking of organisms.
The Scientific study of behavior and mental
processes that tested through scientific
The science that deals with the behavior &
thinking of organisms.
Science – branch of study based on
systematically conducted research
Behavior – activities by people or
animals that can be observed directly or
measured by special techniques
Thinking – unobservable activity by
which a person recognizes past
experiences through the use of symbols
or concepts
Organism – any living person or animal
“Hard Sciences”
Instruments How body’s
Equipment chemistry
relates to mood,
performance &
Sense organs
Nervous system
Focus is on
Describe, explain, predict and influence
Gather information about the behavior being
studied and present what is known
Psychologists seek to explain why people
behave as they do.
A psychologist will propose their explanations in a
hypothesis (an educated guess about some
phenomenon, or a prediction of how the study will
turn out)
A Psychologist will also form a theory- a complex
explanation based on findings from a large number
of studies
Psychologists will predict, using their
accumulated knowledge, what organisms will
do and what they will think or feel in various
Some psychologists seek to influence behavior
in helpful ways.
Many view psychology as an applied science
and are using psychological principles to solve
immediate problems.
To Make sure that data are collected accurately,
psychologists rely on the scientific method.
School of psychology that argues that the mind
consists of sensations, feelings and images that
combine to form experiences
 Focused on the basic elements of human
 Used a systematic procedure to study human
 Introspection- a method of self-observation in
which participants report their thoughts and
William Wundt
School of psychology that emphasizes the uses
or functions of the mind rather than the
elements of experience.
The study of how animals and people adapt to
their environments
Thinking, feeling, learning and remembering
(activities of the mind) serve one function- to
help us survive as a species
Sir Francis Galton
The study of how heredity influences a
person’s ability, character and behavior.
He determined that “greatness” ran in families
Would the world be a better place if we got rid
of ‘undesirable’ people?
Encouraged “good” Marriages to produce
talented offspring
Environment interacts with heredity
Perception is more than the sum of the
parts…it involves a “Whole pattern”.
Gestalt (the German word means form or
whole) is a theory that the brain operates
holistically, with self-organizing tendencies
Theory: A general framework or idea
for scientific study.
behavior is viewed as a reflection of hidden
feelings, unconscious thoughts
created by Sigmund Freud
dream interpretation
behavior is determined by the experiences of
early childhood
All behavior (even instinctive behavior) is the
result of conditioning and occurs because a
stimulus is there.
Reinforcement-a response to a behavior that
increases the likelihood the behavior will be
Focuses on learning through reward and
believes that people are good and need good
striving to reach full potential
people are in control of their own destiny
a person’s self-concept is important
Human nature is evolving and self directedwe are not controlled by environment
Behavior is more than just a quick response to
Emphasizes how behavior is a result of
thinking, internal sentences, and memories
A person’s behavior stems from their
perceptions of reality
This approach emphasizes the impact of
biology on our behavior
examines behavior in terms of the physical
changes and brain chemistry
Behavior is influenced by rules and
expectations of social groups, families or
Studies religion, race, socioeconomic status
Cognitive psychology
Development psychology
Social psychology
Personality psychology
Clinical psychology
Cultural psychology
Health psychology
Educational psychology
Girls tend to sleep more soundly than boys.
Your brain will stop growing in size when you are
about 15 years old.
No one knows why, but more men then women are
color blind about out of every 200 men, as compared
to 1 out of every 200 women.
During an 8 hour sleep, most people have from three
to five dreams, each lasting from 10 to 30 minutes...
and they are in color!
One psychological study has revealed that women
talk about men three times as often as men talk about
The left side of your brain controls the right side of
your body and vice versa.
Girls tend to sleep more soundly than boys.
Your brain will stop growing in size when you are
about 15 years old.
No one knows why, but more men then women are
color blind about out of every 200 men, as compared
to 1 out of every 200 women.
During an 8 hour sleep, most people have from three
to five dreams, each lasting from 10 to 30 minutes...
and they are in color!
One psychological study has revealed that women
talk about men three times as often as men talk about
The left side of your brain controls the right side of
your body and vice versa.